Toronto Escorts

University of Toronto delivers trespass notice to pro-Palestinian encampment


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Why would they?
The aren't committing genocide, that's all on Israel.
Maybe because the terrorist organization that ignited this war is hiding among them and making their lives much worse.
I wouldn't let murderers and kidnappers hide out in my house would you?
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Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
You responding with the word "deflection" is actually a deflection.
There are many possible purposes for posting on TERB. A poster could be trying to persuade someone to accept his view. He could just be going for laughs. He could be shitposting, trying to raise hackles. He could be posting for the express purpose of trying to get someone obnoxious to stop exchanging with him. I'm sure there are other reasons that I'm overlooking. However, none of these comprehensible reasons seem to fit Klatuu's recent M.O.

Absent an attempt to rid himself of someone trolling him who he doesn't want to exchange with, I can't see the purpose in Klatuu posting one or two word pronouncements which persuade no one and are repetitive in the extreme. Many of these posts aren't even in relation to responses to his own posts. It's like he's using TERB as his personal journal for recording his own one word thoughts. Why would anyone do that?

By now, Klatuu knows he has not moved, and is not going to move, the needle towards sympathy for the plight of Hamas and those that this terrorist organization have dragged into harm's way due to their disdain for human life and refusal to follow any civilized rules of engagement for warfare.

So why does he continue to post?


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
There are many possible purposes for posting on TERB. A poster could be trying to persuade someone to accept his view. He could just be going for laughs. He could be shitposting, trying to raise hackles. He could be posting for the express purpose of trying to get someone obnoxious to stop exchanging with him. I'm sure there are other reasons that I'm overlooking. However, none of these comprehensible reasons seem to fit Klatuu's recent M.O.

Absent an attempt to rid himself of someone trolling him who he doesn't want to exchange with, I can't see the purpose in Klatuu posting one or two word pronouncements which persuade no one and are repetitive in the extreme. Many of these posts aren't even in relation to responses to his own posts. It's like he's using TERB as his personal journal for recording his own one word thoughts. Why would anyone do that?

By now, Klatuu knows he has not moved, and is not going to move, the needle towards sympathy for the plight of Hamas and those that this terrorist organization have dragged into harm's way due to their disdain for human life and refusal to follow any civilized rules of engagement for warfare.

So why does he continue to post?
Because he really has no defensible argument but feels some kind of response makes him appear clever.
It actually has the opposite affect.
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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2013
Its about time, they have to be out by today at 6 PM or get arrested. Hopefully they'll get a criminal record and booted out of university. It's said that many are paid protesters and Muslims that don't attend university there.

Judge orders U of T pro-Palestinian encampment to be removed

A Ontario judge has ordered the pro-Palestinian encampment at the University of Toronto to vacate the area by Wednesday at 6 p.m., granting the university the injunction they sought.

“The court orders that the respondents and any and all persons of this order having knowledge of this Order, no later than 6 p.m. on July 3 shall remove all structures, tents, encampments and items of personal property placed or created or imposed by them at Front Campus and King’s College Circle,” reads the decision by Justice Markus Koehnen.

The decision also allows Toronto police or OPP to have authorization to arrest or remove any person who they believe to be contravening the order.

In a statement, U of T said they trust that those in the encampment will abide by the court order and vacate by the deadline. “Anyone who chooses to remain in the encampment after that deadline will be subject to consequences under university policy and the law,” read the statement.

“A letter has been sent to the Toronto Police Service requesting their assistance if the encampment is not cleared by Wednesday, July 3 at 6 p.m.”

Toronto police tell CityNews they will enforce the court’s order. “We hope that protestors will leave voluntarily to avoid the need for police action.”

They add the service is currently determining operational details, but will not disclose exact timing of the operation. “The court order clearly states that the timing and manner of police action is at our discretion.”

A U of T rep is currently handing out copies of the order to those at the encampment.

The university turned to the courts late last month after protesters ignored its deadline to dismantle the encampment.

The encampment was set up on May 2 and participants said they wouldn’t leave until the school agrees to disclose investments in companies profiting from Israel’s offensive in Gaza and cut ties with Israeli academic institutions.

In their court filings, the protesters say the school’s claims of irreparable harm are “grounded in troubling mischaracterizations” of the encampment as violent and antisemitic.

While the university has included examples of antisemitic incidents in its filings, the students say the evidence regarding these incidents is hearsay and cannot be put to the test, nor has the school proven any connection to the encampment or its participants.

Judge Koehnen agreed that none of the name respondents had participated in hate speech and that they had worked to immediately address hate speech surrounding the encampment.

The students also argued that clearing the encampment would violate their protected rights to free expression and peaceful assembly.

In ruling in favour of the University, the court found that the removal of the encampment did not shut down the protestor’s right to freedom of expression as they are still allowed to protest anywhere on campus between the hours of 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. and the injunction would only prohibit camping, setting up structures or blocking entry to any University property.

The National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM), who intervened in the court case, said the court findings show the encampment activists have not engaged in any forms of hatred and have been using peaceful tactics.

“Nonetheless, the court reiterated in its ruling that this case turned on the issue of the appropriation of property, nothing more.”

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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
This is actually a huge victory for the pro Palestinian movement, ruling that statements such as “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” are not hate speech.
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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2013
Let them go rally in some park or stadium so people that are struggling can go or come back from work.

U of T encampment protesters take down some tents, plan rally ahead of deadline

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators at the University of Toronto, facing court orders to dismantle their weeks-old encampment, started to take down tents and tarps on Wednesday morning, though vowed to continue their campus activism.
Despite moves to disassemble the camp, demonstrators said they still planned to hold a rally on Wednesday afternoon hours ahead of a deadline to leave the area known as King’s College Circle.

“We know that police are going to be here, and we will sort of have to see what happens,” said Erin Mackey, an encampment spokesperson.
An Ontario judge issued an injunction against the encampment Tuesday, authorizing police to step in if demonstrators don’t leave the site by 6 p.m. Wednesday. Police have said they would enforce the order but would not disclose any operational plans.

Toronto police officers were seen posting the court order on the encampment fence Wednesday morning, as Palestinian flags waved overhead. An Irish rebel song echoed from the encampment entrance as demonstrators wheeled out supplies in wagons and yellowed patches of grass dotted the lawn where tents once stood.

In a statement issued around 11 a.m., demonstrators said they had not made a final decision “about the 6 p.m. deadline.”

“All of the movement at the encampment is being done in preparation for potential police escalation, given what we’ve seen police do to students at other universities across Canada and North America,” the statement read.

The Canadian Union of Public Employees issued a call to rally at King’s College Circle at 3:30 p.m. in support of the protesters.
Ontario Superior Court Justice Markus Koehnen’s decision, issued Tuesday, says while there is no evidence the encampment participants have been violent or antisemitic, the demonstration has taken away the university’s ability to control what happens in King’s College Circle.

Koehnen says property owners generally decide what happens on their property, and if protesters can take that power for themselves, there is nothing to stop a stronger group from coming and taking over the space from the current protesters, leading to chaos.

Ontario’s Minister of Colleges and Universities said post-secondary institutions have an “obligation to protect the safety and well-being of students, faculty and staff so that students can continue to learn without interruption.”

“Like any court order, this order should be followed to ensure that happens,” read the statement from Minister Jill Dunlop.

The protesters set up camp on May 2 and previously said they would stay put until the school agrees to their demands, which include disclosing and divesting from investments in companies profiting from Israel’s offensive in Gaza.
The court ruling said the university has procedures in place to consider divestment requests and has offered the protesters an expedited process.

Protesters, however, have said they have no confidence in the process, since it rests on recommendations to the university president that he can either follow or ignore. They note Meric Gertlerdeclined to follow a 2016 recommendation to divest from fossil fuels, only to initiate his own process years later that may result in divestment by 2030 — 16 years after the request was made.
“The protesters submit that Gaza does not have 16 years to wait,” Tuesday’s court decision read.

The university initially sought an urgent injunction against the encampment in late May because it’s near Convocation Hall, where graduation ceremonies were scheduled to take place over several weeks in June. The court ended up hearing arguments over two days last month, after most ceremonies were almost done.
No major disruptions were reported.

The judge issued his decision Tuesday, which ruled that, “as passionate as the protesters may be,” they had no unilateral right to decide how the campus green space can be used by their exercise of “force, occupation or intimidation.”

“If the property truly is a quasi-public space, why should one ad hoc group of people get to determine who can use that space for a period of over 50 days?
“As passionate as we may be about alleviating human suffering around the world, depriving our fellow residents of green space accomplishes nothing.” the judge wrote.

The ruling, however, dismissed allegations that the encampment demonstrators had trafficked in antisemitic hate speech and slogans, accusations routinely directed at the group by pro-Israeli organizations who had sought to undermine the protest.

While the judge noted some speech of the “exterior of the encampment” rose to the level of hate speech, none of the encampment demonstrators had been linked to those statements and they had, in fact, taken steps to take down offensive messages near the camp when they appeared.

The judge, on the other hand, cited several examples of the demonstrators themselves being subject to hateful commentary.

He concluded that the encampment was peaceful and cited testimony from demonstrators who described it as an inclusive, caring community where Muslim and Jewish people had co-led Shabbat dinners and shared in prayer.

Protesters, the decision notes, argued criticism of Israel had been conflated with antisemitism, fuelling a moral panic around the issue that had crossed into a new form of repression against those who support Palestinian rights.
“The respondents’ fears about the risk of a new form of McCarthyism are not without foundation,” the judge wrote, referring to the political repression campaign in the 1940s and 1950s to spread fear about alleged communist influence in the U.S. government.

Protesters argued an injunction would be a major infringement on their free expression rights, and underscored universities as a key forum for protest and debate. The judge, however, found there was no right to occupy property that does not belong to them, “no matter how much more effective their protest would be if they were able to do so.”

The university, the judge wrote, has said protesters continue to have the right to protest anywhere on campus, but just can’t set up camps and block entry to university property.

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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
" The Canadian Union of Public Employees issued a call to rally at King’s College Circle at 3:30 p.m. in support of the protesters. "

That's funny. I guess these public union members aren't too busy working after all. Or too overworked and won't show? Someone should take attendance and verify who is and isn't on the clock.

Mind you the union will most likely just send paid protesters like they do when they go on strike.
Toronto Escorts