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Should I be terrified of climate change?


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Mind your own fucking business if you can't tell the difference when somebody is joking unless you want to look stupid. Oh too late for you.
shad up & then grow up
there are so many loonies out there virtual signaling about climate i just took you at your word

instead of letting me know that you were not serious, you instead insulted me and asked a brain dead question
And you know what I eat Kreskin?
pretty much what a loonie left climate nutter would say

you do not get a free ride for that


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2023
shad up & then grow up
there are so many loonies out there virtual signaling about climate i just took you at your word

instead of letting me know that you were not serious, you instead insulted me and asked a brain dead question

pretty much what a loonie left climate nutter would say

you do not get a free ride for that
Your TDS (Trudeau Derangement Syndrome) makes you see things that are not there and say things that make you sound like a dick. It was pretty clear that it was a joke but you got triggered and just jumped at the chance to use another phase from the rabbit hole 🕳 book of phrases "virtue signaling" "loonie left." Jeezus you are a grown assed man start acting like a man and think for yourself. So I don't need a pass from a fuckwit I have no respect for.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
So extreme poverty of $2.15 a day is lower, that's great.
But it doesn't excuse the concentration of wealth, end state capitalism or climate change.

you will mess that positive abject poverty trend up by restricting fossil fuel and fertilizer access

concentration of wealth- new multi- millionaires are made every day by individuals who worked hard, put capital at risk and successfully met a demand for a product or service in the market place, often a product or service you demand.
the only thing that prevented you from accomplishing the same- was you

end state capitalism??
According to classical Marxist and social evolutionary theories, post-capitalist societies may come about as a result of spontaneous evolution as capitalism becomes obsolete. Others propose models to intentionally replace capitalism, most notably socialism, communism, anarchism, nationalism and degrowth.
sorry your wet dream is not going to happen
there will always be demand in the market place , its part of human nature

climate change.
climate changes, always has, always will
you are comically delusional if you think you can control climate

but it is really control over other people that you crave
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Your TDS (Trudeau Derangement Syndrome) makes you see things that are not there and say things that make you sound like a dick
so you do lean left
that explains the full blown hissy fit

makes you see things that are not there
really, the incompetence, corruption and complete failure of the mannequin Justin Trudeau are not real ??

the polls and his long list of screw ups say differently

. It was pretty clear that it was a joke
it was not clear at all.
try proof reading your drivel from the readers perspective
and don't quit your day job to become a comedian

but you got triggered and just jumped at the chance to use another phase from the rabbit hole 🕳 book of phrases "virtue signaling" "loonie left."
you had your chance to clarify your non-joke.
instead you insulted me

Jeezus you are a grown assed man start acting like a man and think for yourself. So I don't need a pass from a fuckwit I have no respect for.

when you insult someone, expect a retort ......don't have a full blown hissy fit when the expected happens
grow up


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2023
Haha typical rabbit holer 🕳 response. You are a joke and your family is embarrassed for you. Get help.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Whether or not you are terrified of climate change depends on three things:
>Where you live.
>Where you are on the food insecurity scale right now.
>Whether you have, or expect to have any children or grandchildren.

If none of the above feel free to fiddle while Rome burns🎻🔥...
Exactly. This is why when Thunberg was taking about her future being taken away from her, that's a lie. Her parents did that. Rich girl in Sweden, not a problem. Sure Stockholm are a bunch of islands but if she and her parents are aware of the problem they could move to higher ground, or import a bunch of dutch lesbians to do what they did in the Netherlands. Her and her kids will be fine

OTOH if you are in Bangladesh or the Sahel region in northern Wakanda or on one of those Pacific islands, or one of those areas in Iran or India whose temp/humidity is getting very close to being literally unlivable you should be very afraid.

OTOH if we were facing an ice age that will bury us people here in the Canadas then I am sure those people would probably care about as much for us as we do for them, which is pretty much not at all if it requires sacrifice.

So it's an issue, but one I am not strongly motivated to give a shit about. Also I don't have kids so my weirdness and fugly chud of a visage that would make a soggoth recoil in horror means I've done my bit.

As for the long long term, if you are Canadian with expectations of grand kids and great grand kids and so on, eventually it will stabilize, we will figure out some combo of fusion, batteries, hydrogen, solar, wind whatever, that and population decline will stabilize things naturally before it becomes extension worthy.
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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2023
Exactly. This is why when Thunberg was taking about her future being taken away from her, that's a lie. Her parents did that. Rich girl in Sweden, not a problem. Sure Stockholm are a bunch of islands but if she and her parents are aware of the problem they could move to higher ground, or import a bunch of dutch lesbians to do what they did in the Netherlands. Her and her kids will be fine

OTOH if you are in Bangladesh or the Sahel region in northern Wakanda or on one of those Pacific islands, or one of those areas in Iran or India whose temp/humidity is getting very close to being literally unlivable you should be very afraid.

OTOH if we were facing an ice age that will bury us people here in the Canadas then I am sure those people would probably care about as much for us as we do for them, which is pretty much not at all if it requires sacrifice.

So it's an issue, but one I am not strongly motivated to give a shit about. Also I don't have kids so my weirdness and fugly chud of a visage that would make a soggoth recoil in horror means I've done my bit.

As for the long long term, if you are Canadian with expectations of grand kids and great grand kids and so on, eventually it will stabilize, we will figure out some combo of fusion, batteries, hydrogen, solar, wind whatever, that and population decline will stabilize things naturally before it becomes extension worthy.
Well said, I am looking at my flooded lawn after days of rain. This happens almost every year between Feb and May. Stay calm and react accordingly.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Whether or not you are terrified of climate change depends on three things:
>Where you live.
>Where you are on the food insecurity scale right now.
>Whether you have, or expect to have any children or grandchildren.

If none of the above feel free to fiddle while Rome burns🎻🔥...
But carbon tax will fix it.
The more someone is forced to pay, the less terrified they feel. Or so I've been told by a few indoctrinated comrades on here.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Haha typical rabbit holer 🕳 response. You are a joke and your family is embarrassed for you. Get help.

i thought you were suppose to be the jokester ?
can you drop us hint when you think you are being funny ?
how's your blood pressure after your hissy fit ?
is tonight steak night ?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You've had her as an SP? 🤣🤣
you will mess that positive abject poverty trend up by restricting fossil fuel and fertilizer access

concentration of wealth- new multi- millionaires are made every day by individuals who worked hard, put capital at risk and successfully met a demand for a product or service in the market place, often a product or service you demand.
the only thing that prevented you from accomplishing the same- was you

end state capitalism??

sorry your wet dream is not going to happen
there will always be demand in the market place , its part of human nature

climate change.
climate changes, always has, always will
you are comically delusional if you think you can control climate

but it is really control over other people that you crave
Still a science denier, larue?
Still claiming that you and your plucky band of oil funded lobbyists can change the world?


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
It's never too late to be de-programmed. Get help for your TDS and self-esteem issues.
still thinking your a jokester ?
can you drop us a hint when you think you are being funny ?

i will take your proposal and give it due consideration.. ...............
..............(checking to see if my nails need clipping)
ok, your proposal has been rejected

hows life as a Trudeau fan boy working for you?

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2023
still thinking your a jokester ?
can you drop us a hint when you think you are being funny ?

i will take your proposal and give it due consideration.. ...............
..............(checking to see if my nails need clipping)
ok, your proposal has been rejected

hows life as a Trudeau fan boy working for you?

View attachment 315338
Almost 24 hrs later and like a dog with a boner still trying to hump the furniture. So you are still triggered? Good, drinking my latte with your tears of frustration 🤣🤣🤣


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Still a science denier, larue?
Still claiming that you and your plucky band of oil funded lobbyists can change the world?
Are the oil industry and lobbyists only good when it benefits countries like Norway?


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
How about feeling free to use a military jet for family vacation
for someone who has kids but don't have to worry about food
security? Does this pass as fiddling while Rome burns?

Nothing "feeling free" about it. It is a security requirement for heads of state. Lest they get seated next to an internet lunatic obsessed with impotent criticism that may escalate to violence out of impotent frustration. Or at the least, disrupting a public airliner flight requiring a diversionary landing.

Besides, once you have 6-10 people travelling a long distance, the use of an appropriately sized small to midsize jet is pretty much as fuel efficient on a seat-mile basis as a commercial airliner. Never mind the perishable time value of being able to work while travelling in privacy.

The aircraft he flies in is noting fancy inside. No gold plated anything. It's in regular military service every day making efficient use of public servants time. And it is as true and authentic display of a native Canadian designed and built aircraft that is either the #1 or #2 most popular and respected business jets ever built. And manufacturing them in Canada keeps Canadian's employed. Nothing like the Head of State of Canada flying the flagship .🇨🇦 of Canadian aircraft, eh?

Now, your hero Donald J. Trump flying around on a fucking gold toileted 247 seat AIRLINER with a small entourage... is fucking obscene gluttony. And those Rolls Royce RB211's that make it such a fantastic high performance pilot's plane suck fuel faster than Trumptards can turn over their foodstamps. There is a reason the airlines retired them. They are horrifically thirsty on fuel. The Canadian Challenger 650 jet sips fuel and it's GE CF34-3 engines are top of class in fuel efficiency.

But, yeah. We get it. Trudope is everything you are not. Accomplished, respected, and gets to fly around in a private jet while your accomplishments limit you to criticizing same on the internet 24/7
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Are the oil industry and lobbyists only good when it benefits countries like Norway?
Yes, you're starting to get it.
If the country gets the profit its good for the people.

Liberal budget will tax the rich.
Does this piss you off, skoob?


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Almost 24 hrs later and like a dog with a boner still trying to hump the furniture. So you are still triggered? Good, drinking my latte with your tears of frustration 🤣🤣🤣
how old are you ?
14 ?

drinking your "latte" while sitting on your furniture just after your dog humped all over it?
get stuck right in there while drinking your fancy milk
more bovine products for you?
And you say "Just doing my part"
what do you call your furniture fertilizing furry friend?
you might consider taking him for a walk instead of watching mono pet porn
you will save on furnishings

I am not triggered at all.
you be the one who blew a fuse and had a hissy fit when called out for being a dummy

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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
how old are you ?
14 ?

drinking your "latte" while sitting on your furniture just after your dog humped all over it?
get stuck right in there while drinking your fancy milk
more bovine products for you?
And you say "Just doing my part"
what do you call your furniture fertilizing furry friend?
you might consider taking him for a walk instead of watching mono pet porn
you will save on furnishings

I am not triggered at all.
you be the one who blew a fuse and had a hissy fit when called out for being a dummy

View attachment 315555
You definitely sound triggered.

You get very upset when people point out that your science denial is idiotic.


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2023
how old are you ?
14 ?

drinking your "latte" while sitting on your furniture just after your dog humped all over it?
get stuck right in there while drinking your fancy milk
more bovine products for you?
And you say "Just doing my part"
what do you call your furniture fertilizing furry friend?
you might consider taking him for a walk instead of watching mono pet porn
you will save on furnishings

I am not triggered at all.
you be the one who blew a fuse and had a hissy fit when called out for being a dummy

View attachment 315555
And hours later here you are still triggered. Turn out the lights and go back upstairs to your mommy, when you finish crying on you keyboard.
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