This post clearly demonstrates your fundamental misapprehension of the role of a vaccine. It cannot protect you from getting infected. I was going to say.. like a mask can prevent inhaling a viable dose of aerosolized virus' sufficient to start an infection. Nor does it cure a COVID infection.
A vaccine simply prepares your own immune system to fight an infection once you have an active infection. It does this by showing your immune system an imitation virus, like a photograph, and letting your own immune system then try several attempts at creating antibodies (known as an immune response) that may be effective against the virus. This preparation of your immune system is the entire theory behind all immunology. To reduce the severity of the symptoms and adverse effects of an actual, potentially fatal or long-COVID etc infection.
It is the immune response of each individual to a vaccine that varies from person to person that causes the complications. I can eat peanuts, others can die from the false immune over-response to a substance that is not a pathogen. It is arguable that those who had adverse effects of the vaccines would have had the same, if not worse immune response if they became infected with the live virus.
I got 4 Moderna vaccine doses but still got COVID twice. No adverse reactions when I got vaccinated. However, my first COVID infection was pretty strong but the acute symptoms only lasted 3-4 days. I got infected with COVID again about a year later with very mild symptoms. However, turns out the first COVID infection that the Dr's think I got through my eyes, caused long lasting cardiac complications that only became evident this spring. Some day I will share my story. It's pretty interesting. I met a lot of Doc's and there was extensive discussion on whether it may have been caused by the mRNA vaccine. However, the complications I had could only be caused by an actual viral infection of my heart. And the clue that mattered most was the ACE conenction between my extremely painful eyes and my cardiomyopathy. There are indeed many, many document cases of vaccine induced myocarditis but in my case, I did not get acute myocarditis.
Having said all that, all my Dr's and one in particular who is a lifelong friend is a cardiopulmonoligist, all advised against the latest COVID vaccine for me. They said that because my heart has only recently recovered from the infection, that I should not risk any unknown immune response at this point. They also said that the variant being distributed this fall in Ontario is not designed for the latest COVID variant. Since I already likely have significant broad immunity from COVID in general by the many vaccines and two infection, there is little benefit to this particular vaccine variant for me. However, they mostly still recommend annual COVID vaccinations for their normal, typical patients.
As to the mRNA scare tactic bullshit of it modifying your DNA. Just shows how medially illiterate and ignorant they are.
mRNA is nothing to do with modifying your own DNA. Think of it as a digital photograph as opposed to a film photograph representing a live/attenuated virus.