As some other members have stated, why should Kamala do more interviews if she is doing well with her current accessibility? That's fair. I just see a couple issues going forward.
If she wins, I think she will likely knock heads with a Republican Senate (perhaps also a Republican House). Hopefully she would moderate, but I suspect we will have annual budget fights, executive actions and overzealous regulatory bodies. The latter two routinely winding up in the courts.
Do you, honestly, think for a second that the GOP wouldn't try to impede her mandate in any way possible? Historically (well, for the past 25 or so years), they have not tried to be bipartisan for many important things. So, if you think her speaking to the media now would change that....I would LOVE to know what you're
And, on that note, why do you think she would moderate? She isn't exactly proposing anything radical. And, would you expect Trump, if he wins but loses both houses, to moderate?
If the Democrats win all three branches in November, there will likely be governing excesses and control of Congress would reverse in 2026.
Define what you think is excess? Historically, most presidents tend to see tough sledding in the next mid-term election. And, I will say, considering the clown show from the GOP led house, where the passed a historically low number of bills, I cannot even begin to understand why or how they could win... But, you never know...
If your sole desire is defeating Trump, this would all be acceptable. Realistically, I think Trump hatred is connected closely to progressive ideals for many TERB members. Perhaps they also fear some conservative success spilling over the border into the 2025 Parliamentary elections.
I don't think one leads to the other. I disliked Trump back in the 1990s, before anyone knew he was a racist fraud or had political aspirations. But, besides him being totally unfit to lead, his policies tend to hurt the middle class. Tariffs are going to hurt consumers, his tax cuts actually raised them on the middle class, while the yachting class thrived. And I'm not even going to talk about the social stuff, like stripping away reproductive rights from people (like abortion, IVF, potentially birth control). As for this stuff spilling over into Canada, some of it already has. PP is sort of playing that dangerous game where he spews a bunch of bullshit and sort of pumps the tires on extremist groups like Diagalon (sp?). Look, to be perfectly honest, I am not a fan, but I think if he can do the job. Will he be as capable as Harper in keeping the more extreme members of his party in line? Hard to say.
Last but not least, if she loses I can write the excuses for the Democrats. There will certainly be the usual whining complaints of misogyny, racism and ignorance. There would now be the excuse that she only had 100 days and she didn't get out there enough to explain how great her agenda would be for the country.
Just curious, if the battleground state polling shows Kamala with a slight advantage in the first days of November, do you think that will hold on election day? In other words, will Trump's performance exceed the polls as it did in 2016 and 2020.
I don't think those would be good excuses. I'll say that the racists or misogynists would probably never vote Democrat anyways, so that's a moot point. Nor would the timing she had, since all new presidential candidates technically only seriously start running after the convention. And the difference between 2016 and now is pretty stark. Hillary Clinton, while qualified for the job, was not liked. She faced sever unfair challenges (like the FBI fucking her over weeks before the election with a sudden reopening of the server investigation), which is something that Harris wouldn't have to contend with. So, if she loses, it will be for a number of factors that could include her not speaking enough to the American people through the media.
Now, a better question is how will Trump respond if he loses? He's already started to play the game about rigged elections (just like he's saying the ABC debate will be rigged, so that if he shits the bed he can blame it on that). Will he or his followers try another January 6th type scheme with fake electorates (and we know some states have appointed/elected MAGA supporters to key positions over seeing elections), or will he attempt to drag it out with countless lawsuits. The bottom line here is that there is a lot of room for some MAGA led shenanigans that could cause another constitutional crisis.