Ashley Madison

Support of Israeli genocide costs Harris and the dems the election


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2023

You've been taken in by anti-Israel propaganda. That is a map of the Assyrian Empire not Greater Israel.

I also find Israelis instigating a riot in Amsterdam to be dubious. Dutch football fans have become the most violent in Europe. Their conduct during the Euro speaks for itself.

Agree on the football but who the hell cares to watch what is obviously just retardation and distractions? Re. the map we can wiggle the borders a bit, but that’s the point of Greater Israel, innit? The exegesis of purported scripture on where the Holy Land be at on either side, oddly always seems to match US interests. Even propaganda about the propaganda about the propaganda on that stuff is super convenient. Then we sit around and blame religion or racism or whatever and think we can change a damn thing about it. Call that map what you want for the time being.

Anyway, I’ll leave the convo by repeating my main point:

The US can’t outright do this on their own. That’s why I say they are cucked and beholden to Israel. Anyone who thinks these goals are going to change with silly populist voting and election of a certain party is incredibly naive, that's all I am saying.

Fighting about all this stuff and voting based on it is really pointless, and I think shows utter disregard for what is happening in our own countries. What is happening out there is not going to change.
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Every time I say something casually and non-aggressively, you respond with some copy and pasted generic sources, and try to Big Boy me. No offense but I find being tagged with outright parroting really exasperating and I already know what kind of info I will find within. I am not a parrot.

On every conflict there being "different" — there IS a common thread in all of them. It is, and always has been, the objective of Greater Israel. Have a look at the map of what that is supposed to look like once they get done in there. None of this is about maintaining “peaceful” relations and it’s not about scripture either. It's not about zionism or antisemitism, just no

It’s been a very deliberate step by step carrying out of geopolitical and economic goals in the Middle East, often done by bullshit demonstrable false flag operations; cannot believe I have to say this out loud in 2024 after decades of the same shit over and over. It actually feels silly to have to write this out.

Like gee, what coincidence that they would incidentally control that part of the Red Sea and slowly but surely encroach every one these borders and bodies of water such that everyone would have to literally go around the southernmost peninsula of fucking Africa to transport a certain black substance to avoid exchanging hands with these folk. I don't need to post another map to show why that isn't an economically viable route lol

View attachment 375377

The US can’t outright do this on their own. That’s why I say they are cucked and beholden to Israel. Anyone who thinks these goals are going to change with silly populist voting and election of a certain party is incredibly naive, that's all I am saying.

That isn’t even the end or all of it but I won’t say more. I’ll keep my ethical stance on it to myself and hope nobody assumes what it is because I am not that predictable, and you’d likely guess wrong. Too sensitive of a topic.
Except for the peace treaties signed by Israel with Jordan and Egypt. The the negotiated and pending one with Saudi Arabia that was temporarily derailed by October 7th.

Israel does want to increase its land share absolutely. For both security and prosperity. I hold no illusions there. But it will also Essentially end with Gaza, the West Bank and the Gokan Heights. That is a crapload of area to develop. Literally a century's worth.

And those peace deals by the way we're brokered by the USA.

The Palestinians are the poor decision makers of the Arab World. Repeated failed attempts at wars with Israel. They turned Jordan against them with Terror activities on their soil and coup attempt in the 70's(look up the plane highjackings). Then they allied with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt that saw Terror activities there, as well as the Assassination of Anwar Sadat, for the peace deal. Supported Saddam Hussains invasion of Kuwait and were forced out there. Notice no one will let them in now in the region.

Then the big sin of allying with Shia Iran. The Sunni Muslims are at war with them. It's not spoken of much. Doing that effectively made them pariahs.

As well the USA allies in the region see the economic benefits of a hybrid Westernization of their nation's and are slowly bringing the populations along.

Basically Iran is using the Palestinians as useful tools to rile up the Arab in the Street. They don't hive a shit about them and want the deaths for propaganda purposes. Its been ongoing since the Iranian revolution.

In my opinion due to 75 years of bloody violence, and two peoples who cannot reconcile things, the following is true. There will not be a one state solution, or a two state solution. Just a winner, and a loser. It will take time, but it's inevitable that the Palestinians will be assimilated or pushed out, mostly into North East Africa, with a further dispora writ small into western nations, or killed. It will take decades, but it's going to happen.

And the borders I mentioned will stabilize, with the added comment that if Lebanon can get its act together govt wise, that border will stabilize as well.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Agree on the football but who the hell cares to watch what is obviously just retardation and distractions? Re. the map we can wiggle the borders a bit, but that’s the point of Greater Israel, innit? The exegesis of purported scripture on where the Holy Land be at on either side, oddly always seems to match US interests. Then we blame religion or racism or whatever and think we can change a damn thing about it. Call that map what you want for the time being.

Anyway, I’ll leave the convo by repeating my main point:

The US can’t outright do this on their own. That’s why I say they are cucked and beholden to Israel. Anyone who thinks these goals are going to change with silly populist voting and election of a certain party is incredibly naive, that's all I am saying.

Fighting about all this stuff and voting based on it is really pointless, and I think shows utter disregard for what is happening in our own countries. What is happening out there is not going to change.
As to "fighting" about it Michael Moore said it best when he said he won't lay blame at Muslim Americans feet for not voting for the Dems. It's their family members being killed and to ask for pragmatism is ridiculous. So yes voting, or not voting on this is not pointless for some. It does send a message.

What's interesting is the theory that Bibi will stop when Trump is in office and this was purposeful. It echoes what happened in 1980 with Reagan, and the Iranian Hostages.

Being the World policeman means the body cams footage is now available. So it does affect elections.


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
Except for the peace treaties signed by Israel with Jordan and Egypt. The the negotiated and pending one with Saudi Arabia that was temporarily derailed by October 7th.

Israel does want to increase its land share absolutely. For both security and prosperity. I hold no illusions there. But it will also Essentially end with Gaza, the West Bank and the Gokan Heights. That is a crapload of area to develop. Literally a century's worth.

And those peace deals by the way we're brokered by the USA.

The Palestinians are the poor decision makers of the Arab World. Repeated failed attempts at wars with Israel. They turned Jordan against them with Terror activities on their soil and coup attempt in the 70's(look up the plane highjackings). Then they allied with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt that saw Terror activities there, as well as the Assassination of Anwar Sadat, for the peace deal. Supported Saddam Hussains invasion of Kuwait and were forced out there. Notice no one will let them in now in the region.

Then the big sin of allying with Shia Iran. The Sunni Muslims are at war with them. It's not spoken of much. Doing that effectively made them pariahs.

As well the USA allies in the region see the economic benefits of a hybrid Westernization of their nation's and are slowly bringing the populations along.

Basically Iran is using the Palestinians as useful tools to rile up the Arab in the Street. They don't hive a shit about them and want the deaths for propaganda purposes. Its been ongoing since the Iranian revolution.

In my opinion due to 75 years of bloody violence, and two peoples who cannot reconcile things, the following is true. There will not be a one state solution, or a two state solution. Just a winner, and a loser. It will take time, but it's inevitable that the Palestinians will be assimilated or pushed out, mostly into North East Africa, with a further dispora writ small into western nations, or killed. It will take decades, but it's going to happen.

And the borders I mentioned will stabilize, with the added comment that if Lebanon can get its act together govt wise, that border will stabilize as well.
Poorly educated
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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
As to "fighting" about it Michael Moore said it best when he said he won't lay blame at Muslim Americans feet for not voting for the Dems. It's their family members being killed and to ask for pragmatism is ridiculous. So yes voting, or not voting on this is not pointless for some. It does send a message.

What's interesting is the theory that Bibi will stop when Trump is in office and this was purposeful. It echoes what happened in 1980 with Reagan, and the Iranian Hostages.

Being the World policeman means the body cams footage is now available. So it does affect elections.
Primitive racism


Well-known member
May 14, 2008


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I have posted the facts and opinions from a variety of sources displaying that Israel and the US are allies. Nothing cut and paste about it. You can deny them if you wish but facts are facts.

The US is looking after their own interests. There is nothing more complicated than that.
Repeating a wiki post that also says that that relationship is screwed is hardly a solid argument, Shazi.

All zionism can offer the world is racist hate and 19th century colonial settler genocide.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
That will not be a fruitful conversation here 😅, I prob shouldn’t have even said what I did say but I’m at the bounds of perceived neutrality now and won’t step over that line
Of course it won't be fruitful, but hopefully entertaining.
I'm a left winger but enjoying your views.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
But Trump is even more pro Israel. In any case the US is Israels bitch.
Trump also said he was talking with Netanyahu daily and working with him to make sure there was no ceasefire to kill Harris' election.
He also said he wants it ended before he takes office.

He's a bullshitter but really, short of nuking Gaza there isn't much that trump could do that would be worse than the last year.



Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Repeating a wiki post that also says that that relationship is screwed is hardly a solid argument, Shazi.
You could not refute anything in that wiki article. Only shoot the messenger.

No comment on that statement from the US Department of State?

And what are the credentials of that cheap looking cite that eats up more of TERB's bandwidth.

I use US State Department sources and Reuters and you use "I'll jizz on ya" and pollsters who really want to be gamers.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You could not refute anything in that wiki article. Only shoot the messenger.

No comment on that statement from the US Department of State?

And what are the credentials of that cheap looking cite that eats up more of TERB's bandwidth.

I use US State Department sources and Reuters and you use "I'll jizz on ya" and pollsters who really want to be gamers.
Israel just cost Harris the election, Shazi.
Your genocide gave the world 4 more years of rump.
You think the combo of genocide and rump are going to be good for the US?

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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2023
Of course it won't be fruitful, but hopefully entertaining.
I'm a left winger but enjoying your views.
Haha, thanks! I think I should give it a bit of a rest on the forum, I’ve been trying to tech detox but the elections and the Indians made me manic 😂. I need to touch grass hit the gym and stop being terminally online.

I’ll come fight with everyone again some other time I am excited about something LMAO
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