Nice try but why can't Trudeau name the individuals? He had clearance. doesn't he owe Canadians the info on the matter? the liberals are getting laughable each day....
Because the information is classified. Because naming individuals exposes our means and methods, and puts our spy network at risk. It also makes it so other nations won't trust us with classified information. Naming the individuals puts other Canadians at risk.
There may also be criminal investigations going on. Naming individuals puts those investigations at risk.
Sometimes in leadership you have to make the best decision for all involved, not for yourself.
Trudeau has said it's happening. He has specifically encouraged Skippy to get clearance. He has even tried to find a way to give Skippy the information that doesn't harm the country.
Now we're lining up to vote for a guy who is compromised, and we'll all just act surprised when the info comes out? Why, so gas goes down 1c/litre for a day, only for oil companies to raise their prices and profits immediately after?
We are a country of toddlers.