They didn't let him. After he was held down then covered, they were trying to surround him and keep him hidden from further shots as they moved him off the stage. Trump was having a tantrum raised his fist and clearly yelled out fuck you. That sounds like the new mantra for the MAGA morons. By the time Trump was in the Van, Maga morons were facing the TV cameras and mimicking their leader by holding their fists up and yelling 'fuck you'.
I'm curious on the effects on Trump. He is a well known coward that avoided the draft. I'm sure his inflated ego believed he was invulnerable. This will be a reality check that could affect future performances.
As I said earlier, all the world's a stage.
I just watched it, they didn't surround him in a circle until he said "let me get my shoes", which was quite a few seconds too long considering he's a former President. Then the little female Agent started the group hug and Trump started fisting the air "grab 'em by the pussy" style.
I'll let the rest of the weeks unfold and hear all the experts talk about it and eat my popcorn (not really).
1:27 fist pumping starts, 1:32 he's near the steps of the stage.
1:40 they stop, 5 more seconds of fist pumping. Really? Someone apparently tried to shoot or kill this guy and they're not rushing him to the car with zero fucks given about his shoe or his fist pumping? lol