Sorry, you're ill informed. Go look up Biden holding weapons if Israel attacked Rafah.
Why did he post that? I don't know he posts all kinds of weird shit, wouldn't be the first time.
I understand what you trying to say but realistically Biden wasn't holding them Back. He has spent his entire political career in unwavering support of Israel dating back to the 70's.
What I believe is the catalyst for this is Trump's unpredictability. Israel doesn't know what he will do, and the transfers from him AND CONGRESS are no longer a guarantee. Part of Trump's mandate is to stop the wars. And the MAGA mob has a head of steam now. Trump will sway to the mob lest they turn.
Hamas however also realizes that Trump could just as easily let things get worse for them.
Trump doesn't actually care about the lives. He just wants the win to look good. I will add that events in Syria have changed the calculations. Hamas is losing allies. And the ability to wage war.