Club Dynasty

Cat pervert? Guilty or not guilty. You be the judge.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I was a cat pervert. It was about 20 years ago. I gave some food scraps to the couple next door's cat and the little fucker decided to move in with me. I couldn't get rid of the little shit. He would scratch at my door at 6 AM to come in and hang with me. Every fucking day.

The couple next door came to see me and said that I was stealing their cat. It was embarrassing as fuck.


Lotsa things to think about
Jul 19, 2021
I dumpster dive un burbia, and come across dumped dog and cat food at SDM as dry kibble at its 'best before date from time to time

I sprinkle it around the back yard to feed the squirrels, chipmunks, opossum, raccoon and rabbits that tour through.

Dogs on all back yard sides, but half of the back fence, so I put it near my side of the fence just to piss 'em off.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Years ago there was a cat that lived close by at a house that is in sight of my house. The cat use to walk in my back yard. I sometimes I would give the cat some ham, chicken, turkey, whatever had in the refrigerator. The cat would come back often, to a point where in the fall when I wake up I would turn the lights on in the kitchen in the morning and immediately hear scratching at the back door. I guess the owner would give her a proper cat food diet, but no ham. The owner made the cat an inside cat, because I would see her in the window.

I was in a relation with a woman for 12 years, in the first 18 months she acquired 3 cats. When I went over to her place and the cats heard my voice they would come running. Then one day after 12 years she kicked me out because she said I was not giving her enough attention. After 9 months she called and took me back, but a year later she kicked me out again. She said I only came back to see the "boys " She really got mad when I said: " I guess you figured it out "'

I have had several people tell me that yjey think their cat has another home because the cat disappears for days and comes back well fed and not hungry.
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