Vaughan Spa



Well-known member
The last place anyone wants to be mourned on is an escort review forum.
First of don't speak for everyone on this board dude!
And secondly...
we've had Escorts AND hobbyist come on here and give heartfelt goodbyes and thank you to this small tight knit community as they were dealing with an end of life situation
Someone paying respects to another person's passing is nothing more..nothing less than acknowledging they're gone.

William St

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2018
First of don't speak for everyone on this board dude!
And secondly...
we've had Escorts AND hobbyist come on here and give heartfelt goodbyes and thank you to this small tight knit community as they were dealing with an end of life situation
Someone paying respects to another person's passing is nothing more..nothing less than acknowledging they're gone.
Agree, 100%!!


Active member
Feb 24, 2024
I agree. In some people’s eyes it may not be the most glorious career but let’s not forget that it’s the oldest profession in the world and she dedicated a lot of her time on it. Anything that your work becomes your lifestyle is worth mentioning because of the dedication. She made a lot of people happy, probably saved a lot of people from mental health issues and that’s not counting violent crimes that can come from not having those services available. I didn’t know the lady but she deserves my upmost respect


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2009
Everyone, from every walk of life, with very few exceptions, should be acknowledged as having existed.

The only exception I make are for the low est of the lowlifes that need not be mentioned here so as not to dishonour the tribute.


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2014
My condolences to her family and close friends and clients..... Speaking of this topic that I once was rumored that I passed away and no idea where that rumor came from. But when I came back in 2020 Went on a 3 year break, 2 do school in, you know? Be a normal, good girl. and got copious messages of I thought you were dead. ?!? Kind of shocked me.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
My condolences to her family and close friends and clients..... Speaking of this topic that I once was rumored that I passed away and no idea where that rumor came from. But when I came back in 2020 Went on a 3 year break, 2 do school in, you know? Be a normal, good girl. and got copious messages of I thought you were dead. ?!? Kind of shocked me.
Well yah look fantastic after a couple of years in the grave! Maybe that's why the blokes are dying to meet

Seriously though, that's the wonder of social media - to paraphrase Mark Twain - a lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its pants on.
Your stellar rep speaks for itself.

Tomas K

New member
Jun 13, 2024
I have known "Trish" for over 20 years now, going way back to her days at Pigales and the Playmate... yes, old timer here, kind of lurking for a while now. Sad to read this. I haven't seen her for about three years now, I use to run into her at a grocery store in my area and chatted for a bit over the years too. I am not going into any details about the escapades we had at the Playmate, Pigales and various other locations around town going way back... but bottom line here is when I read the title of this thread a shock went down my spine. I totally agree with the gentleman above you wrote "Everyone, from every walk of life, with very few exceptions, should be acknowledged as having existed". Yes, we are all humans and we exist, Trish was more than just a human, she was an angel deep inside with a pure heart. She will be very much missed.
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