By the way, just so everyone knows….I can’t stand politicians! Virtually every party in my entire lifetime seems to be scandal ridden. Liberal party more corrupt than most. Trudeau and his bs charity that he paid his relatives, snc lavalin…auditor general said over $20 billion given to companies was suspicious and not warranted….corruption at its finest…think it’s time for a change…54 percent marginal tax rate in Canada, highest interest rates in twenty years , record homelessness, highest inflation rates in years, record poverty and use of food banks, mismanagement of Covid, record deficits…the country is worse off than when Trudeau began in office. The problem is…if we vote the drama teacher out, who seems out of touch with reality….who do we elect??? Not sure, but we definitely need change…Canadians did not give Trudeau a majority mandate to govern….not a fan of Trudeau and the federal liberals or any politician…but he definitely needs to go