$2 billion into healthcare and several new hospitals.This page is dedicated to NGY.
Ontario deficit will triple as economy weakens, 2024 budget shows
Ontario Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy tabled the province’s 2024-25 budget on Tuesday, outlining a “deterioration” of the province’s fiscal situation.Ontario budget 2024: Billions for health care, rising deficits, car insurance changes and other highlights
Ontario’s 2024-25 budget projects a $9.8-billion deficit, a year after the government projected that it would be balancing its books by nowwww.theglobeandmail.com
Ontario’s debt burden (as measured by the net debt-to-GDP ratio) is expected to increase from 38.3 per cent in 2022-23 to 38.7 per cent in 2024-25, before declining to 37.0 per cent by 2027-28.Economic and Budget Outlook, Winter 2024 - Financial Accountability Office of Ontario %
This report provides the FAO’s outlook for the provincial economy and the Province’s finances over the 2023-24 to 2027-28 period.www.fao-on.org
The Ford government is bad at budgeting — or it isn’t being straight with Ontarians
Is starving Ontario's hospitals and schools really something to brag about?Is starving Ontario’s hospitals and schools really something to brag about?
The root cause of Ontario’s low spending on public services is our strong aversion to raising the revenues needed to pay for them.www.thestar.com
In hard times Ford is throwing billions of good money after badIn hard times Ford is throwing billions of good money after bad
In a time of crisis, the premier continues to spend billions artificially lowering artificially high hydro rateswww.thespec.com
ServiceOntario scandal worsens as Ford government hands taxpayer money to Staples and Walmart
Under Doug Ford, Ontarians aren’t residents — they’re customers
Premier plots course for radical centre in upcoming Ontario budgetLILLEY: Premier plots course for radical centre in upcoming Ontario budget
Expect more for health care and education in the upcoming Ontario budget, but there will be no new taxes and no new radical spending.torontosun.com
Munro and Fuss: Doug Ford's government is racking up massive debt — and you're paying for itMunro and Fuss: Doug Ford's government is racking up massive debt — and you're paying for it
Ontario carries one of the largest debt burdens in Canada, largely due to the province’s unwillingness to control spending.ottawacitizen.com
ONTARIO STUDENTS SUFFER: AN ANALYSIS OF DOUG FORD’S EDUCATIONAL BUDGET CUTSOntario students suffer: an analysis of Doug Ford’s educational budget cuts - The Medium
Newly elected Premier of Manitoba, Wab Kinew, has recently announced that the provincial government will provide C$1.35 million dollars toward efforts that tackle child poverty and hunger. According to Global News, Manitoba has the highest rate of child poverty across the provinces, standing...themedium.ca
Doug Ford’s free-spending fiscal ways in Ontario are worse than Kathleen Wynne’sOpinion: Doug Ford’s free-spending fiscal ways in Ontario are worse than Kathleen Wynne’s
Because of the Ontario government’s spending increases and significant debt accumulation, provincial finances continue to sit on shaky groundwww.theglobeandmail.com
Kinda goes against the "starving Ontario hospitals" narrative doesn't it?