The media has villified him to an extreme, to be fair.
Trudeau never antagonized others or spewed vitriolic hate to divide Canadians, or threatened other nations, like Trump. He introduced $10 a day daycare, dental benefits for seniors and those with low incomes. He legalized weed. He followed the advice of scientists to try to contain covid, and implemented financial benefits such as CERB for the entirety of the pandemic, and loans to help businesses stay afloat. He updated Canadian daily and guided us through the pandemic, when the whole country was living in fear. Trump, meanwhile, was responsible for many deaths after ignoring scientist's advice, causing double the death rate from COVID compared to Canada. He supported Ukraine during the invasion.
Trudeau was at times very popular, but in today's environment where there is such divisivness due to the media and social media being able to manipulate opinions, this is the result.
In this clip you can see how he responds to a very rude man who treats him with disrespect. He has always treated even the most dispresectful people with respect.
In summary, as a liberal, I do think it's time to move on from Trudeau. However, I do think he wasn't this horrendous PM that everyone portrays him to be. The fact that he served 10 years says that the majority of Canadians supported him. All politicians are pretty much the same, and I'm not sure having any other PM in charge would have made our country that much better.