To ease the financial pain of paying down a credit card, I found this very helpful. Put split screen, one with the bank/credit card where you are making the payments on the left. Another with escort ads on the right. Pretend you are going to find an escort to visit. Figure out the service and price. Then pay the same amount that you would be doing if you visited her instead and have a fap time.
Just tried this Latina out, and she had some great vibes:
Went for the hh and paid the credit card down by $ 100.
Interesting pairing of looking at an image, fapping, and paying a credit card (ie the credit card was paid before I actually fapped at the pic, they normally take the money before they start the session - took under half an hour anyway)
Wonder if there is any further practical use of this thing. Basically playing games with the Dopamine in the brain to make it easier to make credit card payments.
Just tried this Latina out, and she had some great vibes:
Went for the hh and paid the credit card down by $ 100.
Interesting pairing of looking at an image, fapping, and paying a credit card (ie the credit card was paid before I actually fapped at the pic, they normally take the money before they start the session - took under half an hour anyway)
Wonder if there is any further practical use of this thing. Basically playing games with the Dopamine in the brain to make it easier to make credit card payments.