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Shaquille Oatmeal

Well-known member
Jun 2, 2023
There's a reason why trump took all the swing states.
There won't be much in the way this time.
Presidency, Senate, House and the Supreme Court.

You'll have some soy -based activists and a Mayor or two, but the people have spoken.
This won't be as hard as your making it out to be.
He took the swing states in 2016 too.
Had the senate and the house.
Failed to repeal Obamacare or get anything done.
I predict he will get bogged down in the courts.

Shaquille Oatmeal

Well-known member
Jun 2, 2023
Since you admire China so much...How do you think they deal with illegal immigrants?

I'm assuming there are people that want to live there because it's such a successful country and all.
I dont "admire" China.
I was asked to provide an example of a successful country that was communist.
I provided an example.
JohnLarue was trying to argue they were not successful.
That is objectively untrue.


Well-known member
Sep 5, 2001
you must admit though,

it was funny

also you went a little overboard yourself

" and attempts on his life will escalate "

is that your wish?

calling somebody pussy and wishing someone be assassinated

which one is worse?
Nope not wishing it at all, just stating that's what will probably happen, like it already did with the 2 attempts.
Also that's not funny what I was going to say was
Can always depend on the MAGA crowd to resort to name calling... but I rather be a pussy than an asshole, where as with an asshole shit comes out of you all the time and on occasion you take Dicks from both genders..

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Shaquille Oatmeal

Well-known member
Jun 2, 2023
People are done with the Virtue Signalling.
It's up to the DNC on what they want to do.
You realize the virtue signalling, woke etc is not going to end though, right?
It will only get stronger.
Newton's 3rd law.
But I believe the DNC will have a stronger strategy for 2028.
They better. lol.


Jun 29, 2019
but I rather be a pussy than an asshole, where as with an asshole shit comes out of you all the time and on occasion you take Dicks from both genders..

you are not just a pussy but a smelly pussy

"As a Canadian, I don't like the hate speech Trump spews and his immature behavior appeals to the frat minded males and closet racist. Just looking at him gives me anxiety and looking at his weird hand and body movements make me cringe lol.

What this election has proven is that America is full of racist, hateful people, with double standards and selfish views.

I give him 1 yr before one of his own supporters realized he lied, and attempts on his life will escalate. He will have no excuse as he controls the house, senate and Supreme courts."

and a racist pussy,

perfect example what an ugly, cancer like affliction the lefties have become


aka Dick Dastardly
Dec 2, 2022
You realize the virtue signalling, woke etc is not going to end though, right?
It will only get stronger.
Newton's 3rd law.
But I believe the DNC will have a stronger strategy for 2028.
They better. lol.
Well I'll explain it like this: The women vote was suppose to be a weak spot for Trump because of his stance on abortion. Didn't happen.
So if you think virtue signalling is a winning ticket, the DNC is going to be in some tough elections going forward.
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Shaquille Oatmeal

Well-known member
Jun 2, 2023
Well I'll explain it like this: The women vote was suppose to be a weak spot for Trump because of his stance on abortion. Didn't happen.
So if you think virtue signalling is a winning ticket, the DNC is going to be in some tough elections going forward.
Abortion is not a virtue signal issue.
It is a very real health issue.
But I guess economy > abortions (which most people dont need).

Shaquille Oatmeal

Well-known member
Jun 2, 2023
Annnnddd there it is. Imagine hating one person sooo badly that you wish failure on the other 330 million residents, as well as the 10-20 million illegal immigrants. Thank you shaq, for showing your true colors. What a waste of a person. I hope you're at least an organ donor so you life can mean something in the end because you are literally what's wrong with society at this point and I'm glad you showed us that today.
Hating a POS and some of his policies.
And he will fail.
Wait and watch.
In 4 years Americans will be crying for the Dems.
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Shaquille Oatmeal

Well-known member
Jun 2, 2023
You're wishing for it, praying for it despite that not being in the best interest of an entire country. A true gentleman would wish him well and let him succumb to his own demise but not spiteful shaqypoo. Fuck the whole country, let it burn. Your parents did a bang up job with you bro.
Why will anyone wish a politician well who means to do harm to millions of people?

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
I dont "admire" China.
I was asked to provide an example of a successful country that was communist.
I provided an example.
JohnLarue was trying to argue they were not successful.
That is objectively untrue.
The Uyghurs would disagree with your successful description...
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Shaquille Oatmeal

Well-known member
Jun 2, 2023
That's just you making assumptions cupcake. When you assume, you make an ass out of you, in front of me. Funny, you've been doing that all day....
You said you'd want a certain basketball player to have been aborted.
Per the right's stance, abortion = murder.
Hence you wished death upon this random person.
No assumptions here.
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Shaquille Oatmeal

Well-known member
Jun 2, 2023
Regardless, you would prefer to see the whole country burn instead of saying something to the effect of 'I hope he comes to his senses' or 'I hope he has a change of heart'. But no, you're hateful, spiteful and as petty as a sewer rat. I hope karma finds you well...
Dont be naive Jimi.
Him succeeding with some of his policies is going to cause the whole country to burn.
  • Haha
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aka Dick Dastardly
Dec 2, 2022
Abortion is not a virtue signal issue.
It is a very real health issue.
But I guess economy > abortions (which most people dont need).
It's much more than that.
There is a discussion the DNC must have but people like you won't allow that discussion to happen.
You only want people to see it one way, even if it's against their own interest.
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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2023
I won't go into details but for me it's mostly based on financial discrimination and stigmatization and violence which I will not get into.

Not related to c36, sesta fosta this time, but still traumatic I was stopped at the border in 2018. At this time they were testing the facial recognition system at Pearson airport. I was retired then, about to go back to school and traveling to Vegas for my best friend birthday. They stopped me and detained me for about 7 or 8 hours (until the border closed) and they questioned me non stop telling me that if I admit what I do they would let me pass and other bullshit. I was not allowed to touch my phone, call a friend or even tell my friend what was going on. The found some old stuff and banned me for 10 yrs even if I was not going to work and was not a sex worker anymore. I lost my entire trip. No refund.

The sesta fosta said: if you HAVE BEEN a sex workers within the last 10 yrs, you are not admissible to enter the USA.

Following this my American credit card was revoked and my access to credit became difficult.

Not only that I am scared to travel. To ruin everyone's vacation because of my terrible job. Because with laws like this even if you get out you are stain forever.

This is just part of it. I think that's enough for 1 sitting.
Thanks for sharing. That’s definitely traumatic and they definitely profile Asian and certain other women travelling alone for being sex workers if you can’t tell them what your job is or salient details about your travel. The funny thing is, this is why women get trafficked. To cross borders without being harassed.

@Josephine long post

Here is a more right leaning whore perspective on the Bill. Girls reading it will not like it 😂

I think there’s very little that’s wrong with Bill C-36. It still fully retains all the protections sex workers got before in Supreme Court, and the changes to problematic language in Bill C-49. Nothing changed for the worse with this Bill. We can still work safely and legally.

I might even argue it cares more about women, than what existed before it.

Yes they limited places of sex work — there have always been laws in Toronto about not having places of sex work near schools, and laws about signage in residential neighborhoods. I don’t think that’s oppressive to SWs.That is just sensible.

Do you know why we have so many one way streets downtown? It was so Johns couldn’t cruise around as easily for street hookers 🤣. Street hookers are considered a nuisance. That shouldn’t offend anyone. And, it’s not safe for them anyway. Nobody wants to walk through a track full of prostitutes. It’s scary and indecent. They shouldn’t be out there.

As long as the bill doesn’t push women into unsafe places (like the street) then it’s doing its job to protect our safety. That was the point of changing the laws before. To get them safe, and off the street.

Do you support complete decriminalization? There is only one aspect of that I like, which is the government not having a say in how or why or who I fuck, and just the privacy of it.

But, I don’t think it’s necessary nor is it responsible, and it’s been shown to have poor outcomes now that it’s been some time after they did it in NZ and somewhat in Finland.

There’s always going to be people who think decriminalization is just so women can just peddle pussy unfettered anywhere they want. Fuck no. Nobody wants to live in some weird dystopian sex tourism capital.

Besides, it is still largely decriminalized in this bill regardless, for SWs. Bill C-36 is about public nuisance issues mainly, protection of children/family secondly, and encouraging women not to do this job and helping them exit the industry.

Do our rights to do sex work out in the open matter more than public nuisance and kids? I think they absolutely do not. Sex is a private adult thing, it doesn’t belong out in the public domain IMO. That doesn’t endanger SWs at all, it’s just asking for us to respect other members of our society. We have civic duties too.

Many women get trapped in this job just from having no work experience, skills, network of normal people etc. so what’s wrong with the bill helping them exit? It’s often not a good thing when this is your only option.

The talking point I come across the most with hoes, is that this kind wording “stigmatizes” sex work as a terrible path for women, but I am fine with that personally. Sex work is not ideal usually, and I don’t think it should be normalized as some legitimate option, as if it is perfectly unproblematic. We all know that’s a lie.

I’m fine with sex work remaining an underbelly industry, and somewhat clandestine. If we keep it private, stigma shouldn’t even matter. Stigmatization is what keeps it a bit suppressed. That’s how we organically morally regulate things.

And what’s wrong with the light stigmatization introduced in Bill C-36 anyway? It’s hardly a condemnation. Is it so people don’t judge us for being sluts 😅?

We can’t reduce political discourse on rights to “don’t judge me!” — that is juvenile.

I don’t fully buy the “stigmatization = more violence” argument I’ve always heard, either. This is only true with certain stipulations. Another questionable talking point from hoe scholars.

I also think SW should be stigmatized on some level because frankly, I am tired of every public discourse being about sex and sexual orientation. It’s just sex stuff being constantly discussed, ad infinitum. Talking about who fucks who, or why, or how. Like you go on a dating app now, and people have all these weird BDSM acronyms and stuff. Why not just put your hobbies and interests? It’s gross and uncivilized. Same goes for LGBT123 stuff.

And yeah, as with places of sex work, I don’t want any of that stuff discussed around kids either. So it’s the same principle. That’s not sexual education. If anything it retards their natural sexual education and development. It confuses them. They don’t need to hear about all that.

I am not sure what sex worker rights are being lost with this bill at all.

I don’t believe you can answer me either, because I asked you. Three times.

Oh and, last thing, it also criminalized men to buy sex from us, but that’s a GOOD thing for us. It keeps us safe, bc they know we have the upper hand legally if something happens and they don’t act up while alone with us. This is a great protection for us.

It looks to me like they made this bill FOR women. Not to hurt us. I just can’t see it that way. I mean, if you aren’t exactly sure how it hurts you, then at least consider how it helps potentially? And if you can’t see that, there probably is no issue worth discussing at all about Bill C-36.

I obviously haven’t been doing this since 2014, but I think sex worker rights are perfectly preserved, and they aren’t going to just throw out our Supreme Court decisions now because of a change to a Conservative government. You shouldn’t be voting with whoredom as your hinge issue anyway, you should vote for who is best government for all of us, tbh.

I am but everything is based on it, and it affect everything around. C36 was built on it and so is sesta fosta. It's a cover.
A cover for what?
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