How do you rate the Toronto Police Services?


Active member
Apr 9, 2022
Overall, and after having lived in a few different countries, they are quite good IMO. You can't form an opinion on an entire task force by the exceptional situations you here in the news/videos. I've had to use the police services before in the past and thought they were excellent in how they handled various situations. Sometimes, I think they are TOO nice though....but I guess this isn't a "big" problem. Policing is a tough fucking job and they aren't always given the respect they deserve. Being able to act "normal" in the eyes of the public while seeing some of the most fucked up shit on a weekly basis is not something that can be taught in school.

Shaquille Oatmeal

Well-known member
Jun 2, 2023
As far as police services go, I think despite the criticism and some corruption, they are still good enough.
Most police forces in the world are very, very corrupt, unprofessional and TPS is much better than them.
This includes the shit hole down south by the way. lol.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2019
It’s a mixed bag anywhere you go for any job.
I believe most do all they can.
More cops on the streets, the city is getting full of punks.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
I don't live in Toronto, but the Niagara Regional Police are quite good.
The few times I've dealt with them they have been very professional.
I think if you treat them the way you want to be treated, you'll be fine.
Same goes for the OPP in Niagara.
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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2019
Above the people
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Well-known member
May 3, 2014
I am in many places around the globe. The Toronto cops are some of the best.


Active member
Nov 12, 2024
Unfortunately without cops we will have anarchy especially how these Pali/muslim activists are running around the streets of major cities offending people lol
But imho it takes a special kind of POS to be a cop
And they are corrupt as fuck


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
I don't live in Toronto, but the Niagara Regional Police are quite good.
The few times I've dealt with them they have been very professional.
I think if you treat them the way you want to be treated, you'll be fine.
Same goes for the OPP in Niagara.
A lot of ex TPS cops on the force, easy last years of retirement. Toronto can be tough on mental health.
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K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
I think we have some of the best investigators, particular in the child sex crimes unit, on the planet.
But overall as a police force I'd say we could use a lot of improvement. I think we train our officers well, we just don't select our candidates that well. Thanks to quotas.
Our top brass is not good. The current chief Demkyiw is a joke.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
I think we have some of the best investigators, particular in the child sex crimes unit, on the planet.
But overall as a police force I'd say we could use a lot of improvement. I think we train our officers well, we just don't select our candidates that well. Thanks to quotas.
Our top brass is not good. The current chief Demkyiw is a joke.
They also have too many of the best:

- liars
- perjurers
- falsifiers of evidence, notebooks
- thieves
- con artists
- sexual assaulters
- wildly excessive/criminal use of force practioners
- convicted cops
- cops under indictments
- cops under summary charges
- cops behaving like, well, like criminals


Well-known member
May 28, 2010
Our Ontario Health Care workers never receive the scrutiny that our Cops do. Yet all they do is bitch and complain and strike.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
All orgs have some bad actors. Because of the responsibility bestowed upon coppers, each mistake is magnified. But I'm tellin' ya I work all throughout Europe and Asia as well as Americas and the TPS is still one best police orgs out there.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
My own experiences with them goes back decades. They were pretty good. Had a few run ins with them where they cut me some slack and let me go on my way. Got an impaired charge decades ago. The cops who arrested me were actually really good. Were laughing at my jokes. Even told the desk sergeant that I was a good guy, and they were going to give me a ride home. Which they did.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
First they where great. I say the Toronto police pre Harris were on the top of the world list at one time. Now compared to my past experience of police forces there pretty bad - the Thailand police are superior - however there still in the worlds top 20% at the least - USA, Russia, Vietnam, North Korea, Somalia, Columbia, Mexico are worse to utterly dangerous and criminal.
Plus to be fair, this is a past assessment. The UK police used to be top notch, but there are reports after COVID of horrible policing and abuse - and a general decline. Perhaps this decline is world wide like inflation. Germany used to have great police but there have been serious failing in the last few years. Others too.

Mexico actually has murder squads in there police department so that a totally different scale of bad compared to son of the police chief as a cop running drugs to Toronto clubs.

Plus Toronto is far harder to police with multiculturalism than it ever has been in the past. There are large populations that do not speak English or French, cultural clashes etc. So maybe this is the best that can be done under those circumstances -adding in more crime, more guns etc (officially less crime - but that is another issue)

I have had both bad experiences with them and great experiences. Bad cops are just tolerated far more than they used to which is bad for the entire police department. Average cops are the norm which is better than most of the world, but a great drop from it used to be.
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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2024
There are clowns and bad apples in every line of work. It's particularly bad when it comes to law enforcement since the consequences can be serious.

I sing the praises of the majority of Toronto police who I think are good people that do good work, and I'm happy to see bad ones called out, reprimanded, and prosecuted when appropriate.

YouTube channels showcasing videos of interactions with TPS are absolutely necessary in a free country.
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