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Brampton is fucked


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
There’s a short bus for you somewhere In Brampton
Well, you should get on that bus, pronto. Let me know if you need some help. Always happy to assist the mentally challenged and the intellectually deficient.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
No the daily bad driving.
I guess these clowns wanted to make things spicy, bring it up a notch.

Why? Was it racist of me to post the video of the perps?
Kautilya sees racism in everything unfortunately like all the young kids do nowadays. We can blame their lord and savior Turdeau and the Liberals for that.
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It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
Kautilya sees racism in everything unfortunately like all the young kids do nowadays. We can blame their lord and savior Turdeau and the Liberals for that.
You dont see racism in anything. Even in racist things. That's the problem. Thanks to the MAGA virus infecting Canadians.


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
You just proved TomFord1980 correct.
No, I did not prove anything one way or another or even set out to do so in the first place. My statement was addressed to him, to point out his flawed logic, while highlighting the usual subject matter in his posting history.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2023
No, I did not prove anything one way or another or even set out to do so in the first place. My statement was addressed to him, to point out his flawed logic, while highlighting the usual subject matter in his posting history.
You called it the MAGA virus as if it's some racially motivated movement. Do you have any idea how many non whites in the U.S. support Trump and believe in conservative values.


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
You called it the MAGA virus as if it's some racially motivated movement. Do you have any idea how many non whites in the U.S. support Trump and believe in conservative values.
It is primarily a racially motivated movement. It's primary motive is to stop legal and illegal immigration from non-white countries. Hence Trump's comments on shit hole countries while lamenting that people from Norway dont come to the US.

And yes, there are some racist, or self-hurting non whites, women, LGBTQ who support Trump too. About 20% of his supporters.


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
🙄 this generation is so lost. They unfortunately worship a dictator in Trudeau who divides people by race rather than follow the supreme advice of Dr. King
Trudeau is a dictator now who divides people by race? Yeah alright pal! 😂 🤡 🐸


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
It is primarily a racially motivated movement. It's primary motive is to stop legal and illegal immigration from non-white countries. Hence Trump's comments on shit hole countries while lamenting that people from Norway dont come to the US.

And yes, there are some racist, or self-hurting non whites, women, LGBTQ who support Trump too. About 20% of his supporters.
Trump is so racist that non whites vote for him? You know how ridiculous you sound my person of color friend?
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It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
Trump is so racist that non whites vote for him? You know how ridiculous you sound my person of color friend?
The fact that Trump has non-white support does not mean he is not racist. It was because he was racist he was accused of racism in housing back in the day. He was also racist, when he called Mexican immigrants, rapists and criminals. He was racist, when he wanted to set up Muslim registries. He was racist, when he called African countries shit hole nations. He was racist when he said there were very good people on both sides, in reference to the Nazis at Charlottesville. Need I go on?

Some non-white people can also be racist and many of the Trump supporting ones are. Thankfully a tiny minority. Are you saying only white people can be racist?

Also, referring to me as a person of colour when you can refer to my name, is racist. So that makes you a racist, who supports Trump. Which again proves my earlier point that Trump, his followers and his ideology are all racist.
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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
Trudeau is a dictator now who divides people by race? Yeah alright pal! 😂 🤡 🐸
The fact that Trump has non-white support does not mean he is not racist. It was because he was racist he was accused of racism in housing back in the day. He was also racist, when he called Mexican immigrants, rapists and criminals. He was racist, when he wanted to set up Muslim registries. He was racist, when he called African countries shit hole nations. He was racist when he said there were very good people on both sides, in reference to the Nazis at Charlottesville. Need I go on?

Some non-white people can also be racist and many of the Trump supporting ones are. Thankfully a tiny minority. Are you saying only white people can be racist?

Also, referring to me as a person of colour when you can refer to my name, is racist. So that makes you a racist, who supports Trump. Which again proves my earlier point that Trump, his followers and his ideology are all racist.
I can tell you watch a lot of CNN and CBC because your views are a bit out of touch with reality and you blame everything on the big bad white boogeyman.


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
I can tell you watch a lot of CNN and CBC because your views are a bit out of touch with reality and you blame everything on the big bad white boogeyman.
I dont watch either. And look who is talking about being out of touch lol. I did not blame it on the big bad white boogeyman. I call individuals who say racist things, as racist. Very different from what you are trying to insinuate. Which again shows that you are out of touch lol.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
I dont watch either. And look who is talking about being out of touch lol. I did not blame it on the big bad white boogeyman. I call individuals who say racist things, as racist. Very different from what you are trying to insinuate. Which again shows that you are out of touch lol.
The issue with you is that you look for racism all the time. This creates tension within yourself and as a result you falsely label something that isnt racist, racist.

I am going to post the incredible Dr. King quote again:

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