Things were better 10 years ago, the fertility rate is below replacement. THe fuckery they are doing with some city streets isn't enough to cause that much problems. Every year the line to get to the Don Valley Parking lost from the 401 west bound gets longer and longer, there was a time when I'd get onto the intersection, then you are waiting on the 401 and the line gets longer.So you agree with my point then? Immigration isn't causing the problems. It's just exacerbating things that were already broken. But it's madness to say stop immigration and everything will magically be ok.
Likewise on Sunday mornings I like to go from my Oakville/Burlington hotel into Hamilton for some Tally Ho before heading on the long drive home. 15 or so years ago it was easy peasy lemon squeezy, now every bloody time there are traffic jams. Roads are the same, the only difference is more soylent green.
Sure you can blame some of the downtown fuckery on taking out lanes or what have you, but things are getting clogged on on the highways also and I notice this because I go to the GTA/Hammer region 1 to 3 times a year and every year it gets worse and worse without actually leaving the autoroutes.
Montreal OTOH, OK when they were fixing the Turcott exchange things were bad, and now they are working on the bridge entering Montreal on AR 40 so that's a horror show, but it doesn't seem to be any worse than it was 20 years ago, A steady state of suck, but then they don't get the immigrant load Toronto does.
How can that be except for more cars and more people equals more cars.
If the argument is stop all immigration and everything fixes itself that day, then no, that is obvious bullocks, I doubt anyone would be daft to actually think that. OTOH if adding about 1% of the population every year and most of that centered in a couple of places for the past 10 years wasn't done, then we would not be in quite the mess we are in. Mess, yes, but it would not be as bad.
It just makes sense, All else being equal, which is what we have] more people, more problems, regardless of it is from immigrants or people humping and pumping [which they are not doing enough of anymore]
If we do keep on this path it will only get worse and worse, unless something changes, and much like with the medical and housing situation, none of the parties seem to have a clue.
Silly me, I think if you invite someone to your home, you should clean the bed sheets, put fresh towels out and stock the fridge and pantry with good eats. But shit ain't like that, it's real fucked up. And all of this should have been predictable by the adults in charge, but they are only around for 4 or 8 maybe 12 years so meh.