I have zero idea why people take this position. Politicians engage with people they don't like all the time. You're suggesting leaders should never meet, say, with Putin? Really? No talk? ever?
As Premier, her job is to look out for Albertans. If that means suck up to Trump, then she should suck on to Trump. If she has to get on a plane, she gets on a plane. People's livelihoods depend on how well she sucks up to Trump.
This position of staying home, never talking, never looking for a solution is just infantile. Cutting off your nose to spite your face is just dumb.
Kevin O'Leary other the other hand is a fucktard.
I also note that she's telling the ROC to go pound sand for any retaliatory measures against the US that will hurt oil and gas sales. Good for her. Canada has for too long sucked the teet of Alberta's oil wealth while at the same time demeaning them.
She needs to tie any deal to a new Equalization Payments deal. It's time we stop funding Quebec's excess and the Atlantic provinces.