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The Effect of the Wonderful World of Unfettered Capitalistic Greed on the Housing Market


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Of course there was context. He was criticizing conservative methods of balancing the budget. You cherry picked 5 words from his entire quote.
No he criticized the conservatives and he said the budget would balance itself without explaining how. Why do you keep missing that point? Are you doing this on purpose to avoid admitting that he has no clue about finances?

It's like saying: my roommate has not cleaned the house and it's a mess and everyone should keep their house tidy by taking the time to clean it and therefore the house will be tidy on it's own.
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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
He did explain how. He said by growing the economy and taking care of Canadians. It is in the very quote I provided. Why do you keep missing that part or are you just selectively blind? Again, you cherry picked 5 words that were used in the right context to convey the right meaning. This was a nothing-burger that righties like to jump up and down about.
"growing the economy and taking care of people" is a motherhood statement without substance. It's what every government needs to do. It does not explain at all how the budget will balance itself.

Motherhood statement definition: A vague, "feel good" platitude, especially one made by a politician, that few people would disagree with. For example: "Our country must contribute to world peace."


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Yeah ArriveScan with its 250M expense, is the only thing that affects the budget even more than the pandemic did. 🤡 Again you talked about balancing the budget. I asked you, what a balanced budget would look like to you. What would you spend on, what would you cut? Go ahead. Explain to us please.

Of course there was context. He was criticizing conservative methods of balancing the budget. You cherry picked 5 words from his entire quote.
Arrivecan 250M you frown upon? like it's no big deal is laughable... 😂 😂 😂 ... Trudeau has been giving away tax money like it's his...😂😂... maybe cut the salaries of the people running this country in half because they're doing a half-ass job 😂😂😂... that would be a good start...
is "cherry picking" your phrase of the day? looks like you heard it somewhere, googled the meaning and now use it conveniently...😂😂😂
I'm sure Peepee is still the boogeyman in your eyes...GTFO


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
He did explain how. He said by growing the economy and taking care of Canadians. It is in the very quote I provided. Why do you keep missing that part or are you just selectively blind? Again, you cherry picked 5 words that were used in the right context to convey the right meaning. This was a nothing-burger that righties like to jump up and down about.
Anybody can say "we'll grow the economy" anybody can say "we'll take care of Canadians".... but if they have nothing to show for it after 9 years....well what the fuck did they do for 9 years? and the budget still not balancing itself...😂😂😂... but hey... i get to use woman-kind now.... and also you can identify as female if you feel like...😂😂
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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Yes and he is not required to explain how the budget needs to be balanced, because the purpose of his statement was to call out the conservative bullshit about artificially balancing the budget by cutting services to people who most need them. So saying "we need to grow the economy and take care of people first" is more than sufficient and in that context his usage of those words were appropriate. Righties cherry picked 5 words to have their PP circle jerk.
Not required to explain? Or do you mean "can't explain"? You criticize Poilievre for not showing detailed proposed policies but accept some vague motherhood statement from Trudeau?
Your hypocrisy is almost as legendary as Frankfooter's.

If you hadn't noticed yet, Trudeau shifts blame to everyone but himself. And his supporters swallow it whole by accepting bullshit statements that have no true meaning.
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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
There you go. A growing GDP. He did not lie. He did grow the economy as evidenced by growth in GDP. And if you cannot read a chart, check from 2015 onwards.

View attachment 336225

So a non-response. I asked you how a "BaLaNcEd BuDgEt" you have been running your mouth about, would look like. You have no answers. You were yammering on about things you have no clue about. PP fed you some bullshit and you are regurgitating it here.

B for effort. F for execution. Try again, Rich. 😂

Yes and he is not required to explain how the budget needs to be balanced, because the purpose of his statement was to call out the conservative bullshit about artificially balancing the budget by cutting services to people who most need them. So saying "we need to grow the economy and take care of people first" is more than sufficient and in that context his usage of those words were appropriate. Righties cherry picked 5 words to have their PP circle jerk.
I gave you an answer...cut their salaries in half for half assed job....nice chart...😂😂😂...Justin didn't do sh it....maybe not paying tiktok influencers would help balance the budget...stop the frivolous spendings on apps you can build for 50k instead of 250m... maybe paying 10mto Omar Khadr didn't help balance the budget either....cough "we scandal" cough....😂😂😂 but go one...keep digging yourself a nice hole for your head...JT is lucky to have Jaghmeet as a bff...
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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
He did explain how. He said by growing the economy and taking care of Canadians. It is in the very quote I provided. Why do you keep missing that part or are you just selectively blind? Again, you cherry picked 5 words that were used in the right context to convey the right meaning. This was a nothing-burger that righties like to jump up and down about.
Look up the definition of "motherhood statement" if you didn't like the one I provided.

It's like someone saying we need to bring peace to the word by telling everyone to get along with each other by talking rather than fighting.
No kidding.
Now propose exactly how you would do that?

Or keep distracting because I know deep down you think what he said was idiotic but don't want to admit it.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
What you want to say is that the govt. has not been very efficient with the way they have spent money. No govt. is. As I said, you have no clue of what you are going on about.
You're admitting Justin is failing with his "balancing the budget" but it's ok... so four more years of failing? 😂😂😂 let's extend it to 8...will that be enough for the budget to finally balance under Trudeau? 😂😂😂 I guess let's just prepare to pay more taxes when JT needs more funding...
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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Again, you are talking about balancing the budget. So explain. How would you balance the budget? You have no answers or clue.
Looks like you can't figure it out... 😂 😂 😂 because you think there's nothing wrong right now...😂😂😂😂😂...and then you admit, every gov't "fails" so it's ok for trudeau to fail as well...😂😂 i know I can balance my house hold have no argument for JT's "the budget will balance itself"....welp... it'snot balancing itself so we need carbon tax and capital gains tax...😂😂...and this just one avenue he's not doing well
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
So you bounce between income and capital gains as a distraction tactic?

You do realize that pension contributions to unions such as the TTC are not taxed right? Free money to union members from taxpayers.

How about you actually provide useful information and describe what you are actually trying to say (or avoid) rather than blurting out a random single sentence?

Or don''s all bullshit from you anyway.
So you're against other people having pensions as well?
You must have a crappy one if it pisses you off that other people don't.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
No he criticized the conservatives and he said the budget would balance itself without explaining how.
Did you listen to the entire speech are just use a conservative talking point quote?
Why don't you prove you know what you're talking about by linking to the speech where it came from and showing us that he didn't explain it.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
This is not about me. Its about you talking about something you have no clue about. You cant even articulate what a balanced budget is! I see the nervous laugh emojis increasing with every post. That's what happens when you run your mouth and start sweating it when put on the spot. 🐸
You're the one who thinks Justin is pretty good "balancing" the budget and have no problem how he spends the funds... clueless... 😂 😂 ... which spot did you put me? 😂:poop: You're the one who can't defend Justin's "budget will balance itself" 😂 9 years ...
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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Call it what you want. His intent was to criticize conservative policies which cut services to people who most need it in an attempt to artificially balance the budget. He was making a statement that a growing GDP with Canadians taken care of, will eventually result in a balanced budget. The statement was not meant to get into any nitty gritty details in the first place. But righties cherry picked 5 words to spin their own bullshit.

Not required to explain. Trudeau wasn't campaigning. It was in a short interview where the interviewer asked how committed he was to a balanced budget. He explained that he believed growth and taking care of Canadians was more important than balancing the budget and went on to say that if those 2 goals were achieved, the budget will balance itself, while also criticizing conservative economic policies. He answered the question he was asked and the question wasn't HOW he would balance the budget. PP on the other hand is running for PM, so he has to explain his specific policies.
I did call it what I want: nonsense.

Considering that comment was made 1.5 years before the election (March 2014), a shorter timeframe than you are looking at for Poilievre, why are you now suggesting that Trudeau was not campaigning but you do not accept the same situation with Poilievre?

Do you even realize your own hypocrisy or are you just scrambling to make excuses for Trudeau again


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
So you're against other people having pensions as well?
You must have a crappy one if it pisses you off that other people don't.
No I'm against hypocrites like you who can't argue without tripping over themselves and falling on their faces.

Now go find another fake Jodie Foster quote to continue your mission of spreading misinformation.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Did you listen to the entire speech are just use a conservative talking point quote?
Why don't you prove you know what you're talking about by linking to the speech where it came from and showing us that he didn't explain it.
I don't accept homework from strangers on the internet.

Since you feel the need to interject in other's conversations how about you find it and explain it rather than trolling? Are you capable?


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
You're the one who thinks Justin is pretty good "balancing" the budget and have no problem how he spends the funds... clueless... 😂 😂 ... which spot did you put me? 😂:poop: You're the one who can't defend Justin's "budget will balance itself" 😂 9 years ...
The hypocrisy of the Left is legendary.

They attack Poilievre for not having fully detailed policies on what he will do if elected; then accept some bullshit fairytale statement from Trudeau when he was campaigning and die on the hill to justify it.

Thank god these guys are here...huge entertainment value!
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I don't accept homework from strangers on the internet.

Since you feel the need to interject in other's conversations how about you find it and explain it rather than trolling? Are you capable?
So you were bullshitting again.
You have no idea what Trudeau was talking about and are just repeating right wing talking points without taking even the barest effort to check if they are true.

This is you.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
I didnt say that. I said balancing the budget was less important than taking care of the people. You went on and on about balancing the budget but you couldn't even articulate what that means.

No you said Trudeau said that the budget will balance itself. That wasn't what he said. You cherry picked words to make it look like he said something else that was nonsensical. But this is pure fabrication to create a talking point.
that was Trudeau's selling point... that was his economic mantra...but after 9 years... the budget isn't balancing itself...and here we are...getting taxed to death and nothing to show for but a few scandals...and you're ok with it... paying overpriced applications, paying tiktok do what? 😂 😂 😂 ...they wouldn't need tiktok influencers if they doing a good job...
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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
So you were bullshitting again.
You have no idea what Trudeau was talking about and are just repeating right wing talking points without taking even the barest effort to check if they are true.
You think I didn't read the entire quote? Is that your argument?
Keep distracting if it helps you feel like it's working to hide your failure.

ps it's not


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
No you said Trudeau said that the budget will balance itself. That wasn't what he said. You cherry picked words to make it look like he said something else that was nonsensical. But this is pure fabrication to create a talking point.
I said his statement was nonsense and a motherhood statement in its entirety. I didn't cherry pick anything. The whole thing is useless.
But keep responding with excuses...only strengthens my point about your hypocrisy with each response.
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