Fact: Yes of course 100%, Israel has the right to self defense and its a right not exclusive to Isreal. If you were Palestinian, would lie in your harmoc wishing the death and destruction away...I wouldn't.Israel deserves to have their own Jewish state, not to get wiped off the face the earth by the rest of their middle eastern enemies!!
Fact: Zionism is the root cause of this problem; remember when Europe turned on the Jews, the Arab/Muslim world provided refuge to many fleeing. In fact in modern times, Jewish have only enjoyed genuine peace only in the Muslim world.
Fact: One would expect the dark history to be a lesson to mankind never to be forgotten, ironically it appears Israel is killing and dispossessing in the new of Jews...the very people I would have expected better from.
Fact: Any criticism of Isreal is blocked by powers that be and labeled anti-Semitic, yet Arabs and SOME Jews are all Semites, not the blonde blue eyed ones from elsewhere and not the middle east. Genuine concern raised is buried under anti Semitic labels and the holocaust invoked...this approach trivializes the horrible chapter in humanity.
Now you may proceed to call me one if you can't engage in conversation now then when?