Jagmeet Singh Confronts Heckler


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Nah if there's one thing about squeegee he's courteous so reach around would be mandatory. Plus he can use all that cum for his finger paintings, right squeegee?
I can almost hear it

squeezer asking Justin

"Justin tell me to wear a mask, I love it when you are so controlling"
Aw, look at Laverne and Shirley teaming up on me, isn't it cute. Now both of you run along and go play in your bouncy castles.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
The Angus Reid Institute has found that Pierre Poilievre's net favourability has been reduced to 16%.

Now that's kind of misleading isn't it, lol

Here's the truth

A new study by the Angus Reid Institute has found that net favourability of Pierre Poilievre has reached its lowest point in over a year, at -16%. Just 36% of Canadians have a positive opinion of the Conservative Party of Canada leader.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
And not everyone who trains in MMA is a tough guy. I know plenty of street dudes who have never set foot in a dojo who could take him down no problem. Just because someone hangs out in a gym doesn't make them tough. Jagmeet shows how weak he is every time he speaks.
I never said he was a tough guy or that he wasn't a tough guy
You said
"If he's that tough then why didn't he give MMA a go as a career."

I am saying that it's isn't too smart to go into fighting as a career if you have options, as he does. I'll double down and say double plus so in MMA, unlike Boxing, MMA is more tightly controlled and the fighters don't get paid nearly anything compared to boxers... not that boxing is a wise thing to do if you have options either. Just because the guy is an ignoramous in terms of public policy doesn't mean he makes bad life decisions, after all he did manage to be leader of a major national party, and he married a hot piece of ass.

As for your other point, part of it is what school/style he is doing, if he is doing point style TKD and Aikido, then yeah, I'd put my money on a street bruit. As for MT, it would depend on where he trained and how hard. Blue belt in Brazilian butt skooting and other grappling stuff, that can make a difference with a street righter, you can be a big brutal brah [and I knew a guy] but hugging other men is a particular skill set.

However all of these is neither here nor there unless we know the particulars. You are making a LOT of assumptions about the guy, on the basis of what, how he speaks. Seems like you don't like the corrupt bastard [and I agree, he is a fucking ignoramus] but I can't dismiss the possibility that he has been trained to some degree. You speak down of the gym, but there are plenty of street fighters who when faced against someone who has done systemic training [as opposed to karate tag for example who get their asses kicked.

Hell I was for sure certain that Truedooh would have gotten his ass kicked in that boxing match. Rich kid, looks like a nancy boy. But you never knew. I didn't know the background of either guy.
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His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
I will not argue his height but no way he's only 165 lbs. He is a wide dude with some fat around the gut. I suspect he is at least a brown belt today if not black.
BJJ belts come very slow, there is no way in 4 years he got from blue to brown or black. Also he is a busy dude, no way he would have the time to put into it. I am also guessing if he still trains, he doesn't compete, we would probably have heard of it if he was

One guy is determined to believe that Jerkmeat is a pussy ass bitch, the other that he is part Bajirao Singham, part Tiger and part Pathaan


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
No, no, no...the NDP and Liberals have their hands in YOUR pockets.
Carry on.
Hell I hope I get a little hand action out of it, least they could do.
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