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Holiday Inn at airport giving really bad vibe?


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
That's what I did with the lady who had to come down and get me. With condos and apartments, I find a way to kill time if I get down early, grab a coffee, wander the neighborhood etc. I still remember one brain trust member who stayed in the vestibule of the condo the lady he was going to see lived in which drew attention from the concierge.

What? Was it in the middle of nowhere? He couldn't have just grabbed a coffee or wandered the neighborhood until he god the buzz code and suite number?!
It's not so pleasant to do that in the winter, but we haven't had an extreme one in quite some time.

That's why I always suggest that newbs ask the SP for the major intersections. Then they can scope out the area with Google Maps to find places to wait. Amazing that there was a time when we didn't have all info at our fingertips yet managed to figure all this out.


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2018
I'm talking about 600 Dixon Road.

For one I hate how they have a camera right before that rising arm barrier, I usually wear a hoodie, but I plan to wear mask and sunglasses in the future.

One time in the evening around 7 pm I saw a pig car in front of lobby, I texted booker asking if everything all right? Booker replied "oh they are just giving people tickets for improper parking"...I thought it was bullshit because pigs don't give parking tickets, that's a job for those parking enforcement assholes. Booker had no idea what she was talking about.

Another time, it was around 5 pm, I noticed a lot of cars got tickets, I looked at one of them, it said "blocking fire route" $250, I was surprised by the high amount, apparently the car was parked beside those designated spaces, so I cruised around a little until I found one and parked there. I never understood that sign that says "reserved for long term parking", how the hell do they verify that? Would I get a ticket if I parked there? For a hotel parking lot, which is private property, the possibility of getting a ticket from these city parking enforcement assholes really feels like harassment.

While walking in the hotel hallway, I noticed this cute little chick wearing black and she was looking at me in a suspicious manner, I assumed she must be one of the room cleaners, later confirmed that as I walked back to the lobby and noticed her talking to another cleaner.

After the session with SP, as I exited through the door near the pool, I habitually looked over my shoulder and noticed this guy with dark complexion giving me a dirty look, I so started to walk in a nonchalant manner pretending to text somebody, in reality I was deleting the messages from escort agency, if anybody ask me any question, I would say I'm out for some fresh air and I plan to visit the Perkins restaurant. I noticed he seemed to be following me, but later I found him standing next to a truck, asshole's warming up his engine, I waited a few minutes until he drove away, because my car was parked a few spots away from his truck and I don't want to be tailed, then I looped back through the lawn area to the front of my car, made sure nobody saw me, then got in and drove away.

Each time this place seems to get more unfriendly... Anyone feel that? I keep my head on a swivel whenever I'm there...I even delete all the texts from agency right away and only wait for text about room number.
Hey Terbites,
I was just there earlier today visiting the scumptious Alexxx. Had an epic time.

No bads vibes as far as I can see. Today the parking lot was not super full. I easily found a good spot close to the main door. Last week when I was there, it was packed! Cars were squeezed into every corner. I think this hotel gets surges and they get super full. It seems they are constructing a new wing and that has reduced the parking lot capacity.

Today there were families with kids going in and out. Some older couples and folks hanging out at the bar. The guy at the front desk didn't even look up from his computer as I passed by. I passed a cleaner vaccuming the long hallway. He didn't even look at me.

I also don't like hotels but more because I worry if I should run into an aquientance. But what can a hobbist do when his favorite girls are working there? I wear a mask and hat to avoid being recognized by possible people who might know me.

My favorite locations are condos where you can enter without passing by a front desk. Secrets has a location in NY where you can park underground and walk over to the parking level elevator and buzz in there. Mirage also has a location at BG where you enter at parking level. Both are very discreet. HPL's former downtown location also had no front desk. But it seems they don't have that anymore. I enjoyed the high bed there and the positions it allowed me to have fun with Alexxx.


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2017
My favorite locations are condos where you can enter without passing by a front desk.
My favourite type of location as well. At least two DD locations and at least one SFT location fit this description.


A voice of common sense.
Sep 15, 2008
My favourite type of location as well. At least two DD locations and at least one SFT location fit this description.
I really don't understand why so many of you act like an incall having a concierge is such a big deal.

I've been to countless incalls where's there a concierge and security and I've been stopped maybe twice. 99% of the time, if you were buzzed in, they'll just assume you're supposed to be there and won't look up from what they're doing.


Active member
Nov 10, 2001
Op should dress gay when going to the hotel. Wear something with the rainbow flag on it like a hat, shirt, scarf, even pants. Everyone that sees him with the gay flag will just think he is gay and not going there to hump a woman!


New member
Aug 11, 2021
I'm talking about 600 Dixon Road.

For one I hate how they have a camera right before that rising arm barrier, I usually wear a hoodie, but I plan to wear mask and sunglasses in the future.

One time in the evening around 7 pm I saw a pig car in front of lobby, I texted booker asking if everything all right? Booker replied "oh they are just giving people tickets for improper parking"...I thought it was bullshit because pigs don't give parking tickets, that's a job for those parking enforcement assholes. Booker had no idea what she was talking about.

Another time, it was around 5 pm, I noticed a lot of cars got tickets, I looked at one of them, it said "blocking fire route" $250, I was surprised by the high amount, apparently the car was parked beside those designated spaces, so I cruised around a little until I found one and parked there. I never understood that sign that says "reserved for long term parking", how the hell do they verify that? Would I get a ticket if I parked there? For a hotel parking lot, which is private property, the possibility of getting a ticket from these city parking enforcement assholes really feels like harassment.

While walking in the hotel hallway, I noticed this cute little chick wearing black and she was looking at me in a suspicious manner, I assumed she must be one of the room cleaners, later confirmed that as I walked back to the lobby and noticed her talking to another cleaner.

After the session with SP, as I exited through the door near the pool, I habitually looked over my shoulder and noticed this guy with dark complexion giving me a dirty look, I so started to walk in a nonchalant manner pretending to text somebody, in reality I was deleting the messages from escort agency, if anybody ask me any question, I would say I'm out for some fresh air and I plan to visit the Perkins restaurant. I noticed he seemed to be following me, but later I found him standing next to a truck, asshole's warming up his engine, I waited a few minutes until he drove away, because my car was parked a few spots away from his truck and I don't want to be tailed, then I looped back through the lawn area to the front of my car, made sure nobody saw me, then got in and drove away.

Each time this place seems to get more unfriendly... Anyone feel that? I keep my head on a swivel whenever I'm there...I even delete all the texts from agency right away and only wait for text about room number.
What agency did you use?


Well-known member
May 21, 2002
Serious question. Has anyone on this thread ever been stopped, questioned or harassed by staff? Has anyone ever had the police show up to ask what you're doing there?

No? I didn't think so. Be a gentleman on your way to and from the room, just as expected when you're in the room. As long as you do that, nobody is going to give a shit.


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2020
Serious question. Has anyone on this thread ever been stopped, questioned or harassed by staff? Has anyone ever had the police show up to ask what you're doing there?

No? I didn't think so. Be a gentleman on your way to and from the room, just as expected when you're in the room. As long as you do that, nobody is going to give a shit.
I've definitely been questioned by the front desk guy, the guy introduced himself as the manager for the night shift, and asked if I needed any help, I said I'm here to meet a friend, then he swore there's nobody in that room, turned out I was in the wrong hotel, and the actual hotel is across the street.

Also a few years ago when I visited the incall condo location at Bay & Dundas, I tried to use the bathroom at Marriott, I asked that lady at the front desk if you have a bathroom on the first bloor, and she gave me a really nasty look, then she pretended she couldn't speak English, later during another appointment, I noticed their bathroom now requires codes to enter.

As for cops, several times I've seen their cars parked in front of the condo buildings, back in the days when TOE88 got raided, that definitely made me nervous at the time. Logically speaking if you see a cop car, would you actually approach the car to meet the cop? First thing I do is remove myself from the area and text booker to see if anything is wrong.

Another time a cop was looking for a missing kid, and he noticed me trying to walk away upon seeing the cop car, you have to be really careful, sometimes "be a gentleman" simply doesn't cut it.
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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Serious question. Has anyone on this thread ever been stopped, questioned or harassed by staff? Has anyone ever had the police show up to ask what you're doing there?

No? I didn't think so. Be a gentleman on your way to and from the room, just as expected when you're in the room. As long as you do that, nobody is going to give a shit.
Yup. As you walk in, make eye contact with the front desk staff, nod, and smile and keep going on your way.

Walk in like you belong there.

Because you do!!

You have been invited in by a (paying) guest of the hotel. You belong there just as much as if a paying guest invited their grandma up for a visit. If you act weird, suspicious, wear shades, ball cap and hoodie and are trying to avoid cameras, well you look suspicious.

Any hotel that regularly accosts people walking in, will soon suffer the wrath of online Google and tripavisor reviews. They would have to screen dozens of people (and piss them all off). before they found one of us.

Said it many times before. Hotels are there for people to sleep, meet and fuck. They know that. That is the business that are in.
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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Tho if you are really paranoid, you could get one of those insulated food bags the Uber eats and skip the dishes people have and walk in with that. If you are hassled on the way out for why you took so long to deliver the Pad Thai, just say you have bad diarrhea, and needed to take a massive urgent dump, and the guest was kind enough to let you use the toilet. That’ll shut down any further probing for details. 😂


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
GTA & Thereabouts...
I'm a fan of condos as well, but hotels survive on extra-curricular fun. Is it not a badge of honour when the maid service gives you a side-eye when you exit the room of (clearly) a known provider?
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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Serious question. Has anyone on this thread ever been stopped, questioned or harassed by staff? Has anyone ever had the police show up to ask what you're doing there?

No? I didn't think so. Be a gentleman on your way to and from the room, just as expected when you're in the room. As long as you do that, nobody is going to give a shit.
I vividly remember being questioned by staff just one time. The building was 5 or 6 storeys, looked quite old and had few visitor spots. I happened drive up as the super (I think) approached my car. He asked who I was there to see and I gave him the apartment number. He didn't buy it and shooed me away. I just parked on a side street right behind the building. I was there about 15 minutes early so it didn't cause problems. I was able to get into the building and didn't see the super again. The incall is in an older area near the Dixie and Bloor area of Mississauga, but I didn't know that at the time. I drive past the area fairly regularly now and I don't see any clear signs that it's a bad area or if there are governemnt housing units.

I can vaguely remember another time where the concierge asked me who I was going to see. I just gave him a BS answer and they let me through. There's been no incidents ever since, but I'm also doing a lot more intel now. That's why asking for the intersections if not the exact address is important so you can gather intel with Google Maps before hand. I also book my appointments during the day so am far less likely to be noticed in the lobby or hallways.

I have never encountered the police at any time.
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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
GTA & Thereabouts...
I've been questioned by the manager/concierge in a few hotels as I walk in... I just keep pace and say: "I'm here to see a friend!"... No issues... But the Airport Holiday Inn is a bit insane with the maze bullshit and parking.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
I've definitely been questioned by the front desk guy, the guy introduced himself as the manager for the night shift, and asked if I needed any help, I said I'm here to meet a friend, then he swore there's nobody in that room, turned out I was in the wrong hotel, and the actual hotel is across the street.

Also a few years ago when I visited the incall condo location at Bay & Dundas, I tried to use the bathroom at Marriott, I asked that lady at the front desk if you have a bathroom on the first bloor, and she gave me a really nasty look, then she pretended she couldn't speak English, later during another appointment, I noticed their bathroom now requires codes to enter.

As for cops, several times I've seen their cars parked in front of the condo buildings, back in the days when TOE88 got raided, that definitely made me nervous at the time. Logically speaking if you see a cop car, would you actually approach the car to meet the cop? First thing I do is remove myself from the area and text booker to see if anything is wrong.

Another time a cop was looking for a missing kid, and he noticed me trying to walk away upon seeing the cop car, you have to be really careful, sometimes "be a gentleman" simply doesn't cut it.
If you're visiting a building late at night you're naturally going to stick out more vs the day. Book during the day so there are more people mulling about and you stick out less. Showing up at the wrong address is a lame excuse because it's very easy to triple check it before you head out.

Why would you try to use the bathroom inside a hotel lobby? Let alone one that is in a different building than the one you need to visit. Were you unable hold it until you got into the room? If you have bladder issues then do a bit of planning beforehand. There's so many public washrooms in that area like inside Canadian Tire, Best Buy, Starbucks, Atrium on Bay and Eaton Centre. There's also ones located in the Ted Rogers building above Canadian Tire (though it's on a high floor), the former bus station, and city hall. Canadian Tire is probably the closest one to the Marriott. You need to give yourself extra time for that though.

Unless a cop is screaming at everyone to get away, I'd just keep walking by and probably ask him what's going on. If you act like a decent person, they'll usually do the same. Cops are human beings so just treat them that way. You'll only cause suspicion if you're a sweaty and nervous wreck.

I think the issues you've descrbed here are mainly caused by your own bad decisions that you seem to repeat.
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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2020
If you're visiting a building late at night you're naturally going to stick out more vs the day. Book during the day so there are more people mulling about. and you stick out less. Showing up at the wrong address is a lame excuse. It's very easy to triple check the address before you head out.

Why would you try to use the bathroom inside the hotel lobby? Could you not hold it until you got to the room? If you have bladder issues then do a bit of planning beforehand. There's so many public washrooms in that area like inside Canadian Tire, Best Buy, Starbucks, Atrium on Bay and Eaton Centre. There's also ones located in the Ted Rogers building above Canadian Tire (though it's on a high floor), the former bus station, and city hall. Canadian Tire is probably the closest one to the Marriott. You need to give yourself extra time for that though.

Unless a cop is screaming at everyone to get away, I'd just keep walking by and probably ask him what's going on. If you act like a decent person, they'll usually do the same. Cops are human beings so just treat them that way. You'll only cause suspicion if you're a sweaty and nervous wreck.
Now you come off as an ignorant judgy asshole, that Canadian Tire actually doesn't have a washroom for customers, do your research before opening your mouth. I don't have to explain all the details to you and why I do what I do.

Same thing for earlier comment on ticketmaster, you just kept going on and on about something you obviously have zero knowledge of.

Your earlier comment about the free parking was helpful, but your style of picking apart every sentence as if you're smarter is really annoying, if you have nothing good to say, don't say anything at all.
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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Now you come off as an ignorant judgy asshole, that Canadian Tire actually doesn't have a washroom for customers, do your research before opening your mouth. I don't have to explain all the details to you and why I do what I do.

Same thing for earlier comment on ticketmaster, you just kept going on and on about something you obviously have zero knowledge of.

Your earlier comment about the free parking was helpful, but your style of picking apart every sentence as if you're smarter is really annoying, if you have nothing good to say, don't say anything at all.
The problems you came across were caused by you and your lack of awarness. You admitted to those decisions so don't be so sensitive.

The CT at Yonge and Dundas does indeed have a washroom for customers in the lower level. My point of that list was to show that there are plenty of options if you had bothered to think ahead. Instead, you decided to go to use the washroom in a completely different building and nearly got caught. Then you almost got caught a second time in the same place. If you get a bad feeling about a place or if you get caught, the logical thing would be to stop going there. I guess that isn't logical enough for you.

I'm not sure what ticket master thread you're even talking about and who knows why it's still on your mind.

You should take your own advice and not say anything at all if you have nothing good to say. Particularly when other people start threads or write things that you don't like.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2023
I booked a motel in sauga once. The clerk gave Me the wrong key and I opened the door on a couple in the midst of a paid encounter. I also saw 3 black guys pull in in 3 separate baller cars. The whole place was a whore house. I doubt the cops care about these hotels unless they think there's trafficking of some sort.
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