Thanks for bringing this up. It actually brings up another great point about switching out condoms, toys and fingers that I think often gets overlooked.
It’s very important to switch out condoms between anal and vaginal sex as well.
I know this doesn’t apply to every provider because not all of us provide anal services. But I implore clients to keep this in mind if they are partaking in any type of anal play with a provider.
No matter how many times you have douched or cleaned out to be ready for anal play, this does not mean that there is less chance of disrupting the very delicate vaginal flora.
The vagina has a very sensitive pH balance and flora that can easily be disrupted by introducing bacteria! This can also be easily disrupted just by using your hands and having bacteria trapped under your fingernails.
I know a lot of ladies here who probably don’t want to break the fourth wall and talk about the more unpleasant sides of this industry. But I guarantee you at least once in our lives as sex workers (or in our personal lives) we’ve all had to deal with either a yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, UTI, or some other unpleasantness, simply due to how sensitive our vaginas can be!
This can also be caused by just not using proper lubricants and or massage oils that are not meant for your vagina. (Also multiple showers a day using harsh soaps can impact the skin barrier leaving it more easily exposed to other conditions etc.)
I’m certainly not putting all of this on clients to remember to take precautions, I believe most providers are hyper aware about the precautions that we all need to take during a session. It’s why most of us are so clear about our hygiene requirements and may sound very picky when we enforce them.
Sometimes this is difficult, especially in the heat of the moment and you don’t want to disrupt a good time by sounding picky or insinuating that something the client is doing is dirty or gross… So I just encourage clients to take a moment to consider all of the other little hygiene aspects that can impact everyone.
Especially when you consider the time off work that some providers will have to take in order to recover from one of these situations.

FYI - men can catch yeast infections just in case you weren’t aware.
Sorry for the long and sorta adjacent response to this topic.