Oct 7 was an excuse for Netanyahu to try to rescue his failing political career by committing genocide on Palestinians.Thanks for defining what Oct. 7 was. That is your KKK contribution.
#IsraeliNewNazism is trending again today.
Oct 7 was an excuse for Netanyahu to try to rescue his failing political career by committing genocide on Palestinians.Thanks for defining what Oct. 7 was. That is your KKK contribution.
You know its all happening and it makes you dance with joy.Maybe because it was NOT carpet bombing.
Just like there is NO apartheid.
Just like there is NO genocide.
Racists like you and damndan gonna spew your hate.
This will be the end of zionism, mandrill.
Israel's winning, guys.
Gladly.Well, go harass shoppers and employees of "Jewish" stores at the Eaton Centre and I'm sure you will achieve your aim.
You are finally admitting that not only are Palestinian protests massive and showing massive support but that you've gone full on MAGA and demand they be shut down.
Thats true. Christianity, catholicism and Judaism all forbid LGBTQ.All religions forbid LGBTQ. That doesn't mean all religious people are bad people. I don't follow any religion but I support all people to live their lives the way they choose to live it. LGBTQ, Muslim, Christian, Jewish or whatever else
Nit hypocritical at al. He supports the lgbtq community and he supports the right if muslims to throw those people off the tops of buildings. Where is the inconsistency.Thats true. Christianity, catholicism and Judaism all forbid LGBTQ.
The difference is Western countries which are mostly christian/catholic are largely tolerant towards LGBTQ, whereas muslim countries are not.
So when you openly support muslim countries, and at the same time you support LGBTQ rights, you are being completely hypocritical
percent usa christian - Google Zoeken
percent usa catholic - Google Zoeken
Are you claiming tempers are rising on only one side?Well, go harass shoppers and employees of "Jewish" stores at the Eaton Centre and I'm sure you will achieve your aim.
Then again, you see men holding hands in muslim countries. Not so much in Toronto.Thats true. Christianity, catholicism and Judaism all forbid LGBTQ.
The difference is Western countries which are mostly christian/catholic are largely tolerant towards LGBTQ, whereas muslim countries are not.
So when you openly support muslim countries, and at the same time you support LGBTQ rights, you are being completely hypocritical
percent usa christian - Google Zoeken
percent usa catholic - Google Zoeken
No hypocrisy?Nit hypocritical at al. He supports the lgbtq community and he supports the right if muslims to throw those people off the tops of buildings. Where is the inconsistency.
The level of your attempt to defend the indefensible is reaching new heights. You cannot defend LGBTQ rights and at the same time condone the killing of people based upon their sexual preference or identity. But you and your friends cannot ring yourselves to condemn Hamas. But of course you relate everything to your phony claims of genocide. Sad.Of course there is apartheid and genocide and carpet bombings. The US acknowledged that it is carpet bombing and more than 50% of the bombs dropped on Gaza are non-precision guided bombs, or dumb bombs. So carpet bombing. Apartheid is a long established reality. Denying it and calling for the deaths of Palestinians, like you are doing, is monstrously racist.
A Threshold Crossed
The 213-page report, “A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution,” examines Israel’s treatment of Palestinians. It presents the present-day reality of a single authority, the Israeli government, ruling primarily over the area between the Jordan River and...www.hrw.org
Sounds like you are calling for genocide.
They can and they should. And prayers are peaceful protests in an Islamophobic environment. Its infact beautiful. They should do more of that. First, you should stop calling Palestinians, "Palis", because that is like calling Blacks the N-word, or the Japanese, the "Japs". It is racist. Secondly, you should realize that I and others are supporting the peaceful Muslims who are the Palestinian civilians, and you should stop equating them with Hamas. That is justifying war crimes, collective punishments and genocide.
That is not true. The word tolerance itself is problematic. No one needs to tolerate anything. They need to accept. The fact that you even chose to use the word "tolerate", is proof that there is not enough acceptance. Just ask the outraged right wing anti-woke brigade making "educational" documentaries called "What is a woman?" or starting threads called "The LGBTQ Hate Thread" on certain escort review boards.
However, that said, there is no reason to not support a Muslim country just because they do not have LGBTQ rights, much less support mass murdering and genociding them.
The inconsistencies are in your spelling, grammar and moral compass (which is possibly non-existent at this point).
It is perfectly consistent to support LGBTQ rights and be against the genocide of Muslims. Are you saying that people who do not support LGBTQ rights should be murdered? Is that your argument now?
The Western world is a helluva lot more accepting of LGBT than muslim world is.That is not true. The word tolerance itself is problematic. No one needs to tolerate anything. They need to accept
There is no genocide being committed by Israel.The fact that you think it makes perfect sense to commit genocide against people, because they do not support LGBTQ rights, shows how fucked up and racist your views are
True, but is that a good enough reason for killing 10,000 Palestinian children?The Western world is a helluva lot more accepting of LGBT than muslim world is.
Thats a fact!
You're defending genocide and trying to pinkwash it as an excuse.The level of your attempt to defend the indefensible is reaching new heights. You cannot defend LGBTQ rights and at the same time condone the killing of people based upon their sexual preference or identity. But you and your friends cannot ring yourselves to condemn Hamas. But of course you relate everything to your phony claims of genocide. Sad.
And by the way my spelling is perfectly consistent in it being terrible.
There is no genocide being committed by Israel.
If they really wanted to genocide them 600,000 Gazans would be dead right now