Ashley Madison

Are you bored?


Jun 1, 2024
I'm 50 plus and some bad investments mean I'm not retiring anytime soon. I work in the trade so it's not getting easier physically plus I've noticed ageism creeping in as I'm not getting many replies when I apply to jobs. I have a job but always apply.

I'm currently off a few weeks and am bored most of the time. I know people say join this club or that club but I don't really enjoy people either. Today I was in a coffee shop to cure my boredom and a 75 year old man talked with me for an hour about his life which I lost interest after a few minutes. He seemed bored too and looked like he just wanted to talk to someone other than his wife.

I don't have the kids/grandkids thing so that doesn't help. For the retirees does boredom creep in? I am a part time passport bro to Thailand but I even get bored there now. Usually drink too much to pass the time. I've all but quit drinking here as I've passed many a day sitting on barstools.

My only option is to open a business or possibly buy a franchise to stay occupied, but at my age I have to make damn sure it succeeds. Too old to open a trade related business. Any suggestions, gigolo doesn't pay enough and my ass is killing me. ;).

Just some out loud observations.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
I'm 50 plus and some bad investments mean I'm not retiring anytime soon. I work in the trade so it's not getting easier physically plus I've noticed ageism creeping in as I'm not getting many replies when I apply to jobs. I have a job but always apply.

I'm currently off a few weeks and am bored most of the time. I know people say join this club or that club but I don't really enjoy people either. Today I was in a coffee shop to cure my boredom and a 75 year old man talked with me for an hour about his life which I lost interest after a few minutes. He seemed bored too and looked like he just wanted to talk to someone other than his wife.

I don't have the kids/grandkids thing so that doesn't help. For the retirees does boredom creep in? I am a part time passport bro to Thailand but I even get bored there now. Usually drink too much to pass the time. I've all but quit drinking here as I've passed many a day sitting on barstools.

My only option is to open a business or possibly buy a franchise to stay occupied, but at my age I have to make damn sure it succeeds. Too old to open a trade related business. Any suggestions, gigolo doesn't pay enough and my ass is killing me. ;).

Just some out loud observations.
I just picked up this book today at the library book store. Looks interesting.
Most of my life was boring and I was a boring guy. I am twenty years older than you and didn't wake up till late. Too late most would say. But I have come to realize that I wasted my life by lacking self awareness. You can change things by investing 30 minutes in yourself daily, towards improving your outlook and your functionality. I know I brought on all the boredom in my life on myself by being too stupid to look outside myself. And within myself.

the brain that changes itself.jpg
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Mr Deeds

Muff Diver Extraordinaire
Mar 10, 2013
I'm fucking bord to tears too, tried retiring in Ecuador and lasted 3 months, so I came back here only to find the cost of living is out of control and realizing what a shit hole Toronto has become, so I went back to work just feel relevant and I'm finding myself in the same monotonous rut I been in all my life.
I realize that life is what you make it but some how the motivation just isn't there. finding a relationship at this stage isn't realistic as im too set in my ways and transactional companionship isn't really doing it for me any more. Getting old really sucks


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
I learn to keep busy, although I don't live in TO.
Also I manage to go to AA or any 12 steps program to pass the time and find myself.

I take weekend workshops. Or one day classes / workshops. Or 8 weeks.

Hobbies to expansive.
Declutter my place.

Learning to sort of keep busy is a job.

Dating I have learn people with FWB have issues. Gold diggers looking for guys with money or hardly any because they never saved a little, it is a battle.
Volunteering helps a lot.

I thought we covered this.
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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2021
I'm 50 plus and some bad investments mean I'm not retiring anytime soon. I work in the trade so it's not getting easier physically plus I've noticed ageism creeping in as I'm not getting many replies when I apply to jobs. I have a job but always apply.

I'm currently off a few weeks and am bored most of the time. I know people say join this club or that club but I don't really enjoy people either. Today I was in a coffee shop to cure my boredom and a 75 year old man talked with me for an hour about his life which I lost interest after a few minutes. He seemed bored too and looked like he just wanted to talk to someone other than his wife.

I don't have the kids/grandkids thing so that doesn't help. For the retirees does boredom creep in? I am a part time passport bro to Thailand but I even get bored there now. Usually drink too much to pass the time. I've all but quit drinking here as I've passed many a day sitting on barstools.

My only option is to open a business or possibly buy a franchise to stay occupied, but at my age I have to make damn sure it succeeds. Too old to open a trade related business. Any suggestions, gigolo doesn't pay enough and my ass is killing me. ;).

Just some out loud observations.
I got a dog. We go for walks every day. Play fetch. It helps me.

Also found a young stripper who really understands me. We talk in the club and have the most intense weekly session imaginable. That also helps me.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Words of wisdom that really hit home to me and stayed with me were from a mamasan at an Asian AMP. She was famously a bitch, but addictively great. So she asked me during a lull in the conversation "are you lonely?" I said yes. I asked her if she ever was. She said "no. I'm working all the time and I've got the girls to talk to"
She then snapped at me "if your life is so sad and boring.....MAKE A MILLION DOLLARS!" I know she was worth a few million by then. She was very successful.
I went away and thought about it. She was right. Idea being, have a goal and work toward it. I'm not worth a million dollars yet, but I am definitely ahead a couple of hundred G's because I took what she said to heart. She made me feel like the chump I was for being such a clueless ....chump. Kinda like this.
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Active member
Feb 4, 2009
I'm 50 plus and some bad investments mean I'm not retiring anytime soon. I work in the trade so it's not getting easier physically plus I've noticed ageism creeping in as I'm not getting many replies when I apply to jobs. I have a job but always apply.

I'm currently off a few weeks and am bored most of the time. I know people say join this club or that club but I don't really enjoy people either. Today I was in a coffee shop to cure my boredom and a 75 year old man talked with me for an hour about his life which I lost interest after a few minutes. He seemed bored too and looked like he just wanted to talk to someone other than his wife.

I don't have the kids/grandkids thing so that doesn't help. For the retirees does boredom creep in? I am a part time passport bro to Thailand but I even get bored there now. Usually drink too much to pass the time. I've all but quit drinking here as I've passed many a day sitting on barstools.

My only option is to open a business or possibly buy a franchise to stay occupied, but at my age I have to make damn sure it succeeds. Too old to open a trade related business. Any suggestions, gigolo doesn't pay enough and my ass is killing me. ;).

Just some out loud observations.
I'm in my 50's as well...bored at times but try to stay active. Play soccer still ( over 50) gets me out Friday nights, gym and run few times a week. Just keep active best thing u can do, join a sport it's a night out and u will meet ppl like your self. Why u to old to start a business? I started years ago and downsized after covid to put me back on the tools moving and being on site helps. Never to old to start a buss...even if u start as a sub...what trade you in? Would be great if my wife would give me more sex! :) but then again I would have found Terb ;-) good luck buddy!


Jun 1, 2024
I'm fucking bord to tears too, tried retiring in Ecuador and lasted 3 months, so I came back here only to find the cost of living is out of control and realizing what a shit hole Toronto has become, so I went back to work just feel relevant and I'm finding myself in the same monotonous rut I been in all my life.
I realize that life is what you make it but some how the motivation just isn't there. finding a relationship at this stage isn't realistic as im too set in my ways and transactional companionship isn't really doing it for me any more. Getting old really sucks
This would happen to me also although I prefer Thailand. I sat with a girl in a bar buying her drinks, I left after an hour cuz I was bored and could tell she was too, I shagged her the night before. At this stage I need some kind of business to keep me occupied and do something progressive as opposed to activities. I'm going to the franchise show next weekend. An hour at a gym may help but it's only an hour.

As I type this I'm wondering what the hell am I gonna do today lol 😆 😭.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
I'm 61 and retired to. Like most guys on this thread I get bored to. Thing is there is no way I want to return to the working world unless it's for a job that interests me.
I'm debt free so fuck the working bit.
I go to the gym 4 times a week, golf in the summer with friends.
It's the winter where I get really bored. I do travel for 2 weeks in the winter, but getting tired of the idiots in airports.
I like going for walks in the winter but so many people don't shovel their sidewalks. A few years ago I took a pretty good spill. Twisted my knee and was pretty sore for about 2 weeks. I can't skate so public skating is out.
I just take it a day at a time and figure it out when I wake up.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
I wrote a post here a few years ago about the same issue. I was just overall bored with life in general. Work, eat, sleep.repeat.

I had to force myself to try the buffet of life. I tried many different “hobbies” until finally one stuck. I got a trailer, kayaking and fishing. I learned I love being on the water. Not in the water but on the water.

You have to force yourself to get out there and try different things. Plenty of solitary hobbies you can try, if you really don’t like people.

A pet is great but it is a 15-20 year long commitment and you should have a plan for placement if you die before the animal. Just my opinion.

Now I am basically retired from my mainstream job, I just keep up with some things to stay on top of the business, employees and give myself a couple of hours a week of something to do. Now that I stopped touring because I earned the money I wanted for a new trailer; I only see clients when I feel like it. If I feel like it. Everything is now on my time.

Go to the doctor and get blood work done. Make sure you don’t have low T or depression. I know guys don’t like going but do this for yourself just to make sure.

And then get your ass up and get out there. Look up hobbies to try online, pick one, try it out and if you don’t like it, move on to the next.

I remember that when I did this, I found out a lot about myself. It was eye opening. I never thought I would love sitting in a boat on. Wednesday morning when people are fighting rush hour, by myself, not even catching fish because I got skunked that morning.

I found out I like roller derby too but my body couldn’t handle it. So that was a no-go.

You just don’t know what will help until you try things out. Good luck.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
This would happen to me also although I prefer Thailand. I sat with a girl in a bar buying her drinks, I left after an hour cuz I was bored and could tell she was too, I shagged her the night before. At this stage I need some kind of business to keep me occupied and do something progressive as opposed to activities. I'm going to the franchise show next weekend. An hour at a gym may help but it's only an hour.

As I type this I'm wondering what the hell am I gonna do today lol 😆 😭.
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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2004
Someone once wrote: "a man needs three things in life: a job (purpose), a hobby (passion) and a sport (exercise). I've lived this way for a very long time and it works.
(I can only speak to being a man so this isn't meant to be sexist towards the lovely ladies on the board)

Try hobbies / interests until you find it. Because this will become the most important part of your retirement. The thing that gets you out of bed. The side hustle perhaps. You want a challenge? Pick up piano in your mid 50s. Or guitar or whatever. You need something that ignites a little fire in you.

As to sports... that can be the gym, pick up soccer (whatever), something that gets the heart beating. I'm dealing with aging parents who didn't stay active and it's a fucking horrible messy end of life. My grandparents made it into their 90s living solo and still driving, by walking and doing some exercise every single fucking day!

Read man... READ! Expand your mind. Or at the very least listen to audio books as you travel and explore new places.

We are lucky to be living in a country where even the worst of us live better than 80% of the rest of the world. We only get one ride in this life, so get your ass up and live! And be godamn thankful you can write a post about being bored on a sex board instead of lying in a bed shitting into a bucket or drooling on yourself because life handed you a disease or a tumour or whatever!


Active member
Apr 13, 2004
Each to their own. I spent 35 years in a job that was occasionally interesting, often boring and sometimes scary for good reason. I learned and maintained that there are worse things than being bored. Learning how to minimize "scary for good reason" events is in itself interesting. I wouldn't necessarily recommend pursuing being scared for good reason, but doing things that make you nervous can make life very interesting. If you make music, play in front of others. Learn a new skill or activity. It doesn't have to be competitive, but competition can certainly reduce boredom if you're into that. All the other stuff suggested. But my #1 suggestion for fighting boredom is to avoid getting sucked into the TV screen.
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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2010
I know everyone has heard this a million times about "getting a hobby".
The key is to find things that you can be passionate about. 1 hobby you are passionate about is better than 10 hobbies that you are just doing to waste time. Nobody can tell you what you will like but people can tell you about what they like and you can try it out.
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