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Will Biden step down?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
"Some"? Try $millions.

No one stole anything.

The losers here are the charities because rather than getting $millions, they now get nothing.

Yes, the rump's stole from the kids cancer charity which is why the judge ordered them to shut their charity and never run another one.
Read the court rulings so you don't look so stupid.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Biden should step down now... The Dems should not play the Gop's game.

The Republicans are maintaining a total idiot fraud as their leader because they think he is their best chance to win. Winning at all cost is their mantra. The gop has proven they don't care about American people, except the rich and whites of course.

Bidden please step down. Let your team take over.
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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Yes, the rump's stole from the kids cancer charity which is why the judge ordered them to shut their charity and never run another one.
Read the court rulings so you don't look so stupid.
Wrong. Nothing was stolen. That's more misinformation spreading from you as usual.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
He was found to be guilty.

You have no clue how low can Trump go.
He was found to be guilty.

You have no clue how low can Trump go.
Tell us...guilty of what? Theft? No.

Bookkeeping allocation and donating money to different charities in addition to the ones noted without disclosing that in the books.

Is that worth these charities getting nothing moving forward from him?

Is your hatred for Trump so deep that you would rather have charities lose out so that you can condemn an accountant for missing something trivial?

Cutting your nose to spite your face as it were. Sad.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Tell us...guilty of what? Theft? No.

Bookkeeping allocation and donating money to different charities in addition to the ones noted without disclosing that in the books.

Is that worth these charities getting nothing moving forward from him?

Is your hatred for Trump so deep that you would rather have charities lose out so that you can condemn an accountant for missing something trivial?

Cutting your nose to spite your face as it were. Sad.
34 times dude.
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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
34 times dude.
All 34 related to the porn star hush money case that no one really cares about.

I thought we were discussing your concerns that he stole money from a children's hospital? Or did you change your mind on that and are now on the hush money thing?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Wrong. Nothing was stolen. That's more misinformation spreading from you as usual.
rump was ordered to never run a charity again, skoob.
He's such a bad crook.

I mean the guy can't even rape kids without leaving phone messages for Epstein about it.
The guy couldn't even run a proper coup, what kind of coup has a goofy shaman at its head?
Even his corrupt business dealings are a failure, his accountants turned on him, his lawyer is a laughing stock and his NY empire is in line to be shut down for inept fraud. I mean, how stupid do you have to be tell the banks, insurance companies and the IRA your buildings are worth different amounts.
He's such a bad crooki.

You really should back someone like Putin who can do that shit and get away with it.
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Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
You think America voted in a president, with little to no political experience, based on Fox? Even though the majority of major media outlets are left wing? Wow!
As someone who studies the media, and has worked in the media in both the US and Canada, I can tell you this is factually incorrect. The vast majority of the media is not left at all, despite the lies of the right-wing media echo chamber. They are centrist. There are exceptions, obviously, but most legit media outlets are in the middle. They've actually been pulled or pushed to the right by the incessant complaints they are too liberal. For example, they start to cover some fuss the right amplifies, even when there is little merit.

And no, I'm not blaming it all on Fox. As mentioned, there were racial undertones in the creation of the Tea Party, which evolved into MAGA, and they added more bigotry. And, if you don't see this, or understand it....I'm not sure what more I need to tell you. These groups say basically the same thing: They hate people who are not white, christian and straight. I would argue they don't really like women very much, because they are looking for ways to remove their ownership of their bodies (through banning abortion), and seem intent on making it harder to get divorces. And of course, it looks like they want to make contraception harder to get.

There are also evangelicals and christian nationalists, who want to feel superior to other religions, and support Trump because the think he'll make it happen....Despite the fact that he's broken nearly all of the ten commandments.

And, I think we can safely say there was a part of America who wanted a change from the Obama years....where a black man was in charge. So, they literally voted for someone who was almost an exact opposite. Obama was well spoken and thoughtful, Trump makes slurs and catchy nicknames and says outrageous stuff on a whim. Obama has a stable family, Trump is twice divorced with kids from three different women, all of whom he cheated on. That list can go on and on to the break of dawn...

So, no, it wasn't just Fox, and it wasn't just because he ran against Hillary Clinton (with all her baggage...and the fact that she's female).

I'll offer my opinion as far as why he won before and why he will most likely win again...

Because people are fed up with the status quo. The status quo talks a good game, but doesn't deliver. People aren't stupid. They want change.
They wanted change from 8 years of Democrat rule (Obama).
The ones who didn't believe Trump would win, most likely didn't bother voting. They voted the next time and Biden won.
Then after 4 years of seeing that Democrats failed them again, they are ready for Trump's return.

Most people don't care what a politician does in their personal lives, what they say, how they look, who they associate with, etc; they care about their own well-being. When they feel that their own well-being is not good, they vote for change.
It's funny that you seem to imply that Trump delivered. As mentioned, while he did get some stuff done, many of his policies and tax cuts hurt the middle class. I mean, imposing tarrifs doesn't hurt China, it hurts consumers. And his tax break actually slightly increased taxes on middle and lower class, while giving the rich a HUGE break (and jacked up the deficit).

I don't necessarily think you're wrong voters wanting change, but we are living in a time of massive polarization. I think many in the MAGA movement are in a cult. They act and talk like it. The Dems don't have a cult of personality around Biden (or any leader). It is a very strange time. MAGA people say they would vote for Trump regardless of what he did. Even credible allegations of sexual assault are not a bridge too far.


Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
When you want to sway public opinion, one way to do it is to constantly make allegations about your opponent and ensure they spend most of their time in court fighting the allegations. That's political warfare 101.
Democrats have proven they are masters at that.
Not fulfilling promises to charities and claiming fraud about charitable donations are two different things.

You claimed he defrauded charities and hospitals including a children's cancer hospital. Do you still stand behind that claim? If yes why? If no, why?
Hmmm...So, just because Trump is being called to account for his shitty and illegal behaviour, that's lawfare and not law enforcement? I remember the days when the GOP was the party of law and order, or at least they draped themselves in that flag. Today, they don't care what evidence is piled up against Trump. There is excuses of crooked judges or over zealous prosecutors. I mean, the documents case is one. You can't tell me he didn't try to hide the files. Which is obstruction. And, of course Trump cry that Biden and Pence did it....but no, they didn't. When they found stuff they were not meant to keep, they informed the authorities, who took it away.

And, if you really want to know what lawfare is, look at Hillary Clinton and Benghazi. There were 10! And the GOP-led house held six of them. Even Kevin McCarthy admitted they only did it to smear her, or hurt her politically.

So, please, stop crying that the Dems are using the laws to hurt Trump. There is evidence that he broke MANY laws throughout his life, and during his presidency. And, if the US Supreme Court wasn't so fucked up (and I know you'll disagree), he wouldn't have a chance to claim immunity.

And, speaking of the Supreme Court, for a group of conservatives who say they are "originalists" in interpreting the constitution when it comes to, say guns, sure as fuck acted like activist judges to come up with that little nugget that really only helps Trump...


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Sure, blame it on Trump Derangement Syndrome or some other bullshit. That's a great deflection. Except for the fact that Trump is close to so many of the people writing this. And, considering how unhinged he is about stuff, I feel confident that if he is elected, he'd go ahead with the bulk of this plan. And, you cannot deny it. I mean, the man lies like a cheap rug, so any denial about him knowing or wanting to use Project 2025 is bullshit.
You can tell that they are all in on Project 2025 and just ducking the publicity because they haven't once said they don't want to implement it.
They just are saying they aren't involved.
(The fact that Agenda 47 and the GOP platform overlap with lots of it is also a clue, but you don't even need to go there. Just see how they don't ever say "we would never implement that, it is a smear campaign, we are against that policy". )


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
That is different this time. MAGA is trying to be prepared for his victory. They want to fill the bureaucracy with Trump loyalists who will do his bidding even if it goes against agency policies and regulations.
They are on the record explaining in 2023 that this is why they developed Project 2025 . To be ready.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Tell us...guilty of what? Theft? No.

Bookkeeping allocation and donating money to different charities in addition to the ones noted without disclosing that in the books.
Is that what happened?
Which case was this?


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
As someone who studies the media, and has worked in the media in both the US and Canada, I can tell you this is factually incorrect. The vast majority of the media is not left at all, despite the lies of the right-wing media echo chamber. They are centrist. There are exceptions, obviously, but most legit media outlets are in the middle. They've actually been pulled or pushed to the right by the incessant complaints they are too liberal. For example, they start to cover some fuss the right amplifies, even when there is little merit.
The whole idea that media companies' incentives and biases are not purely ideological (and that goes even for the more specifically ideological ones such as FOX or Newsmax) is just lost on most of these people.

And, I think we can safely say there was a part of America who wanted a change from the Obama years....where a black man was in charge. So, they literally voted for someone who was almost an exact opposite. Obama was well spoken and thoughtful, Trump makes slurs and catchy nicknames and says outrageous stuff on a whim. Obama has a stable family, Trump is twice divorced with kids from three different women, all of whom he cheated on. That list can go on and on to the break of dawn...

So, no, it wasn't just Fox, and it wasn't just because he ran against Hillary Clinton (with all her baggage...and the fact that she's female).
I'm sorry - complex, multi-causal explanations for things are strictly banned in the TERB politcal forum charter. Don't you know that? ;)

It's funny that you seem to imply that Trump delivered. As mentioned, while he did get some stuff done, many of his policies and tax cuts hurt the middle class. I mean, imposing tarrifs doesn't hurt China, it hurts consumers. And his tax break actually slightly increased taxes on middle and lower class, while giving the rich a HUGE break (and jacked up the deficit).
You have to think about what he delivered.
As you point out above, a lot of the motivation for voting for him was not based on economic or foreign policy.
Did he "deliver" on those other fronts?
It is pretty obvious that for a lot of people, the answer is "yes".


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
rump was ordered to never run a charity again, skoob.
He's such a bad crook.

I mean the guy can't even rape kids without leaving phone messages for Epstein about it.
The guy couldn't even run a proper coup, what kind of coup has a goofy shaman at its head?
Even his corrupt business dealings are a failure, his accountants turned on him, his lawyer is a laughing stock and his NY empire is in line to be shut down for inept fraud. I mean, how stupid do you have to be tell the banks, insurance companies and the IRA your buildings are worth different amounts.
He's such a bad crooki.

You really should back someone like Putin who can do that shit and get away with it.
Just another TDS post from you and more misinformation.

I'll give that 4/10 for entertainment value...you've done better.
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