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A serious question for trump supporters


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
Do you people think that Trump is morally decent ? Or do you think that all politicians are as corrupt as trump and he just doesn't know how to get away with it ? Pr do you think he is morally corrupt but being a criminal doesn't matter because his policies are better than bidens ?


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
There will be voters who support Trump because

i) They want less immigration, legal or illegal.
ii) They want less money spent on Ukraine.
Iii) They don't buy into the climate change BS.
iv) They are filthy rich and don't want to pay more taxes.
v) They want to go along with Israel's choice of their next American lackey.

These voters don't necessarily consider Trump a good guy.
Many of them know Trump is a jerk but will vote him anyway.


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2023
Do you people think that Trump is morally decent ? Or do you think that all politicians are as corrupt as trump and he just doesn't know how to get away with it ? Pr do you think he is morally corrupt but being a criminal doesn't matter because his policies are better than bidens ?
You are bais. You have already made up your mind that Trump is super corrupt and all other are less.
You think being anti trump is your social moral justice. Nothing can be done when you already made up your mind.
All politician are corrupt and we just align ourselves to a political figure whose thought process matches ours.
Now a days, I started to feel that all these political parties are just poppets and someone else is running the whole game altogether. They know what ppl get carried away with and let it happen but slowly achieve their goals. I Amy be wrong but yeah all looks like a planned transition.
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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Pr do you think he is morally corrupt but being a criminal doesn't matter because his policies are better than bidens ?

Many of those who seriously consider voting for Trump already got used
to his offenses. The list of his crimes is so long unearthing more dirt of him
has ceased to have significant impact on his reputation.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Alot of people(republican's) will vote for Trump just because he is a Republican. Republican's supporters will vote for who ever is the presidential candidate. Democrat's will do the same.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
You are bais. You have already made up your mind that Trump is super corrupt and all other are less.
You think being anti trump is your social moral justice. Nothing can be done when you already made up your mind.
All politician are corrupt and we just align ourselves to a political figure whose thought process matches ours.
Now a days, I started to feel that all these political parties are just poppets and someone else is running the whole game altogether. They know what ppl get carried away with and let it happen but slowly achieve their goals. I Amy be wrong but yeah all looks like a planned transition.
Look at all the people in Trumps orbit who went to prison. He is without a doubt the most corrupt politician the United States has ever seen. This is a fact. I am not saying that he is the only corrupt politician - look at Kenny Paxton, but he had been caught committing several criminal acts. He isnt the only one, but if hes that much less intelligent where he gets caught and the others dont, he is not as good of a politician. Dont be a fool and pretend like Republicans dont go after Democrats every bit as hard or harder than Democrats go after them. What the GOP is doing now, trying to go after everyone who exposed Trumps crimes is completely insane. Trump has been shady all his life

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Do you people think that Trump is morally decent ? Or do you think that all politicians are as corrupt as trump and he just doesn't know how to get away with it ? Pr do you think he is morally corrupt but being a criminal doesn't matter because his policies are better than bidens ?
They like Trump because he is a fascist who wants to end democracy…just like them.
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Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
Do you people think that Trump is morally decent ? Or do you think that all politicians are as corrupt as trump and he just doesn't know how to get away with it ? Pr do you think he is morally corrupt but being a criminal doesn't matter because his policies are better than bidens ?
I think Trump, along with MOST politicians, is not "morally decent", nor are most ordinary citizens. I don't think Biden is morally superior to Trump. For me, I prefer Trump's positions on a number of issues over Biden, and I also don't think Biden is physically/mentally capable of performing the job of President (other than as a puppet to unelected "handlers"). Having a President who is totally reliant on handlers is a grave threat to democracy.
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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Do you people think that Trump is morally decent ? Or do you think that all politicians are as corrupt as trump and he just doesn't know how to get away with it ? Pr do you think he is morally corrupt but being a criminal doesn't matter because his policies are better than bidens ?
Better you prefer a leader that speaks eloquently, looks sharp, says the right things at the right time, but does nothing to help their country and does shady shit in the background, or a rough-around-the-edges type of person who actually does things to help their country?

The barometer for some people is the "feel good" factor and not the brass tax of what someone actually does for them. Human nature I guess.

Personally, I don't care what a politician does in their private life, what they say, how they look, the company they keep, what they did when they were teenagers, etc's what they do for me now that I care about. Nothing else really matters if you think about it.
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Apr 12, 2017
There will be voters who support Trump because

i) They want less immigration, legal or illegal.
ii) They want less money spent on Ukraine.
Iii) They don't buy into the climate change BS.
iv) They are filthy rich and don't want to pay more taxes.
v) They want to go along with Israel's choice of their next American lackey.

These voters don't necessarily consider Trump a good guy.
Many of them know Trump is a jerk but will vote him anyway.
This is one of the smartest posts I’ve seen in this subforum.

Exactly right.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
There will be voters who support Trump because

i) They want less immigration, legal or illegal.
ii) They want less money spent on Ukraine.
Iii) They don't buy into the climate change BS.
iv) They are filthy rich and don't want to pay more taxes.
v) They want to go along with Israel's choice of their next American lackey.

These voters don't necessarily consider Trump a good guy.
Many of them know Trump is a jerk but will vote him anyway.
I think a lot of Trump supporters at this stage Just don't want to admit that they are wrong and have been had. Others, such as anyone who still thinks climate change is "bullshit" are either hopelessly stupid (Trump loves the hopelessly stupid) or a paid foreign agent...
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Better you prefer a leader that speaks eloquently, looks sharp, says the right things at the right time, but does nothing to help their country and does shady shit in the background, or a rough-around-the-edges type of person who actually does things to help their country?
What did rump do besides demonize minorities and give tax breaks to billionaires?
Is that all you want?

Or are you just part of a cult?
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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Others, such as anyone who still thinks climate change is "bullshit" are either hopelessly stupid (Trump loves the hopelessly stupid) or a paid foreign agent...
You have been duped not by climate scientists but by politicians who
exploited the climate change issue to win votes. The likes of Biden,
Trudeau, Anthony Albanese and whoever is in charge in Norway are
in reality in bed with Big Oil. They will find every excuse to continue
support of oil exploration and drilling while sticking to the lie of zero
emission by 2050. Wake up, not even Trump supporters are that stupid
to be willingly duped like climate sheeple.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You have been duped not by climate scientists but by politicians who
exploited the climate change issue to win votes. The likes of Biden,
Trudeau, Anthony Albanese and whoever is in charge in Norway are
in reality in bed with Big Oil. They will find every excuse to continue
support of oil exploration and drilling while sticking to the lie of zero
emission by 2050. Wake up, not even Trump supporters are that stupid
to be willingly duped like climate sheeple.
No, you have been lying on behalf of the oil&gas industry to rake in profits at the expense of humanity.
Renewables are cheaper than fossil fuels.

The EU says what you do is criminal and subject to 20 years in prison.
Apr 12, 2017
I think a lot of Trump supporters at this stage Just don't want to admit that they are wrong and have been had. Others, such as anyone who still thinks climate change is "bullshit" are either hopelessly stupid (Trump loves the hopelessly stupid) or a paid foreign agent...
Climate change isn’t bullshit but climate change policies are. Maybe you can pay Greta for a date if that’s your fetish.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
What did rump do besides demonize minorities and give tax breaks to billionaires?
Is that all you want?

Or are you just part of a cult?
You obviously haven't looked at his list of accomplishments that were fact checked to see what he actually did.
btw curing cancer wasn't on the list, but you still wouldn't acknowledge that even if he did.
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Nun on the streets and a feak in the sheets
Sep 24, 2015
Can-Am Girl
Do you people think that Trump is morally decent ? Or do you think that all politicians are as corrupt as trump and he just doesn't know how to get away with it ? Pr do you think he is morally corrupt but being a criminal doesn't matter because his policies are better than bidens ?

Before Trump got into politics he had the apprentice show. He went on CNN and spoke with King, now passed.

Melania was with him also. He asked Melania what are somethings about Donald that most people don't know about him and she said how big of a heart he has and how he likes helping people.
Then he chimed in and said the media paints a picture of him like he's a big tough guy instead of a softie and he said if that's how the media wants to portray him he said then that's fine. But he knows who he is inside.

He's donated to Clinton foundation and other Democrats in the past. Here's a rundown of all his political contributions to various Democrats:

Personally I think he's a protectionist. He's also a businessman. The Democrats treated him way differently before he got into politics. He was on night shows, they treated him with respect and reverreed him up until he threw his hat in the ring. Now it's just a constant barrage of name calling and Insults.

It's not morally ethical to cheat on your S.O, but bill Clinton did it in the oval office and have $800k something along those lines to keep it all quiet.
Clinton had sexual relationships with multiple women, and how did the media treat bill?
They came down on those women so hard, called them floozies ect. Nothing but more name calling and Insults.

The Democrats protect Democrats.

Now if the shoe was on the other foot w Trump he'd be raked over the coals.
Oh wait...

Stormy Daniels got 130k I think from Cohen and Cohen kept 30k of that for himself. He even testified in court that he wrote the check and trump didn't know anything about it.

Stormy is in it for the attention. And she doesn't care about being called names bc that's the entire of her business, she's used to it and it doesn't bother her bc any press is good press. She wrote a book even lol.

Trump I believe is not as corrupt as the Clinton's and Bidens. I believe there's a lot of palms being greased in Washington just like in Ottawa with all Trudeau's corruption trail he's so desperately trying to shield from the public.

Trumps kids are successful
Biden son is a leech, and ex crackhead but how can we be sure he's clean we don't know him personally.

Trump doesn't even drink bc his brother was an alcoholic and told Donald never to drink. He lost his brother and dad and I'm sure that's broken his heart.

The image of Trump presented to us thru the mainstream media is concocted in such a way that one cannot help to think he's a corrupt villain.

He plays business games, but that's business.
He plays tax games, who doesn't? Bill Clinton wrote of his underwear even for tax breaks. There's loopholes and trump as well as others in Washington know how to play them. They have good accountants, he hasn't been convicted of anything regarding his taxes.
I could go on but I'll stop here.

He's a good guy deep down, people make mistakes, he's a protectionist who wants his country back. He doesn't like to see innocent people being murdered by people who have crossed the border illegally. He doesn't like to see the opioid crisis happening across his country, he wants to stop all that corruption. America was better off without Biden. What has Biden done that's a positive for any American since he's taken the reigns?

His son Barron is multilingual, athletic, has musical talents, he's a well rounded young lad.
Any child is a reflection of his parents.

Bidens son is a train wreck, riding off the coat tails of his ice cream licking ,daddy daughter showered child obsessed hair smelling father.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Before Trump got into politics he had the apprentice show. He went on CNN and spoke with King, now passed.

Melania was with him also. He asked Melania what are somethings about Donald that most people don't know about him and she said how big of a heart he has and how he likes helping people.
The image of Trump presented to us thru the mainstream media is concocted in such a way that one cannot help to think he's a corrupt villain.
If Trump is indeed unjustly portrayed by the media as a villain
he doesn't seem to be bothered. Were Trump an exhibitionist
he is the kind of guy who wouldn't care about joining a nudist
camp. He would just run around in the street with no cloths on.
There may be a human side to Trump which he doesn't care to show.

I think some of the people who worked with Trump actually found
him likable or at least had no bad things to say about him.
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