Not sure, but the vast majority of gun used in crimes in Ontario come from the US.Yes. If the government who has a process to inventory guns loses that many, how many do you think "law abiding' gun owners have lost.
But sure, go ahead and move those goalposts once the game is over.
Canadian police chiefs say such cases also show the limits of their government's domestically focused policies to fight gun violence, such as a freeze on handgun purchases, when it has the world's largest civilian gun market on its doorstep.
"We really think that restricting lawful handgun ownership doesn't meaningfully address the real issue, which is illegal handguns obtained from the United States," said Evan Bray, police chief in Regina, capital of Saskatchewan province.
Canada's gun homicide rate in 2020 was an eighth of the rate in the United States, where rules on buying firearms are looser, but it's higher than the rates of many other rich countries and has been rising, according to data from Statistics Canada.
Exclusive data obtained by Reuters for Ontario, Canada's most populous province, shows that when handguns involved in crimes were traced in 2021, they were overwhelmingly - 85% of the time - found to have come from the United States.