Conservatives win St Paul's byelection


Active member
Dec 29, 2001
I am not happy about this result. It will light the fire under liberal asses to get up and vote in 2025 and will probably swing NDP voters to liberal camp. I hope JT stays on because it would be a lot easier to decimate the liberals with such a hated leader than with someone new. I hate all of the ‘next in line’…freeland, joly, champange, anand, carney. But then again, hate all liberals.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
TERB's most pretend progressive, "I'm so progressive that my brain hurts", somehow, inexplicably always seems to root for, champion and orgasm for conservative, right wing pols, policies and culture.

What's up with that?


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2009
Interesting to note Mad Max’s Peoples Party placed behind the Greens.

ConservativeDon Stewart15,55542.1 %
LiberalLeslie Church14,96540.5 %
NDP-New Democratic PartyAmrit Parhar4,04410.9 %
Green PartyChristian Cullis1,0592.9 %
People's Party - PPCDennis Wilson2340.6 %


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
I am not happy about this result. It will light the fire under liberal asses to get up and vote in 2025 and will probably swing NDP voters to liberal camp. I hope JT stays on because it would be a lot easier to decimate the liberals with such a hated leader than with someone new. I hate all of the ‘next in line’…freeland, joly, champange, anand, carney. But then again, hate all liberals.
They are too far gone for even the NDP vote swing to help if it happens(I don't think it will, it may go a bit the other way).

If Trudeau does walk the leadership contest will be fun. I guarantee Carney won't be in it. He will wait for the next election. Freeland may try but will end up as Kim Campbell. They may have trouble finding a sacrificial lamb.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
TERB's most pretend progressive, "I'm so progressive that my brain hurts", somehow, inexplicably always seems to root for, champion and orgasm for conservative, right wing pols, policies and culture.

What's up with that?
Dude, there isn't a political stripe that isn't wanting him out. He is polling below 20%. And losing this riding held for 10 elections? Parrish saw the writing on the wall. Many more will start planning their exit now.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
So another sign that PeePee will likely win the next general election. This country will be screwed!
He will likely govern in the centre. Kill the carbon tax. And won't touch any social issues other than lip service.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Hopefully he chops immigration in half until younger canadians can afford to own a home again.
It will depend on the actual demographics projections. Trudeau did overstep in volume, but he had the right idea on this. Many nations are facing an inversion of demographics that will seriously harm their economies in the next decade. He was trying to make up for Covid, and I think pulling an old policy trick to bring in future voters.

But many immigrants from the nations he chose are conservative cultures. It's going to backfire.
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james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
If this is true, and it comes to be, it's GREAT news for Canada.

Words cannot describe how happy this makes me. Now we just need to finish the job and vote that collosal douche right out on his ear and rid ourselves of the worst Prime Minister in history and kick his merry band of sychophants to the curb. Can't happen soon enough.

But I don't want him to resign. Oh no, I want him and his chief bobble-head Chrystia Freeland to hold on to power by their fingernails with everything they've got and lead the liberals into the next election. I want this so that the liberals can be completely decimated and lose like they've never lost before. Hopefully even lose official party status (one can dream). I'm so sick of a party that backs a man who hates Canada, who accuses Canadians of carrying out a genocide, who has made it his raison d'etre to make us feel ashamed of our country and of being Canadian each and every day. A man who has done more to split up the country than any serparatist before him could have ever imagined. A man who is a traitor to his country. The liberals need to learn a valuable lesson and only in a nuclear destruction of the entire party will they learn such a lesson that nominating and then supporting a person like Justin Trudeau will have severe consequences and will result in their destruction.

Perhaps there is hope after all.

And do you want to know the worst part? I voted for this sock puppet in 2015. But I figured it out pretty quickly and I've never made that mistake since and I'm thrilled that rest of the small L liberal crowd is also figuring it out too.
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2010
Dude, there isn't a political stripe that isn't wanting him out. He is polling below 20%. And losing this riding held for 10 elections? Parrish saw the writing on the wall. Many more will start planning their exit now.
NDP should be looking at a new leader as they showed poorly and it's a ndp riding provicially .
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