Yup, I have. Same with Paul Staments.
You sound surprised he is “ bright and articulate “ despite taking psychedelics.
Does psychedelics make you smarter? What an amazing question
They are studying psychedelics for depression only because of government mandate
WTF, becoming brighter is not important to study?
More likely psychedelics takes your brain out of the box
and helps you assimulate what you already know in a new way
Not exactly the same thing as becoming smarter
For example, can someone who is average in high school math, by definition
that is the majority of us, become a Carl Sagan ? BTW, Sagan smoked a lot of dope and I believe it to be a psychedelic, just on a lower scale , he admiitted it to me in a one on one meet after a talk at the U of T , but I suspect he was a math whiz anyways
Same with Mckenna and Staments. They were bright before psychedelics
Stamets used mushroom to cure his severe stuttering and cured it in one dose!
There is no known cure for stuttering !
I want to be math whiz. I got honors in all the hard high school math courses
but I had to work hard to do it so I am no math whiz. Grades would of got me into engineering but I realized it was a pipe dream
This is a crucial social issue, as computers take over there will be fewer blue collar jobs so WTF are the majority of people gonna do if they are incapable of doing a hard university degree? Is psychedelics the cure for the intellectual indisposition of the masses?