Toronto Passions

Tim Hortons employee goes viral after saying how hard life in Toronto is.

Sonic Temple

Dreamers learn to steer by the stars
Feb 14, 2020
I do feel for this generation - especially newcomers. I was born and raised here - educated at the home of the Varsity Blues in heart of St. George :love: so for me its totally different. Wish all of them good luck.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Some men become homeless after the wife takes the house in a divorce
But on the other hand, you practically cannot live anymore if you are alone. 2 revenues are needed. So unless you intend to live all your life in co-locations you need a partner.


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2019
So that’s why it was taking so long to get my coffee, staff were to busy making videos .


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2021
There was an arcade on St. Catherine street in Montreal. While doing my PhD at McGill, I cleaned the toilets and floors at this arcade at night after it had closed. I also washed dishes at Bar B' Barn on Guy Street. That's how I paid my tuition and supported myself. When I graduated and had a job, I went to the restaurant for dinner with my wife. That's when I revealed who I was. No one knew. They were shocked. We had a free meal that night.

The streets of Canada are not lined with gold. Life for newcomers can be hard. But hard workers buckle up, take whatever job they can get and try to improve their lot through education or learning a skill. Mechanics, nurses, lab technicians all earn decent wages. If this jerk at Tim Horton's is complaining, let him get the hell out and go back to the Bangladesh shit hole from hence he came. No sympathies. Zero!


Feb 14, 2021
There was an arcade on St. Catherine street in Montreal. While doing my PhD at McGill, I cleaned the toilets and floors at this arcade at night after it had closed. I also washed dishes at Bar B' Barn on Guy Street. That's how I paid my tuition and supported myself. When I graduated and had a job, I went to the restaurant for dinner with my wife. That's when I revealed who I was. No one knew. They were shocked. We had a free meal that night.

The streets of Canada are not lined with gold. Life for newcomers can be hard. But hard workers buckle up, take whatever job they can get and try to improve their lot through education or learning a skill. Mechanics, nurses, lab technicians all earn decent wages. If this jerk at Tim Horton's is complaining, let him get the hell out and go back to the Bangladesh shit hole from hence he came. No sympathies. Zero!

Unless something changes, we are 100% heading into a situation where you will be old, there will be very few young people from your culture and with your values around you, and you will be surrounded by "this jerks" looking at you with quiet envy and resent.

And even young people from your culture will be dealing with reality where society has nothing to offer them except debt and financial insecurity, because it oriented itself towards one specific age demographic who has numeric majority as voters. Makes 100% sense as political strategy, but disaster for society.

No sympathy works in mysterious ways.
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