Israel at war


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I have one account dude. if you can't win the argument don't try and blame it on some BS tricks.
Geno is the scum of TERB. No tactic is too sleazy for him.

Except for our local KKK he is universally derided, vilified, ignored and regarded as a blight on TERB. The world has never seen anybody with as much hate as he carries.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Are you ignoring that Palestine has been attacked multiple times, along with how many other countries Israel has attacked over the years?
- There is no country Palestine to be attacked. That is a territory that was divided with accordance to partition plan. I keep repeating that
and you keep missing it.
Repeating bullshit does't make it correct, the UN resolutions and ICJ rulings have been posted and your opinion is ill informed and ignorant.

The international community agreed to borders after WWII the same way they just told Israel to get the fuck out of Palestine.
- No such thing "to get a f#$% out of Palestine". international community came up with partition plan. jews accepted, Arabs
did not and declared war instead, it is pretty simple if you remove your Jew hatred from a picture for a minute or two :)
If you accept the validity of the UN resolution on partition then the resolution demanding Israel end the occupation within a year and pay restitution.
If you don't accept the UN resolutions there is no legal basis for Israel to exist as a country.

Do you think Israel is above the law and that they will only answer to violence now?
- What law ? Israel is not in violation of international law. These statements from UN are purely political
Israel is a UN member and must abide by UN resolutions and international law.
Your ignorance is astounding.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I told shack that there are only a handful of Zionists on the board and a day later you pop up.
And I came up with a couple of dozen names of people who know how much of a Jew hater you are. Nobody respects you and you have no credibility. You should leave. You do nothing that makes TERB a better place.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Geno is the scum of TERB. No tactic is too sleazy for him.

Except for our local KKK he is universally derided, vilified, ignored and regarded as a blight on TERB. The world has never seen anybody with as much hate as he carries.
Spoken by someone who is too cowardly to walk the streets during a Palestine protest and state his views.
All you have are threats.

They will support Israel and you'll take it with a smile on your face as if it was a 15 inch dildo up your stretched out asshole. Politically speaking, of course.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
And I came up with a couple of dozen names of people who know how much of a Jew hater you are. Nobody respects you and you have no credibility. You should leave. You do nothing that makes TERB a better place.
You are the Jew hater, I just hate ziotwits.
You hate IJVCanada, B'teselem, Ifnotnow, Torah Jews and the 30% of US Jews that say you and Israel back genocide.

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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Israel DID NOT force them out, their Arab compatriots from invading Arab countries encouraged them to leave so they can finish off
the Jews quickly (well documented). But that didn't come to fruition.
So why do they not have the same rights of aliyah as settler Jews? They at least called it home and lived there.
Is it because of race?


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Repeating bullshit does't make it correct,
You keep trying that Hitler technique and it hasn't worked for either of you.

the UN resolutions have been posted and your opinion is ill informed and ignorant.
You have yet to produce a single resolution from the UNGA or UNSC declaring that Israel has committed genocide or apartheid. This is just another example of you repeating your lies like Hitler did and thinking that people will believe them.

If you accept the validity of the UN resolution on partition then the resolution demanding Israel end the occupation within a year and pay restitution.
If you don't accept the UN resolutions there is no legal basis for Israel to exist as a country.
Faulty logic.

My hate is astounding and I'm proud of it.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
nice name, Ziontology :) proud to be one, sounds solid and important
I've asked for a definition. He has remained mute and you can take your best guess as to why that is so.

The best I can come up with is that Ziontology is "the study of Zionts or Ziontism".

BTW, Geno thinks I smell good because "shazi" is an Arab word for fragrance.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You keep trying that Hitler technique and it hasn't worked for either of you.

You have yet to produce a single resolution from the UNGA or UNSC declaring that Israel has committed genocide or apartheid. This is just another example of you repeating your lies like Hitler did and thinking that people will believe them.

Faulty logic.
You forgot to login as gerryb when you replied to this one, Shazi.

I do find your idiot and random goal posts entertaining, but they are idiotic.
There are multiple investigations, charges at the ICC and ICJ and UN reports detailing Israeli genocide on Palestinians.
You've got nothing, just bile and hate.

By your own metrics, since the UNGA has passed resolutions demanding Israel end the occupation of Palestine within a year and to protect Palestinian lives, you have admitted that Israel needs to get the fuck out of Palestine according to the world and the law.

The UNSC has also passed resolutions demanding a ceasefire, you admit then that Israel has been ordered to stop killing.

Netanyahu has turned the world against zionism.
You back a movement guilty of the same crime as the nazis.

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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
So you admit that now that Israel has attacked every country in the neighbourhood they should never expect peace from them, correct?
Since the Arabs rejected partition, Israel never has had peace. They've had to defend themselves ever since their inception. Nothing has changed.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
How could Israel be attacked even before they were a country?
It was Palestine that was attacked and colonized.
How can Palestine be attacked when it's currently not a country and never has been?
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Absolute majority fled by themselves and encouraged by invading Arabs. It is all documented and you can find it, I will not Google it for you
IIRC, many Arabs sold their land willingly and legally to Israelis/Jews.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
You made it easy. You guys never walk the talk.

Talk about poorly educated. The proper retort would be someone not being able to walk the walk after they'd talked the talk. Moron.

You're a stereotypical Jew hater. Ignorant. Hate breeds rapidly among stupid people (they are easily fooled and manipulated) and that is why trump "loves the poorly educated". You are of the same breed.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Spoken by someone who is too cowardly to walk the streets during a Palestine protest and state his views.
There's a fine line between bravery and stupidity. Walking among the Jew hating rabid wolves that are faux pali supporters would be stupidity. The videos show how many innocent people they harass, attack and injure.

A coward is someone who refuses to go back to their homeland to help out on the ground to fight back the IDF. Those people need help and all you do is talk the talk but would never, ever walk the walk. Coward.
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