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Men with high standards thread


Well-known member
May 8, 2008
Ask and see ye shall receive.

I'm fascinated by other men and their choice in long term partners. We all know that our expectations for a one night stand/hookup/non paid action is much less than who we want to call wife, mother, girlfriend or significant other. These are the women that we are proud to have on our arm, talk about openly with our peers and carry our last name(if applicable)

So guys Im interested in a realistic expectation of standards you have in your long term mate. Qualities, attributes, attractiveness, whatever is important to you that would be her.

I'll start....

Not fat, physically fit, no tattoos, not a social media addict, modest, a 5 or 6, below 5' 8", a religious background, soft, feminine, agreeable, family oriented, has skills such as cooking sewing etc.


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2004
Ask and see ye shall receive.

I'm fascinated by other men and their choice in long term partners. We all know that our expectations for a one night stand/hookup/non paid action is much less than who we want to call wife, mother, girlfriend or significant other. These are the women that we are proud to have on our arm, talk about openly with our peers and carry our last name(if applicable)

So guys Im interested in a realistic expectation of standards you have in your long term mate. Qualities, attributes, attractiveness, whatever is important to you that would be her.

I'll start....

Not fat, physically fit, no tattoos, not a social media addict, modest, a 5 or 6, below 5' 8", a religious background, soft, feminine, agreeable, family oriented, has skills such as cooking sewing etc.
Men like clear faces. Supposed to be a sign of fertility.


I’m your Huckleberry
Jul 2, 2002
Not fat, physically fit, no tattoos, not a social media addict, modest, a 5 or 6, below 5' 8", a religious background, soft, feminine, agreeable, family oriented, has skills such as cooking sewing etc.
After 2 failed LTR’s, I’d say mine are similar but having experienced what I’ve experienced…
Low maintenance (not a label junkie), comfortable with me doing my things, and doesn’t need to be babysat at events or gatherings


Well-known member
May 8, 2008
So basically you're looking for a unicorn?
I don't know. I can't see myself entering into a relationship with a woman who would complicate my life. If it makes my life more difficult then why would I stay.
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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
My standards for a mate are a little different than my standards for a quick release.

Intelligent, rational, emotionally stable, self-sufficient (not needy and has her own career), reasonable physical beauty, gives me my own space and that is about it.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
I don't know. I can't see myself entering into a relationship with a woman who would complicate my life. If it makes my life more difficult then I would stay.
I don't know your age and/or life experience but your future self might think differently.

I spent years in the wilderness but am now a happy one woman man.


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2023
My requirements:

Not fat, yes
physically fit, no
no tattoos, no
not a social media addict, no
modest, yes
5 or 6, no
below 5' 8", yes
a religious background, no
soft, yes
feminine, yes
agreeable, yes
family oriented, yes
cooking, yes
sewing, no


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
A pulse and consent is really hot.

Myself she must be an Albanian Albino Anorexic Quad Amputee. It's important for a lad to have standards.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Ask and see ye shall receive.

I'm fascinated by other men and their choice in long term partners. We all know that our expectations for a one night stand/hookup/non paid action is much less than who we want to call wife, mother, girlfriend or significant other. These are the women that we are proud to have on our arm, talk about openly with our peers and carry our last name(if applicable)

So guys Im interested in a realistic expectation of standards you have in your long term mate. Qualities, attributes, attractiveness, whatever is important to you that would be her.

I'll start....

Not fat, physically fit, no tattoos, not a social media addict, modest, a 5 or 6, below 5' 8", a religious background, soft, feminine, agreeable, family oriented, has skills such as cooking sewing etc.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Not fat, physically fit, no tattoos, not a social media addict, modest, a 5 or 6, below 5' 8", a religious background, soft, feminine, agreeable, family oriented, has skills such as cooking sewing etc.
Very similar to mine: Not fat, physically fit, no tattoos, not a social media addict, modest, a 5 or 6, below 5' 8", a religious background, soft, feminine, agreeable, family oriented, has skills such as cooking sewing etc.

I'm not into self denial of any of life's gifts for religion. I would never ask about her religion nor do I care.


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
Don't you think that your hope is that she is not a lesbian, or half, or is going to change later in life to a man.

What I have learned is this ... I go to an AA meeting for women and see what I could end up with. No Thanks. This place is a great reference indicator of the future.

My conclusion would be - why bother with relationship or a mate when women don't really want one. I know I seen, heard, and sensed it.

I am better off with MAID and SP.

You can thank the materialism syndrome for this - Cell and Internet. People cannot handle the high frequency of materialism hence why they are lost.

Sonic Temple

Dreamers learn to steer by the stars
Feb 14, 2020
A pulse and consent is really hot.

Myself she must be an Albanian Albino Anorexic Quad Amputee. It's important for a lad to have standards.


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
Not fat, physically fit, no tattoos, not a social media addict, modest, a 5 or 6, below 5' 8", a religious background, soft, feminine, agreeable, family oriented, has skills such as cooking sewing etc.
oh sweet Jesus I'd be so bored 'd kill myself


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
I am better off with MAID and SP.
Dude, Medical Assistance In Dying and seeing an SP is not a good combination. If you must go that route, I hope you finish with the SP before you kill yourself. No need to put someone through that. Or maybe get a better sex worker that won't have you resorting to MAID afterwords.

Yes I know, he meant a maid, not MAID, thank you but I prefer it my way

Also, MAID is no laughing matter yeah yeah I know, I signed off as a whatever for someone recently but his disease took him before he had a chance. I can assure you, my purposeful misunderstanding of xix's post would have given him the giggles. So if you don't like my morbid joke, [not the OP, anyone in general] blow me.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
Men and those who wish they are men be honest. Would you be ok if she is taller and/or make a higher income than you? Be honest.
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