Asia Studios Massage

Holiday Inn at airport giving really bad vibe?


There was a star danced, and under that was I born
Feb 18, 2023
Insula Avallonis
I've been at that location a few times. It really is a bad hotel for clients wishing to blend in.

If I was stopped by a friend or family member, there is zero reason why I should be there. No restaurant, no starbucks, no coffee shop. I know that if I ran in to a male friend, chances are he is there for the same reason. But, I still want to say that popped in for a coffee or meeting someone at the bar. In my head, I can sell that.

Secondly, the exits which are closer to the rooms is great for a quick departure; however, one must navigate that large parking lot to enter the lobby. Again, odd to not park near the entrance.

It is a looooong walk from the lobby to the room, passing staff who know why you are here and others who may include the odd client.

The place has the vibes of a sleazy hotel.

Honestly, I stopped seeing ladies who hosted from this location.

Best place IMHO is Sandman. The hotel is off the main strip with access from the rear right, close to the elevators with limited view of the front desk desk. Walk in with a coffee and head to the elevators.

The hotel and a restaurant share the lot. Easy explanation should one crosses paths with a friend/family/colleague.

Btw, I've seen a lady and the met up with the boys at the bar.

Hope the agencies are reading this...
Same with delta airport or maybe it’s Hilton airport which is across from a conference centre and has two or three restaurants inside Open late. Near the highway and has meeting rooms.


There was a star danced, and under that was I born
Feb 18, 2023
Insula Avallonis
Because your ways are dangerous and amateurish...I ran into my colleague in a hotel 500 km from my home in Ottawa during Winterlude.

What if a cop questions you? You're meeting a work colleague from out of town, give me a name, let's see if the guy is a hotel guest. What name do you give? Amber aka Jessica Rabbit? You would have blown your cover right there. And you're sitting the lobby reading Terb FFS...any cop would look at your phone and immediately figure out you are a john. You're way better off saying you're trying out Perkins.

Sitting in a condo lobby 80 km away from your home when you don't know anybody in that building, you cannot even talk yourself out of this one. If I were you, I would get the fuck out of there ASAP, in case of a police raid, you won't get picked up.
Again, if you aren’t drawing attention. You do have some amount of rights and freedoms (to remain silent ?).
what’re the chance you and the colleague were both there for a work related conference ? lol same department ? Maybe he Lives there ? I mean I’ve seen a childhood friend driving on the 401 heading east- a major major rare likelihood but it can happen.

Disgruntled Goat

Well-known member
Dec 1, 2022
Because your ways are dangerous and amateurish...I ran into my colleague in a hotel 500 km from my home in Ottawa during Winterlude.
I said "at an incall", not "during a big national touristy celebration".

What if a cop questions you? You're meeting a work colleague from out of town, give me a name, let's see if the guy is a hotel guest. What name do you give? Amber aka Jessica Rabbit? You would have blown your cover right there. And you're sitting the lobby reading Terb FFS...any cop would look at your phone and immediately figure out you are a john. You're way better off saying you're trying out Perkins.
You tell the cop politely that it's none of their business where you're going or what you look at on your phone. They can't do shit. They may try to intimidate you, but if you don't know the law or know your rights, then you deserve to fall victim to their bullshit.

Sitting in a condo lobby 80 km away from your home when you don't know anybody in that building, you cannot even talk yourself out of this one. If I were you, I would get the fuck out of there ASAP, in case of a police raid, you won't get picked up.
See above. It's even easier to tell the cops to fuck off in a condo where you got buzzed in. If you were me you wouldn't be this ignorant, but you're not so you are.


There was a star danced, and under that was I born
Feb 18, 2023
Insula Avallonis
You tell the cop that your wife kicked you out for cheating which you never did so now, you found a sugar momi to really cheat.
IF that is a problem for him (cop) , tell him you are at loss, and you cannot give him your copy of a bible.
He will ask to come up to the hotel room which has a spare copy :)


There was a star danced, and under that was I born
Feb 18, 2023
Insula Avallonis
I planned to withdraw some cash from a bank in the evening, they locked the door because of homeless people so I couldn't access the ATM inside.

I planned to fuel up at a certain gas station, the pump was not working, I have to fuel up at a different place.

I was driving on a country highway on a business trip and almost got killed by a big truck, I did not anticipate that.

You can get killed by a rogue wheel too

Point is, things don't go as planned, and when the raiding does happen, I do not want to be a part of it. I had many sessions with ladies, doesn't mean I will be complacent.

I'm experienced in dealing with hotel staff and concierge. and I don't care for them. I brought up the cleaner looking at me suspiciously because I usually try to remember as many hotel staff's faces as possible, and I figure out their duties through observation, so that I know who is who. It's just a detail I remembered: she is not friendly.

Other than the fact that I never paid a single cent for parking at that place all these years, it's really the guy with dark complexion that bothered me most, sometimes when locking eyes with some shithead with crazy eyes, it creeps me out. Many years ago we hired this guy, and he looked like he wants to kill somebody, I'm glad the dumb fuck quit the job after only one day.
Your last paragraph is just adding to us now having a more negative character Profile of you. Dark complexion, dark features, creeps me out, shithead, crazy eyes. dumb fuck
how Does this post about your coworker add to this thread ? Where is your mind?

he probably eventually did want to kill you because you’re putting him on edge (if he even exists or if he is just everyone other than you ).
or he’s giving the “are you fucking kidding me ?!” Look to you because he can’t believe your whack ass is still showing up and enacting this role.
scarier would be if YOU are a cop. Sounds like an American headline especially.

Disgruntled Goat

Well-known member
Dec 1, 2022
There's a professional way to be a John? Nobody tells me anything.
Yeah DUUUHHH!!! It's been explained already by our totally rational OP! Dress like The Unabomber, run away from anyone who looks at you funny, don't pay for parking like some sucker (even though a parking ticket puts you on the radar far more than paying $4 to park), memorize every building in a 4km radius in case you need to park/hide/escape/rationalize, umm... I don't know what else, the OP never actually mentioned successfully booking and fucking anyone.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Oh god. So even your car screams “impaired”. I’ve seen idiots drive fast through thinking the arm will just bounce up in reflex only to zip out of the underground with a dented car broken mirror and windshield and all caught on the camera of the door. You ARE a moron. if you leave without paying parking I can only imagine how many times you’ve shortchanged anyone
Mini Cooper like Mr Bean. That would be a great disguise too.
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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Yeah DUUUHHH!!! It's been explained already by our totally rational OP! Dress like The Unabomber, run away from anyone who looks at you funny, don't pay for parking like some sucker (even though a parking ticket puts you on the radar far more than paying $4 to park), memorize every building in a 4km radius in case you need to park/hide/escape/rationalize, umm... I don't know what else, the OP never actually mentioned successfully booking and fucking anyone.
You forgot: memorize the internal layout of those buildings and what each employee looks like, does and their routines. All things a normal person does of course 🤷🏻‍♂️


Active member
Mar 23, 2013
This thread has been highly entertaining. I don't know if the OP is a moron or troll. I hope it's the latter. I'd rather live in a world where someone was brilliant enough to come to with such fantastic tales to enthrall us. The alternative is that someone is stupid enough to believe this shit.
100% agreed!
I can’t believe this thread is still going 6 pages deep now. It’s been the gift that keeps on giving.


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2020
Yeah DUUUHHH!!! It's been explained already by our totally rational OP! Dress like The Unabomber, run away from anyone who looks at you funny, don't pay for parking like some sucker (even though a parking ticket puts you on the radar far more than paying $4 to park), memorize every building in a 4km radius in case you need to park/hide/escape/rationalize, umm... I don't know what else, the OP never actually mentioned successfully booking and fucking anyone.
Those suckers spend 20 dollars for some food and get their parking validated at Perkins, I spend 300 dollars and no validation, it does not make sense, parking should be free for all.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
It’s not listening. It’s watching a thread /feed of words. Ie. queen and Shaw -police on site- domestic Bathurst and Queen-gunshots heard , yonge and shuter- car theft, suspects missing etc
Interesintg, I wasn't aware of that. Though if you're the type that watches those feeds on your phone, then someone like the cops "might" notice you sitting around like they would if you were looking at Terb 🤷‍♂️


Active member
Dec 24, 2012
...there is a Perkins right there. I've never eaten there. Apparently it's a chain (just found out today) and there is only one in Toronto. You can say you're trying out the Perkins.

I think I'll do it next time, take a few photos of their menu, memorize their special items, so that I can come up with an excuse of "trying out their amazing food, it's recommended to me by a colleague".
if you did this in my circles, they’d know right away you were bullshitting. Would be like going to “Tim Hortons to try their amazing coffee” 😂
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Active member
Nov 1, 2015
...there is a Perkins right there. I've never eaten there. Apparently it's a chain (just found out today) and there is only one in Toronto. You can say you're trying out the Perkins.

I think I'll do it next time, take a few photos of their menu, memorize their special items, so that I can come up with an excuse of "trying out their amazing food, it's recommended to me by a colleague".
Had that line ready in my back pocket. But like Denny's, no one would be that I frequent this establishment.
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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
I do agree it’s a busy place but I usually a night time guy so I have never really thought it was all that bad but hey just pay for parking and do t worry is another way to go
Night time especially in the winter would be reason to bite the bullet and pay for parking or at least park on the same side of the road. I'd even avoid crossing a street in that area so soon after daylight savings.
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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2020
Had that line ready in my back pocket. But like Denny's, no one would be that I frequent this establishment.
I never ate at Perkin's before. Just checked out the menu, it's just an an all-day breakfast place, mainly for the hotel guests. Could still be valuable if cop questions you from the lobby, just say you ate here before, just want to grab a quick meal. If you have nothing on you, this could work. For family member or friends who know where you eat if your car breaks down at Holiday Inn then it may not work.

As for St Louis Bar & Grill, it's a chain, and there is another location much closer to my place, so it may not work as a cover, plus bar food like nachos and wings are not that special, but that plaza is secluded so I still think it's a valuable location for parking, especially considering how packed the hotel parking lot is in the evening, I don't want to risk a parking ticket.

Milestones is a great restaurant to treat yourself something nice, the mushroom soup is phenomenal there, but then again it's a chain restaurant you might find another location much closer, however it's close to where I work and there is no other Milestones nearby, so I can definitely say I went there after work for a great meal.

Finally, Makimono Sushi Bar Restaurant might work as a great cover, there is only one in Toronto, so location is unique, and they have a all you can eat sushi.

Other than having a great cover, we should never act in a way other people expect us to act, we should always try new things, appearing at random locations for weird things because someone recommended something, eat at random places, go to the Keg one day, next day pick up a pizza from Little Caesars, then buy some lobster bisque from Fortinos, next day order pho or Thai food. Go see Kung Fu Panda 4 a kids movie, then see an opera, be random.

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