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Dinner dates and overnights


Ultimate Ebony Spinner
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2020
I have several questions to ask (yes again).

I am starting to receive more and more requests for dinner dates which is very pleasant. I’ve grown to realize that I really enjoy it. It makes it more fun to get to know someone or to spend quality time with someone you already know. I love overnights because I usually don’t look at the time, I arrive at a set time obviously but will leave when we feel like it’s the right time. Usually around 9:00-10:00 AM. I’m thinking of restructuring my rates and packages.

Dinner dates
What do you prefer? Dinner first or dinner last?
Would you book it more if the rate was cheaper?
What is a good duration for a dinner date?

What is a good duration for an overnight?
Would you prefer if it was incall or outcall?


Active Member
Mar 28, 2013
I have several questions to ask (yes again).

I am starting to receive more and more requests for dinner dates which is very pleasant. I’ve grown to realize that I really enjoy it. It makes it more fun to get to know someone or to spend quality time with someone you already know. I love overnights because I usually don’t look at the time, I arrive at a set time obviously but will leave when we feel like it’s the right time. Usually around 9:00-10:00 AM. I’m thinking of restructuring my rates and packages.

Dinner dates
What do you prefer? Dinner first or dinner last?
Would you book it more if the rate was cheaper?
What is a good duration for a dinner date?

What is a good duration for an overnight?
Would you prefer if it was incall or outcall?
So I have done both dinner dates and overnights so I can provide a perspective. First thing I would say is that I would never do either of these on a first encounter with someone. Dinner dates and overnights are a lot of hours together with someone so I would want to be sure I can connect with the sp beyond the bedroom.
Answering your questions:
1.I always like to do dinner in between our bedroom activities so I will usually start a dinner date around 5-6pm and meet the sp at the hotel and engage in some preliminary fun over a glass of wine. Then get ready together and head to the restaurant around 6-7pm. Spend a couple hours there and head back to the hotel for some fun and dessert. In total my dinner dates last anywhere from 4-6 hrs but honestly there is not really a time limit and things flow naturally at least for me and the sp's I book for dinner dates. Again these are women I have probably seen a couple times before taking them out to dinner so there is a comfort level already created.
2. For me rates don't really matter when it comes to dinner dates. I'm looking for an experience that's different then just a typical hotel incall type of thing. If I'm taking you out to dinner it means I like you and I want to treat you to something nice for being good to me and exceeding my expectations in our prior encounters. For dinner dates it's more than just rates, it's more about what the sp can provide me beyond bedroom activities. Do I genuinely enjoy there company.
3.Overnights are the next step for me after successful dinner dates. There are not many sp's who I would ever choose to do an overnight with because it's just too much time together for my liking but there are a couple girls who I have booked for an overnight and it's been fantastic. You just have to make sure you have a few activities planned out and really figure out if you enjoy each other's company. For my overnights there really hasn't been a duration per se. They might start at 6-7pm and go until 11-12am the next day but again I generally just like to go with the flow of things and so do the sp's. For overnights I usually do outcasts based on the activities that I have planned out for us.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
I'm not much of a social person. So for me neither. I have done the overnight twice and was kind of awkward for me and probably her to. Just 2 hour max at her incall.
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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
There are a few I would like to have done a dinner date with for sure, but I find some barriers, some practical and some psychological.

My main issue is that I usually don’t have the free time, to set aside a whole evening to have a nice meal, hang out and then have some more intimate fun. I almost always see SPs when I am travelling, and it’s usually work travel and my schedule is often tight, both daytime and evenings.

It also is a fair cash outlay if you are talking about a number of hours together, even if “social” time is remunerated at a lower rate than bedroom time. I’m at a stage in life and financially where where technically I definitely can “afford” it, but I generally don’t spend very large sums of money on myself, it’s never really been my style. It feels too self indulgent (a bit self indulgent is ok tho 😊). I’m not the type to wear a watch worth thousands or tens of thousands of dollars, or drive a car that is six figures. I appreciate quality in clothes, cars sports equipment and other stuff, but I’m not super extravagant, so the idea of splashing out for several hours with a girl often doesn’t exactly sit right for me. Also I think about the other more responsible choices I could make with my money. So to answer if I might do them more often if the rate was lower, is probably yes, but at the same time I’d never ask a provider to lower her rates for me.
I guess the other psychological barrier I have is the thought of paying someone to hang with me and be my “friend”. I know this makes no sense as I seem to have no problem paying for sex and prefer women I actually can connect with, enjoying their company more than just the phsyical! But that’s my hang up and I acknowledge the inconsistency 🤷‍♂️. Sorry for the wordy answer.

If I do this of course familiarity is a must, as well as a level of trust. I’m at once a very private guy, but also to enjoy another person’s company I need to be able to have meaningful conversations, which requires revealing a bit more about ourselves, lives, experiences etc. Hours of nothing but superficial small talk would get boring pretty quick I imagine.

Edit: sorry I answered many ? That were not asked. 😂
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New member
Dec 26, 2022
I’m looking for a regular escort but would like a dinner out, to start wit. I’m in a wheelchair and need to get comfortable with one person.

GFE and petite, preferable. Outcall to my apartment.

let me know if you’re intereste.
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Ultimate Ebony Spinner
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2020
I think 6 hours and over.
That’s a long time. I know people aren’t so rigid about timing for dinner dates. They’ll say 2 hours at the restaurant and 2 hours private but things happen and if you are unfortunate enough to have a slow service at the restaurant it’s not your fault


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Nowadays useless after a meal.
Thus: festivities, then dinner. Would do it more if social time at a lower rate. Have done it when lady suggested and didn't charge for extra time (of course shouted the meal and taxi for her to get back home)


I have several questions to ask (yes again).

I am starting to receive more and more requests for dinner dates which is very pleasant. I’ve grown to realize that I really enjoy it. It makes it more fun to get to know someone or to spend quality time with someone you already know. I love overnights because I usually don’t look at the time, I arrive at a set time obviously but will leave when we feel like it’s the right time. Usually around 9:00-10:00 AM. I’m thinking of restructuring my rates and packages.

Dinner dates
What do you prefer? Dinner first or dinner last?
Would you book it more if the rate was cheaper?
What is a good duration for a dinner date?

What is a good duration for an overnight?
Would you prefer if it was incall or outcall?
I like to do both. In regards to diner dates I find 4-5 hrs to be perfect and dinner before. Overnights I mix it up with Incalls and outcalls.


Active Member
Mar 28, 2013
So you only do dinner dates and overnights with regular SPs? @superman12
Yes. There might be the odd exception where I do a dinner date (not overnight) with an sp I have never seen before but that's rare. I generally only do dinner dates and overnights with sp's I have seen at least 2-3 times before in a regular incall date and more importantly someone who I know I can connect with beyond just sex.


Active member
Jul 30, 2021
I always see advise to only do long dates with an escort you know really well.....but I think the "getting to know" would be a big chunk of the fun. I feel like with an escort you can get 'handsy' right away....and the idea of making small talk while putting my hand up the back of her dress, openly commenting on her looks/body/etc...before dinner would be a huge mood setter.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
I always see advise to only do long dates with an escort you know really well.....but I think the "getting to know" would be a big chunk of the fun. I feel like with an escort you can get 'handsy' right away....and the idea of making small talk while putting my hand up the back of her dress, openly commenting on her looks/body/etc...before dinner would be a huge mood setter.
This is a valid question. I guess if you see someone new for a dinner date/ overnight and it goes well, you have scored. But if it doesn’t go well, you could be in for hours of uncomfortable conversation and might be out a significant amount of cash vs just seeing them for an hour.
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Wanting more!!
Sep 7, 2001
Your place!!
When it comes to dinner dates or overnights, getting to know each other better creates a question. Are you looking to talk about your real private lives or what? Multiple hours together means conversation, how does that go? The one time an over night was set up between myself and my favourite lady, was going to be fine as I knew about her private life to a certain degree and she mine.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
I would definitely have to already have familiarity with the SP and know we vibed well, because that's a lot of time.

I think ~4 hour mark works for dinner, from past experience, with the "playtime, food/social, more playtime" set up.

Overnights I'm less sure of. That's a lot of time and I don't always sleep well with others in the bed. So I don't know if waking up in the morning and having some company would make up for that.
I do like the sense of not worrying about time pretty much at all, though.


Active member
Jun 7, 2007
I prefer sex first then dinner later
Eating makes me feel bloated sometimes and not as pleasant for sex afterwards
My preference is meet up in the afternoon, sometimes light drinks or walk in the park prior to coming to my place then couple of hours entertaining Then go out to dinner
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