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Where do MPs/SPs end up after leaving the industry?


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2005
It all depends on how long they were in the biz and when they had their career change. There seems to be some professions that attract ladies to the SP life. I know of several that were real-estate agents pre and post SP career. I even had one show me a property in her new career, I had seen her about 10 years back as a SP. The other professions that seem to have many ladies in the biz are nurses, beauty salon ladies and social workers. I know of one lady that was an SP for most of her working days from 18 to mid 40s, in her later years she worked at a high school cafeteria. Maybe the school should have her set up a table on career day. I heard of a lady that was a part time school bus driver by day and SP by night. I am sure there are more short timers and part timers than you can imagine.
Many years ago when there were chat rooms on the internet, one woman admitted to me that she offered massage with full service in California. She also told me that her ex husband was at that time a sheriffs deputy.


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2009
Where do MPs/SPs end up after leaving the industry?

Same place "hobbyists" do.
Somewhere? Everywhere? Nowhere?
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New member
Apr 19, 2018
Many actually end up dead. From violence from pimps and clients, drug overdoses, suicide, etc.
Over the years I have kept in contact with more than a handful of these intelligent and beautiful women. I know some in real estate, some have opened thriving online businesses, some have opened small community businesses, some have graduated and have successful careers…heck I even know of a couple who retired and have inherited generational wealth, today they are busy giving back!! Believe NONE of what you hear and HALF of what you in fact see. The days where every sex worker alive is doomed are so far gone, not only is your statement hilarious, its giving “old age”. We live in a new dawn here, sir/m’am


Jan 4, 2005
Over the years I have kept in contact with more than a handful of these intelligent and beautiful women. I know some in real estate, some have opened thriving online businesses, some have opened small community businesses, some have graduated and have successful careers…heck I even know of a couple who retired and have inherited generational wealth, today they are busy giving back!! Believe NONE of what you hear and HALF of what you in fact see. The days where every sex worker alive is doomed are so far gone, not only is your statement hilarious, its giving “old age”. We live in a new dawn here, sir/m’am
That may be true for the people you know, but I personally have heard of so many sex workers who died of drug overdoses. Many have psychological trauma from abuse and end up killing themselves. To say that it's a thing of the past is actually the statement that is hilarious.

To our knowledge, no population of women studied previously has had a crude mortality rate, standardized mortality ratio, or percentage of deaths due to murder even approximating those observed in our cohort. The workplace homicide rate for prostitutes (204 per 100,000) is many times higher than that for women and men in the standard occupations that had the highest workplace homicide rates in the United States during the 1980s (4 per 100,000 for female liquor store workers and 29 per 100,000 for male taxicab drivers) (29).



Well-known member
Jan 9, 2021
Remember Louise Bordeaux she used to work at the erotic spas, escort then naked news and now porn, she told everyone she was a nurse going to get her masters, opened up a fund for it online then on naked news she said she is a psychology student and going to get her masters. Please do not believe every massage worker and escort as they lie alot. Endless massage workers and escorts all say they are nurses, the amount of them that they say that all hospital staff are part time escorts part time nurses, not true.
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Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Howzabout...Madam Vice President?
Seriously I know a good handful that have proper jobs, with uni paid off, able to put down a deposit on a condo...
Some in medical field, engineering, social work, provincial government, real estate, etc.


Well-known member
When they retire they stand at the top of a fire escape while some guy sticking out of the roof of a stretch limo with an umbrella in his hands climbs the fire escape and rescues her and they live happily ever after😏
That sounds familiar??!!!


Well-known member
I saw an SP once who was an RN. Put herself thru nursing school on her back.she got laid off due to budget cuts(she wasn't off probation yet) went back to the biz to pay the blond with an awesome rack...Great bbbjcim..
Was picking up the S/O from work one day and saw her walking to the parking lot.
Sep 13, 2009
People are people. Sometimes people think that there will always be more money the next day, so why not spend what you make today? I can tell you of two stories of young girls that were 19-20 years old. Both were from poor families and both were stunning. The first girl was good looking with a slim body and good shape. She was just interested in making money. She made a lot of it due to her looks. She charges as much as she can get away with. Not only did men go see her for her full services, they also took her out to some nice places. She was able to have meals in restaurants that her family was never able to afford. She encouraged men to take her to nice restaurant and buy her gifts. In five years she went from a thin good looking 20 year old to a bloated overweight 25 year old. In other words a 10/10 to a 6/10. The second girl was even better looking, she was taller and could actually be a model. She told me that she was studying business and she made enough for her education in 2 years doing massage + handshake only. With a single appointment she gained a regular client. She was only charging the going rate. The first girl that bloated up probably ended up getting her hooks into a bill payer and had 4 kids. The second girl, even if she got mediocre grades would have ended up in middle or upper management because of her looks. Any company would be proud to have her as a representative. She may be earning a 6 figure salary now.


Carpe Diem
Nov 6, 2023
People are people. Sometimes people think that there will always be more money the next day, so why not spend what you make today? I can tell you of two stories of young girls that were 19-20 years old. Both were from poor families and both were stunning. The first girl was good looking with a slim body and good shape. She was just interested in making money. She made a lot of it due to her looks. She charges as much as she can get away with. Not only did men go see her for her full services, they also took her out to some nice places. She was able to have meals in restaurants that her family was never able to afford. She encouraged men to take her to nice restaurant and buy her gifts. In five years she went from a thin good looking 20 year old to a bloated overweight 25 year old. In other words a 10/10 to a 6/10. The second girl was even better looking, she was taller and could actually be a model. She told me that she was studying business and she made enough for her education in 2 years doing massage + handshake only. With a single appointment she gained a regular client. She was only charging the going rate. The first girl that bloated up probably ended up getting her hooks into a bill payer and had 4 kids. The second girl, even if she got mediocre grades would have ended up in middle or upper management because of her looks. Any company would be proud to have her as a representative. She may be earning a 6 figure salary now.
Lol what?
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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2007
We’ve seen a lot of girls to work for a while and then never seeing them ever again. Obviously there are girls who are just visiting town, or who find a sugar daddy, or potentially long term partner?
What are the main reasons girls leave, I think it is hard to adjust to a different income if working a civie job as earnings are 2x less.
Some were attending university/college while working as MPA/SP. When they graduate, they go into civi life and have a professional career.

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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2007
I know a few who started a business.
Yes, Raven@HPL who was so popular that she was able to earn enough to retire and start her own business. That was before HPL created the Diamond Lady class. Emma@HPL is a smart cookie too. She has ambition plan to make whatever she has already created to be much bigger. She working as SP to make enough to make her dream come true. I truly respect such babes with brains and beauty and of course they know who to suck dicks and buck you like crazy, until every drop of protein in your body has shoot out.

Sep 13, 2009
Lol what?
The moral of the story. One girl went to the land of plenty and ate and drank all she could, as fast as she could until she was staggering and too full to walk. The other girl just ate and drank as much as she needed sustain herself to so she could reach her intended goal.
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Sep 13, 2009
Some were attending university/college while working as MPA/SP. When they graduate, they go into civi life and have a professional career.


There are girls that travel to work. I have known girls from the UK, Ireland and other countries that have come to Canada to work. There are a lot of American girls. Even within Canada there are women that travel to other cities to do SP and MP work that they would never do in their home towns.
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