Ashley Madison

Switching Condoms Between Women During a Duo


Active member
Jul 22, 2024
During the Reverse Auction thread, a conversation started about one of the scenarios. It requested to not switch condoms between the women during a duo. I have asked that poster to remove that portion of their request. My opinion is that this would be an unsafe act and thus violated the auction rules. I was moderating the thread, and simply missed that line, and then was away for a few days. In hindsight I wish I could have reacted to it sooner to keep the auction feeling positive. The post stayed up unchanged for a week because I didn't ask him to change it until I saw it today.

It was clear from the ensuing responses to the original post that this was an important issue for companions and they had a lot to say. I have started this thread so that that conversation can continue in its own thread.
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Active member
Jul 22, 2024
I would just ask all parties to give OP some grace. The request wasn't the main focus of the fantasy, and was likely just a brain fart. I have to admit that when I first started I asked for something unsafe that I saw in porn. I didn't even realize what I was actually saying until a companion pointed it out, at which point I immediately rescinded my request. What is obvious in hindsight isn't always so obvious when you've been watching people in porn do it that way for potentially years. It doesn't make the request better, and it doesn't help companions who are being challenged on safety and limits all the time, but I also don't think OP is a monster.

Shaquille Oatmeal

Well-known member
Jun 2, 2023
I would just ask all parties to give OP some grace. The request wasn't the main focus of the fantasy, and was likely just a brain fart. I have to admit that when I first started I asked for something unsafe that I saw in porn. I didn't even realize what I was actually saying until a companion pointed it out, at which point I immediately rescinded my request. What is obvious in hindsight isn't always so obvious when you've been watching people in porn do it that way for potentially years. It doesn't make the request better, and it doesn't help companions who are being challenged on safety and limits all the time, but I also don't think OP is a monster.
Yeah I just read the thread.
But there should be no push back after a provider has it pointed out.
I saw one or two guys were pushing back on it.


Active member
Jun 14, 2012
Not switching condoms is obviously unsafe, I don't even know why the question would be needed. You're exposing one provider to the other's vaginal fluids, so any STI which could be passed that way would be a risk (not to mention any tearing, which was noted in the original thread).

Testing would be useless unless the providers agreed to do nothing during the potential incubation period before the tests (which varies depending on the STI) and after until the duo happened, which is a tad unrealistic.

McKenna King

Your Favourite Redhead Next Door
Jul 24, 2024
Condoms should definitely be switched between providers.
Same with fingers.
Dont stick your fingers in one pussy and then put it in another.
Thanks for bringing this up. It actually brings up another great point about switching out condoms, toys and fingers that I think often gets overlooked.

It’s very important to switch out condoms between anal and vaginal sex as well.
I know this doesn’t apply to every provider because not all of us provide anal services. But I implore clients to keep this in mind if they are partaking in any type of anal play with a provider.

No matter how many times you have douched or cleaned out to be ready for anal play, this does not mean that there is less chance of disrupting the very delicate vaginal flora.
The vagina has a very sensitive pH balance and flora that can easily be disrupted by introducing bacteria! This can also be easily disrupted just by using your hands and having bacteria trapped under your fingernails.

I know a lot of ladies here who probably don’t want to break the fourth wall and talk about the more unpleasant sides of this industry. But I guarantee you at least once in our lives as sex workers (or in our personal lives) we’ve all had to deal with either a yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, UTI, or some other unpleasantness, simply due to how sensitive our vaginas can be!
This can also be caused by just not using proper lubricants and or massage oils that are not meant for your vagina. (Also multiple showers a day using harsh soaps can impact the skin barrier leaving it more easily exposed to other conditions etc.)

I’m certainly not putting all of this on clients to remember to take precautions, I believe most providers are hyper aware about the precautions that we all need to take during a session. It’s why most of us are so clear about our hygiene requirements and may sound very picky when we enforce them.
Sometimes this is difficult, especially in the heat of the moment and you don’t want to disrupt a good time by sounding picky or insinuating that something the client is doing is dirty or gross… So I just encourage clients to take a moment to consider all of the other little hygiene aspects that can impact everyone.
Especially when you consider the time off work that some providers will have to take in order to recover from one of these situations. 🙏🥴

FYI - men can catch yeast infections just in case you weren’t aware.

Sorry for the long and sorta adjacent response to this topic.
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Dec 23, 2023
I think it is important to realize that not all risks are the same.

The risk of catching something from DFK or penetration by a finger is much, much lower than DATY, DATO and those are much, much lower than BBFS.

Every SP (and client) has their own line the separates "I will do this" to "I will not do this", and it is important to realize that it is a personal thing and to not push it.

Also important to realize that, barring someone being an actual infectious disease specialist, there are almost certainly things that you think you know (and I am using you in the general sense, not aimed at someone in specific) but that you actually are wrong or misinformed about. And, as a result, there will be some things that you simply won't realize are issues becasue you have never had to deal with it before.


Kingston Gem
Supporting Member
May 17, 2019
For a member to say in the other thread that if I draw the line at condom sharing, I should find another line of work is ridiculous.

I draw the line at bare sex too, which is equally as risky, dare I say even a very very minute amount less risky than condom sharing. Does this also mean I should find another line of work?


As I said in my original post which he seems to have missed, all sexual activities carry some risk. I know this.
The difference between those activities (kissing, BBBJ, DATY) and condom sharing is the level of risk. It is a top tier sexual risk.
Not to mention the risk of vaginal related issues such as BV that someone else had pointed out.

I do think that not all clients actually understand how risky it is or just haven't put much thought to it.
Then we have clients like the members pushing back and being as disrespectful to actually say that if a provider draws the line at one of the riskiest sexual acts, they should find another line of work.

That is like saying to a Fireman for example, you take risks at work everyday anyways, so if you don't run into a fire without your protective gear on, you shouldn't be a Fireman.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2022
As a side note - and simply putting this here because I didn’t want to derail the other thread - but I won’t be taking an opinion or comment seriously from someone who calls himself “bust her hymen”. 🤢🙄
Wait, you will take my money and have sex with me and be all nice but when I post on Terb you insult me because I have a joke username?


Active member
Feb 24, 2024
For a member to say in the other thread that if I draw the line at condom sharing, I should find another line of work is ridiculous.

I draw the line at bare sex too, which is equally as risky, dare I say even a very very minute amount less risky than condom sharing. Does this also mean I should find another line of work?


As I said in my original post which he seems to have missed, all sexual activities carry some risk. I know this.
The difference between those activities (kissing, BBBJ, DATY) and condom sharing is the level of risk. It is a top tier sexual risk.
Not to mention the risk of vaginal related issues such as BV that someone else had pointed out.

I do think that not all clients actually understand how risky it is or just haven't put much thought to it.
Then we have clients like the members pushing back and being as disrespectful to actually say that if a provider draws the line at one of the riskiest sexual acts, they should find another line of work.

That is like saying to a Fireman for example, you take risks at work everyday anyways, so if you don't run into a fire without your protective gear on, you shouldn't be a Fireman.
Agree 100%

I’m actively seen a lady at the moment that is very strict on not taking any chances whatsoever and I find it to be a turn on. From my perspective it’s a sign of intelligence and respect.

How lazy can you be not to take extra precautions ? I don’t get it. It’s certainly not because it cuts back on pleasure.
  • Haha
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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2022
For a member to say in the other thread that if I draw the line at condom sharing, I should find another line of work is ridiculous.

I draw the line at bare sex too, which is equally as risky, dare I say even a very very minute amount less risky than condom sharing. Does this also mean I should find another line of work?


As I said in my original post which he seems to have missed, all sexual activities carry some risk. I know this.
The difference between those activities (kissing, BBBJ, DATY) and condom sharing is the level of risk. It is a top tier sexual risk.
Not to mention the risk of vaginal related issues such as BV that someone else had pointed out.

I do think that not all clients actually understand how risky it is or just haven't put much thought to it.
Then we have clients like the members pushing back and being as disrespectful to actually say that if a provider draws the line at one of the riskiest sexual acts, they should find another line of work.

That is like saying to a Fireman for example, you take risks at work everyday anyways, so if you don't run into a fire without your protective gear on, you shouldn't be a Fireman.
Kitty, you can draw your line in the sand wherever you want. It's completely up to you and it's your body. What I take issue with is you shaming other providers who offer said service that you personally think is unsafe.

Many providers believe uncovered services that you offer are high risk and won't perform them. But that is their decision not yours. You choose your level of risk in this industry. You have no right to shame other providers and clientele because they have different boundaries than you.

McKenna King

Your Favourite Redhead Next Door
Jul 24, 2024
Wait, you will take my money and have sex with me and be all nice but when I post on Terb you insult me because I have a joke username?
Don’t know if we’ve actually ever met. Feel free to email me under whichever email you’ve used to book.
But also feel free to not see me again if you’re insulted.
I find your username and your pushback on these discussions absolutely distasteful.
I’m not on Terb to pander to clients 🤷‍♀️

EDIT: or DM me a screenshot proving we’ve met, you can block out your email to protect your anonymity.
Seeing as you’ve never left a review on me, only tongue in cheek comments on my review threads, I highly doubt we’ve met. But feel free to prove me wrong.
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McKenna King

Your Favourite Redhead Next Door
Jul 24, 2024
Kitty, you can draw your line in the sand wherever you want. It's completely up to you and it's your body. What I take issue with is you shaming other providers who offer said service that you personally think is unsafe.

Many providers believe uncovered services that you offer are high risk and won't perform them. But that is their decision not yours. You choose your level of risk in this industry. You have no right to shame other providers and clientele because they have different boundaries than you.
There’s a difference between shaming (which Kitty never did) and educating which Kitty absolutely did.

No one here was shaming anyone for services they do or don’t provide. But you can’t have a double standard on BBFS and think no one’s going to object to that breaking the rules of the auction.


Kingston Gem
Supporting Member
May 17, 2019
Kitty, you can draw your line in the sand wherever you want. It's completely up to you and it's your body. What I take issue with is you shaming other providers who offer said service that you personally think is unsafe.

Many providers believe uncovered services that you offer are high risk and won't perform them. But that is their decision not yours. You choose your level of risk in this industry. You have no right to shame other providers and clientele because they have different boundaries than you.
I never shamed anyone, only provided information and facts about how unsafe female to female sharing condoms is.

Apparently many people aren't even aware of the danger.
I don't personally "think" it is very unsafe, it is. Period.

Should we hide our head in the sand and pretend that there is no risk with any sexual services for fear of offending someone who does offer it?

I would rather a provider be aware and have knowledge before deciding to offer something.

Many of my services carry a minor risk, it is the reality of kissing, BBBJ, DATY, etc...
I just decide what LEVEL of risk I will take and won't.
You said it yourself, there ARE different levels of risk.

I used to be an all safe provider myself and when people respectfully discuss the risks of services that I now offer, I don't get offended.
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McKenna King

Your Favourite Redhead Next Door
Jul 24, 2024
I never shamed anyone, only provided information and facts about how unsafe female to female sharing condoms is.

Apparently many people aren't even aware of the danger.

Should we hide our head in the sand and pretend that there is no risk with any sexual services for fear of offending someone who does offer it?

I would rather a provider be aware and have knowledge before deciding to offer something.
You don’t even need to defend yourself Kitty. Anyone here with a reasonable level of reading comprehension knows you weren’t shaming anyone.

They’re just trying to deflect their argument by trying to say you or others were shaming providers when that’s not the case at all.
People tend to deflect when they can’t make a solid argument to support their opinion.


Active member
Jul 22, 2024
As a side note - and simply putting this here because I didn’t want to derail the other thread - but I won’t be taking an opinion or comment seriously from someone who calls himself “bust her hymen”. 🤢🙄

Lol, I am deeply ashamed to admit that I never pieced this together before. I thought Buster Highman was a drug reference. Fuck, I'm getting old ....


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Health issues are more than just sti's. I have been told by my regs how much they appreciate how I wash hands or use one hand if kitty is in play for one lady and other hand for other lady. Hell, I love to Dato my fave ladies and I bring a small listerine and give myself a swish about when done even though they're spotless clean. Last visit the ladies said "you know, we dont say enough how much we all (was a trio lol) have always appreciate how conscientious you are with us."

I think porn misleads blokes into thinking they can stick a finger up her bum then stick it in her kitty. Nope.
The lads need to realise that her health is your health. Look out for each other so we can all enjoy the industry.
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Well-known member
May 3, 2014
BTW it was strange but 2 female condoms could solve the switching problem.
Used one once it took getting used to. Normally you pull a bare dick out of a lady you go into panic mode lol.
Staying rock hard didn't get weiner choked out.
Stayed well kept thinking I might be jamming it into her.
Would be willing to try again. Knew a bloke used 4 in a duo with 2 ladies who each enjoyed Greek and he bounded about the 4 different holes uninterrupted lol.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Thanks for bringing this up. It actually brings up another great point about switching out condoms, toys and fingers that I think often gets overlooked.

It’s very important to switch out condoms between anal and vaginal sex as well.
I know this doesn’t apply to every provider because not all of us provide anal services. But I implore clients to keep this in mind if they are partaking in any type of anal play with a provider.

No matter how many times you have douched or cleaned out to be ready for anal play, this does not mean that there is less chance of disrupting the very delicate vaginal flora.
The vagina has a very sensitive pH balance and flora that can easily be disrupted by introducing bacteria! This can also be easily disrupted just by using your hands and having bacteria trapped under your fingernails.

I know a lot of ladies here who probably don’t want to break the fourth wall and talk about the more unpleasant sides of this industry. But I guarantee you at least once in our lives as sex workers (or in our personal lives) we’ve all had to deal with either a yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, UTI, or some other unpleasantness, simply due to how sensitive our vaginas can be!
This can also be caused by just not using proper lubricants and or massage oils that are not meant for your vagina. (Also multiple showers a day using harsh soaps can impact the skin barrier leaving it more easily exposed to other conditions etc.)

I’m certainly not putting all of this on clients to remember to take precautions, I believe most providers are hyper aware about the precautions that we all need to take during a session. It’s why most of us are so clear about our hygiene requirements and may sound very picky when we enforce them.
Sometimes this is difficult, especially in the heat of the moment and you don’t want to disrupt a good time by sounding picky or insinuating that something the client is doing is dirty or gross… So I just encourage clients to take a moment to consider all of the other little hygiene aspects that can impact everyone.
Especially when you consider the time off work that some providers will have to take in order to recover from one of these situations. 🙏🥴

FYI - men can catch yeast infections just in case you weren’t aware.

Sorry for the long and sorta adjacent response to this topic.
Thanks for this. tons of great points here. TBH I don’t even know why the switching condoms thing is even a question. Bbfs for you (the client) is not an option, why would someone then be ok with what is the equivalent of bbfs with the duo partner?? I’ve not done a lot of duos, but the few I have done, I don’t even remember the condom swap tho I know it happened based on the number of used condoms around after we were done! Lol.
Participating in this world works best with a few non negotiable rules. Shower (which includes lathering up your cock, balls and yes your ass, at least twice) / mouthwash before session. Condom for penetrative sex. Swap condom between orifices, whether they belong to the same person or a different one. Trim your nails and keep your hands clean and smooth. Respect boundaries. If you go in with these expectations, there is a lot less to worry about, and there is a lot more time and energy to focus on having a good time.

I made a similar point in another thread that you raised too in your “fourth wall” comment. That point was, vaginas are amazing, but complicated and occasionally prone to problems. If you are a guy who likes to have sex with vaginas, you need to a) respect the measures that women need to do to stay healthy and avoid injury and b) accept that as a guy who likes to have sex with women, you will inevitably encounter unexpected situations that are beyond the control of your partner (whether paid or civilian) such as periods, yeast infections, BV, UTI etc.
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