This is not the way I put it.
i never said it was the way you put it
it is the way i put it and it happens to be true
The climate models are woefully inadequate to project future climate and they have a brutal track record of failed projections
To the best of my knowledge models of global climate change cannot project
anything amenable to its verification.
of course they can not
the global climate is far too complex to model and as i pointed out the modelers are contractually obligated to model with co2 as the control knob
it is circular reasoning and not at all aligned with the scientific method
Some years ago I crossed path with engineers and modelers in
an environmental consultant company in Southwestern Ontario.
They were offered a contract from regional government in Southern
China to assess environmental impact of pollutants on air quality
in the Pearl Delta region.
co2 is not a pollutant
without co2 in the atmosphere all life on earth dies
how can a molecule essential for all life be a pollutant
The scientists in the company employed
some computer model developed in some major environmental
institute in the U.S. Before the project was signed the model employed
was tested by feeding it with emission data of various pollutants in
different regions as well as data obtained from regional climate record.
It turned out that the model correctly predicted the timeline of the
flow of pollutants and changes in air quality over previous years.
of course it did, t
hey tune models to match recent history
Hence the contract which must have amounted to tens of thousands
of dollars was agreed on.
To my knowledge you cannot feed into a climate model climate
data in the past, say 1990, to test accuracy of its prediction of the
climate in 2000.
of course not , the climatic conditions change , jet streams, convection, condensation, cloud cover , could altitude all vary daily,
and move from region to region. if the region is near a body of water/ ocean all kinds of interactions rates will change over a decade
do you think the regression co-efficients for all those interdependent variables are the same for the 1990 to 2000 as they are for the 2020 to 2010s ?
so they number noddle their models to match up as far back as they can and then say that's is what we will go with
meanwhile over a decade all the chaotic interactions of variables with each other & the impact of a change is not the same
and there is a whole lot more interdependent variables than listed above and a whole lot more variables than can be modelled properly
to make things worse climate science has a very poor understanding of cloud formations- and that is a very important process
different cloud types at different altitudes reflect (up/ down), transmit or absorb radiation, meanwhile they rise and fall, form, dissipate etc -
without a clear understanding of that process , you can not model they don't.
The model has been tuned to replicate the past response based on different conditions than will be in the future
it is called natural variability,
its kind of expected for a spinning top , 2/3 covered in water flying a variable path around a massive ball of fire
but instead the modelers all select an insignificant variable with a logarithmic relationship (diminishing absorption as concentration increases) as the control knob for their models.
There is a reason the climate models have such a brutal track record. >> see above
You can probably obtain prediction of a global
temperature which is likely to be higher than the temperature
of the early year you input into the model.
you can predict anything with a model.
GI/GO garbage in / garbage out is still a prediction
its kind of a useless prediction (actually worse than useless) for making important decisions
The model would not
yield any climate data for year 2000 qualitative or quantitative
of any use for assessment of its accuracy.
assessment of its accuracy ??
you either model it right or you don't
F=ma was a pretty good model
this is a good assessment of model accuracy
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