Bryan Adams is good yes! He's really good. Legendary! I'm not a Bieber fan myself except for his one song "sorry". So Canadian!

I absolutely lovvve the hip. I'll never forget when my parents got me and my sisters tickets to their concert for Xmas one year when we were teenagers, ahhmaxing! Gordon Lightfoot is a different genre then id typically listen to but he's got really good song writing skills. My dad loved rush back in the day, Ive tried them but I'm not a fan of the synthesizer,though the main guy has epic guitar skills. Celine dion? Meh, my heart will go on.

Shania Twain? Maybe back when I was a teenager. Barenaked ladies I've always liked, saw them one year at a New years Eve concert in the falls, I think they were just getting big back then. I still like em. I remember the philosopher kings, Econoline crush, sum 41, bif naked, saw her too, fucked the drummer a couple times, and I was underage come to think of it lol I didn't tell him that tho. I had a fake Id and told the bouncers I was with the band so me and my friends went down to the basement at this bar they were playing at, chatted him up and took him back to my place after the show. Oh my goodness, that was crazyy. Our lady peace was another good band from back in the day, Matthew good band, I mother earth, the tea party, ect ect.
Now that I'm thinking of all these old Canadian rock bands, there hasn't been much Canadian musical talent nowadays like there was back in the 90s and 2000s! Drake yes, biebs yes, can't think of anyone else really. I'd like to know more cdn bands if anyone has any I can check out. I find cdn music is so very underrated. We get drowned out by the Americans cuz their much louder and have more labels then we do I think.
Oh yeah, also the tea party. Omg they were reallllly good live. Mmmk I'm done blabbering, gonna go get cozy now. Night y'all!