And found.
Lund has apparently pointed to the relevant section of the rules, but not said more.
Those rules:
In the event that a majority of the Reviewers determine, in their sole and unfettered
discretion, that a prospective candidate has not satisfied the mandatory criteria of this
Bylaw or has demonstrated (due to public statements, past improper conduct, a lack
of commitment to democracy, or other reputational or legal jeopardy) that a
prospective candidate is manifestly unfit for the office of Leader of the Party, they
shall advise such Leadership Contestant of their reasons, and shall consider any
response the Leadership Contestant may have in making a final determination of
eligibility hereunder.
That last clause is interesting in that by the rules they are claiming to use, Arya had to be informed of the reason.
So either he hasn't been or he is lying about it.