First they where great. I say the Toronto police pre Harris were on the top of the world list at one time. Now compared to my past experience of police forces there pretty bad - the Thailand police are superior - however there still in the worlds top 20% at the least - USA, Russia, Vietnam, North Korea, Somalia, Columbia, Mexico are worse to utterly dangerous and criminal.
Plus to be fair, this is a past assessment. The UK police used to be top notch, but there are reports after COVID of horrible policing and abuse - and a general decline. Perhaps this decline is world wide like inflation. Germany used to have great police but there have been serious failing in the last few years. Others too.
Mexico actually has murder squads in there police department so that a totally different scale of bad compared to son of the police chief as a cop running drugs to Toronto clubs.
Plus Toronto is far harder to police with multiculturalism than it ever has been in the past. There are large populations that do not speak English or French, cultural clashes etc. So maybe this is the best that can be done under those circumstances -adding in more crime, more guns etc (officially less crime - but that is another issue)
I have had both bad experiences with them and great experiences. Bad cops are just tolerated far more than they used to which is bad for the entire police department. Average cops are the norm which is better than most of the world, but a great drop from it used to be.