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Israel at war


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Why would you laugh at this?
You can't demand answers when you refuse to do so. I've asked you a bunch of times:

What is a Ziontologist?

Pretty sure you won't be asking me about laughing again.


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2023
Nah, you're making up your own rules as you go along.
These are your rules:

When I criticize Israel its okay.
But when others criticize Palestinians its racism
When others criticize Islam its islamophobia.
When others criticize naked adults in front of kids at pride parades it homophobia.
When others criticize puberty blockers for 12-year olds its transphobia.
Bu when others criticize India's caste system its racism.

On and and on you go with your hypocrisy
- Islamophobia term is created to shut the criticism is Islam.
- Transphobia term is created to hide the criminal intention of certain ppl for kids
- Zionism is more to do with idea is Jewish pol
Having homeland as Israel
- Antisemitism is to target Judaism as religion
- White supremacy term coined to suppress white nationalist
- Hindutva term is coins to suppress Hindus from being nationalist and feel proud of their religious identity

I am welcoming myself in this debate. 😎


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2023
Only one in the present moment is genociding the indigeneous people. That is Israel. Not Canada. Not the US. Not the Muslims. No one else, except Israel.
US, Canada and Muslims have already annihilated indigenous ppl, are you forgiving them?
At the moment Israel has right to exist and self defence.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Only one in the present moment is genociding the indigeneous people. That is Israel. Not Canada. Not the US. Not the Muslims. No one else, except Israel.
Do you think If Hamas surrenders, Israel will keep bombing Gaza until not a single soul remains? I know for a fact if Bibi gets removed tomorrow and Israel agrees to ceasefire...Hamas will still find an excuse to carry out another Oct they always do.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
US, Canada and Muslims have already annihilated indigenous ppl, are you forgiving them?
At the moment Israel has right to exist and self defence.
No state has a 'right to exist', that's an imaginary right.
And Israel does not have the right to self defence over the people they are illegally occupying.

Its always been the same story.


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2023
Did you just insert "Muslims" into a sentence to claim that they had anything at all to do with the treatment of indigeneous people in Canada, when they had nothing at all to do with it? Nice try. Also, genocide isn't self defence.
You need to calm down. I have quoted your post so it would be easier.i just answer what you asked. Read again.
where did I say muslim have any connection with indigenous ppl in canada?
Afghanistan was Buddhist before Islam came and don’t tell me all Buddhist converted while dancing on hill. It was based on violence.
who told you that Israel is killing indigenous ppl? I would say Israel is on proactive self defence mode. What to wait for another rocket and bullets?


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2023
You seem to be an Indian guy defending Hindutva etc., So is this one of those "I hate Muslims more than I love Jews" deals? If so, I have to just say you are making India look bad. Hindutva is one of the most backward and divisive ideologies in India where it claims that the 1 BILLION Hindus in India, have a "need" to feel proud of their religious identity while trying to hold on to many cultural values that are backward and cringe, that have no place in the 21st century. It is laughable. It is that kind of backward Hindu culture that holds India back on many fronts. You saw first hand what Modi's divisive politics resulted in, in the recent elections even if he won. The BJP lost their majority. Go figure.

And if you are the typical Indian that thinks Israel is your friend, because they SELL military equipment to India, you haven't met many Israelis to hear what they actually think about India. lol.

It looks like a couple of things. It looks like they were doing a photo op. And it also looks like they ran out of ammo to do this:
that’s sad what you posted. I am interested in world politics as it has impact on me.
Who told you Hindutva is backward? Are you hindu? Who told you I love Jew and who the fuck told you that I hate Muslim? I don’t give a fuck to anyone if my surrounding are safe and sound. It doesn’t matter what color and religion you belong too.
You talking about weapon selling etc do you even know how Military industry complex work?
Do you think that online love that Jews and Hindus are showing on Twitter and social media is genuine? Wait for some time and you will see again. The reason is one is “Pure Race” and another one is not coming out of colonised mind set.
I didn’t follow election so not sure about majority but I saw Italy and Israel congratulated Indian PM ( all three are from right wing) so I assumed he won? Did he lose? Won’t he be PM?
Again you need to take deep breath.
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Well-known member
Jul 16, 2023
Here we go folks. The worlds first Brown White Nationalist and the world's first Asian White Nationalist. 😂

You couldn't make this shit up. LMFAO.
This my friend you being “Racist” what is brown white nationalist? Asian white (not Israeli) nationalist? What color are you?

let’s not get personal and indulge in personal attack. Let’s discuss like gentlemen having drink and discussing thing to enjoy.
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Well-known member
Jul 16, 2023
So Muslims invaded and killed people in Central Asia, ME and North Africa. The Christian inquisition invaded multiple regions of the world and killed people. So what? How do those PAST acts, justify the current genocide of indigeneous people of Palestine. Is anyone actually committing genocide today? No. Only one country is. That is Israel.

I doubt you know the history of Israel and Palestine. But occupying land that belongs to the Palestinians, and then subjecting them to brutal oppression and genocide, is aptly being called out by the international community. None of which is self defence.

Anatomy of a Genocide - Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Francesca Albanese

so whatever happened in past is ok so you’re normalising this mindset of voilance. Ok than I would say after few years ppl will feel ok about Israel self defence mindset.

Again you are judging my friend. You need to calm down and take deep breath. You know nothing about me so don’t assume not that ok now I started to get the feeling that you re political views are more towards leftist.

Btw, I wrote papers on “ La chanson de Roland” so I am very much familiar with Religion and War.
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