So I was backing out of a parking spot with an U-Haul truck and bumped the back bumper of a parked car. Yeah yeah I know. Let the jokes fly.
I didn’t know who owned the car so I left a note with a picture of the registration of the truck and U-Haul insurance because I bought it.
My personal car insurance actually covers rentals but it is just easier to buy U-Haul’s insurance in case anything happens to the actual truck. If your insurance, they expect you to pay upfront and get your insurance to pay you back after time. I don’t like that so I buy the insurance from them. There was no damage to the truck though. They didn’t care when I took it back to the U-Haul office.
But looking at things for this - I think it goes as follows:
My fault/U-Haul truck damage goes through U-Haul insurance.
My fault/other vehicle damage goes through my insurance.
Their fault/truck damage goes through their insurance.
Anyone know if this is true? Or how it works?
The guy contacted me back and I met with him to give him my insurance info and my license as well. Just in case.
Also, does anyone know - do we have to go to a reporting Center for this?
I was going so slow there is minor damage but it is also a fibreglass bumper I think because of the way it was kind of crumbly for lack of a better word. So I think he may need a new bumper. I feel bad for the kid. He is probably mid-twenties.
I have been driving this truck, helping someone, for almost a week and half, backing into some of the worst spots, doing it perfectly and on the last trip to actually return the damn thing - bam! Just my luck. LOL.
Anyways, any knowledge from the gang would be helpful. Thanks.
I didn’t know who owned the car so I left a note with a picture of the registration of the truck and U-Haul insurance because I bought it.
My personal car insurance actually covers rentals but it is just easier to buy U-Haul’s insurance in case anything happens to the actual truck. If your insurance, they expect you to pay upfront and get your insurance to pay you back after time. I don’t like that so I buy the insurance from them. There was no damage to the truck though. They didn’t care when I took it back to the U-Haul office.
But looking at things for this - I think it goes as follows:
My fault/U-Haul truck damage goes through U-Haul insurance.
My fault/other vehicle damage goes through my insurance.
Their fault/truck damage goes through their insurance.
Anyone know if this is true? Or how it works?
The guy contacted me back and I met with him to give him my insurance info and my license as well. Just in case.
Also, does anyone know - do we have to go to a reporting Center for this?
I was going so slow there is minor damage but it is also a fibreglass bumper I think because of the way it was kind of crumbly for lack of a better word. So I think he may need a new bumper. I feel bad for the kid. He is probably mid-twenties.
I have been driving this truck, helping someone, for almost a week and half, backing into some of the worst spots, doing it perfectly and on the last trip to actually return the damn thing - bam! Just my luck. LOL.
Anyways, any knowledge from the gang would be helpful. Thanks.