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Vance/Walz debate!!


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010

Megyn Kelly perfectly sums up tonight's debate: "JD Vance put on a masterclass on how to handle biased moderators and a lying opponent and it was a thing of beauty. It was beautiful. Every Republican or Republican voter or in this case, person who is voting for Trump, knows exactly what I am feeling right now, which is just, thank God."


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010


thanks Robert Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard for their endorsements and says the real threat to democracy is Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party's war on the First Amendment: "Rather than debate and persuade her fellow Americans, she'd like to censor people who engage in 'misinformation.' I think that is a much bigger threat to democracy than anything that we've seen in this country in the last 40 years. I'm really proud, especially given that I was raised by two lifelong blue-collar Democrats, to have the endorsement of Bobby Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard, lifelong leaders in the Democratic coalition. We're united behind a basic American First Amendment principle. Kamala Harris is engaged in censorship at an industrial scale. She did it during COVID-19 and has done it over a number of issues, and that, to me, is a much bigger threat to democracy than what Donald Trump said when he said protestors should peacefully protest on January 6th."


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010

on the #VPDebate: "Ten, ten out of ten for JD Vance. Ten strike. B/c, as Abby noted, he landed a lot of good punches, but he did so with iron fist in a velvet glove. He was very smooth. He was likable he looked presidential. He had a command of the facts. He wasn't flustered. He was a guy you'd want to have a beer with, okay? Tim Walz -- Coach Walz, your boy, fumbled bigly on Tiananmen square. I mean, he was talking about riding a bike in Nebraska and the summers and he went on and on and he should have said just look, I miss[poke. I screwed up. I'm a human. Instead, he looked yeah, he lied about that. And maybe people reminded him of his lies about his time in uniform. And so that was bad. Not bad. I was I was -- I -- then the other thing I was struck by no question on Ukraine. One of the biggest issues facing our country and the globe, no question on Ukraine. And then my final thought was, what would Josh Shapiro have done up there tonight? Well, my friend, Governor Josh Shapiro, up on that stage with JD Vance, it would have been world heavyweight slugfest between two really intellectual, great candidates. And I just wonder if the Harris people are thinking maybe we should have picked Josh Shapiro?"

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
I like the two vice-presidential candidates far more than I like the presidential candidates. Imho I think Vance won.

I thought it was a civilized and intelligent debate, with both candidates making good points and both actually seeming electable.

I can't say the same for the asshole Trump and the bitch Harris.
Vance has been doing a lot of media and it showed here. He articulated exactly what Trump needs to be saying in debates and rallies He succeeded where Trump fails...Republicans have the wrong man on the top of their ticket.

On the flipside Walz is better than Kamala. More likeable.

What a circumstance. Both leaders of the two parties of the strongest nation on the history of the Earth, are presented by two nincompoops' who have no business running for president.


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010

on #VPDebate mattering: "Don't you think on these VP debates, though, there's two issues: One, does this person look like they're capable of stepping into the job? Walz totally failed on that. Vance rose to the occasion. The other thing is, people are evaluating Trump and Harris on their choices. And up until now, we've been told what a terrible choice Trump made and what an inspired choice Harris made and now the veil is off. The charade is over and I think it calls into question -- I mean, she's got to staff the whole government. This was her first choice? I don't know."
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