They're simply your goalposts. You're framing the argument based on what I believe is a narrow perspective.
More importantly, you're getting caught up in what is so far only a the rhetorical debate. I also think anyone who thinks Federal disaster aid doesn't come with any strings attached is naive. You're absolutely right that initial federal disaster aid comes without conditions. Later, more Federal aid is directed towards amelioration efforts. It might be called something else but it's disaster related whether it is a levee, a dam, a reservoir, a seawall, protective wetlands, etc. The Army Corps of Engineers might discuss these efforts with local government, but I assure they will act without local authority when they deem it necessary.
So back to the rhetoric, California will get Federal disaster aid without conditions. Later aid related to the fires will be conditioned on certain fire prevention practices being implemented.
Let's face it. When it comes to California, liberals get all protective and in my opinion hypocritical. People who generally dismiss State's Rights are suddenly protectors of Sacramento in its recalcitrance with the Federal government. (Note: I am not a State's Rights guy.)