Ashley Madison

Meet Argentina's new Far-Right President, Javier Milei


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Socialism would be if the government told you what to produce, how much to produce, and set limits on pricing.
do you mean like telling Canadians they can not rent out their basement apartment on a short term basis
rather they must accept destructive irresponsible tenants for the long term & the furfure rents & ability to evict will be determine by provincial landlord / tenant boards, which are populated by the looniest of the looney left ?

Do you mean like milk marketing boards which results in millions of liters of milk being poured down the drain , so a special interests group reaps the reward of constricted supply?

wake up



Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
The political pendulum has swung back hard in Argentina. It will swing back in Canada too. It may take a few more years of seeing things decline.
the timing of how long things will continue to decline is up to deadmeat Singh

I have heard Justin is preparing for a spring 2024 election. I find this difficult to understand given his polling results
The only possible rational is he knows the economy will crater in Q2/24 and into 2025

again his decisions are based on what he thinks is best for him rather than what is best for Canadians
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Regulated capitalism is not socialism or communism.

sure it is comrade
you supplied the criteria
Socialism would be if the government told you what to produce, how much to produce, and set limits on pricing.
and i showed real life examples which meet your criteria

did you need examples of the govt brutally putting down peaceful opposition to convince you?



Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Pure capitalism is San Francisco.
do you mean the ultra left wing San Francisco which tolerated tent cities and drugged out bums taking shits in the streets
odd how all of that disgusting mess disappeared for a visit to the city by the communist China leader Xi Jinping

come on, your a hard core loonie left, where did those long suffering bums go ?
removed like like trash for appearances sake ?
do you have no compassion for the fate of the public defecators?


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
do you mean the ultra left wing San Francisco which tolerated tent cities and drugged out bums taking shits in the streets
odd how all of that disgusting mess disappeared for a visit to the city by the communist China leader Xi Jinping

come on, your a hard core loonie left, where did those long suffering bums go ?
removed like like trash for appearances sake ?
do you have no compassion for the fate of the public defecators?
You don't get it at all. Once the homeless and tent appears it's far too late. It signals the end of a monopoly game where basically only the wealthy can survive and the poor can no longer.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
You don't get it at all. Once the homeless and tent appears it's far too late. It signals the end of a monopoly game where basically only the wealthy can survive and the poor can no longer.
And yet all of that disgusting mess was allowed to fester , until it all had to disappear for a visit to the city by the communist China leader Xi Jinping
That is not a city defined as pure capitalism

if the homeless and tents are able to be disappeared in two days, how can you state its far too late?
again no concern or empathy for the disappeared homeless

why would any monopoly game arrange for a visit from the head commie?
that's akin to inviting AA pledges to a college kegger party

Wealth is not always, but generally a function of the decisions one makes in life
poverty has been around since man decided some object was desirable

despite what you think you can not control human nature

the facts of the matter are capitalism and access to affordable reliable energy have dramatically reduced abject poverty

yet you would destroy this amazing and wonderful trend by conduction the failed commie experiment again

you appear capable of rhyming off slogans
your problem is credibility is based on soo much more than that
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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2020
Don't believe any banana republic president is gonna fix anything. Just look at AMLO of Mexico, in bed with cartels.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
Sounds like things are really fucked up there so some radical change is needed. Thats what is so fucked up about the States when Trump got in everything was great and he managed to turn it all to shit in 4 years. The border didnt get any more secure except during covid and the stock markets and job rates kept following what Obama started until Trump fucked it up. Why do some fringe Americans want things to get fucked up again? The right wing are masters of creating an illusion that things are far worse than what they are. From what Fox and Trump say America is like Argentina.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Johnny LaRue should stick to all night pajama parties. Of the 14 Governments that have ruled Argentina 10 have been Peronists, not exactly socialist.
Argentina' has been an economic basketcase with one of the worst inflation rates in the world.
And they keep printing money

nobody does inflation like the socialists do

you should be clicking coconuts together and fighting vicious pre-hasenpfeffer mammals

oh and why are the left pissing their pants about Javier Milei


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Sounds like things are really fucked up there so some radical change is needed. Thats what is so fucked up about the States when Trump got in everything was great and he managed to turn it all to shit in 4 years. The border didnt get any more secure except during covid and the stock markets and job rates kept following what Obama started until Trump fucked it up. Why do some fringe Americans want things to get fucked up again? The right wing are masters of creating an illusion that things are far worse than what they are. From what Fox and Trump say America is like Argentina.
Milei says he'll cut just about everything.

What's that saying?
Democracy is hard to build, easy to destroy.
Probably true with economies as well.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
And they keep printing money nobody does inflation like the socialists do you should be clicking coconuts together and fighting vicious pre-hasenpfeffer mammals
Just when I thought Johnny LaRue was an ultra maroon he comes back with a snappy zinger...well done.

Argentina could be a wealthy nation but the populace are risk averse. The Peronists gave generous tax cuts to their benefactors which allowed them a near monopoly on power. I still don't understand the cult of Juan and Evita Peron, there was nothing extraordinary about them. Cry for Argentina they are under the thumb of vulture capitalist Paul Singer. Milei can roar like Tarzan, Singer will still tell him to STFU.

Populism is just fizz.



Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Milei says he'll cut just about everything.

What's that saying?
Democracy is hard to build, easy to destroy.
Probably true with economies as well.
What the idiot right does not understand is that the economy is socialist. To thrive an economy needs social stability and peace.

Who will invest his own money when lead by a government ready to shut down the department of education, slash central banks, etc...

Only free market fundamentalist freak will salivate at the idea. Mostly because these people already have lot of money. It's MUCH easier to be a millionaire gambler then a regular folk gambler...


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Populism is just fizz.
who mentioned Populism ?

The desire to have governments prudently manage the public purse and debt with regards for the future and regards for the taxpayer should not be labelled as anything other than "Responsible"


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
What the idiot right does not understand is that the economy is socialist. To thrive an economy needs social stability and peace.
idealistic but wrong
WW2 pulled the economy out of the great depression

Who will invest his own money when lead by a government ready to shut down the department of education, slash central banks, etc...
Actually the question is
Who will invest his own money when lead by a government that spends without control , borrows to the max and over-regulates the economy
odds are you wont make much profit and they will need to increase your taxes to pay for their financial mis-management

Only free market fundamentalist freak will salivate at the idea. Mostly because these people already have lot of money. It's MUCH easier to be a millionaire gambler then a regular folk gambler...
you do not have a clue
there are new millionaires created very day via hustle, innovation, perseverance, risk taking and plain hard work
20+ million of them in the USA last time looked, could be 25+ or 30+ million of them by now
each of them employing other people , sometimes the major employer in a town

now if you do not posses any of the qualities required to start and run a successful business, that is fine
it is not for everyone

but do not attack the people who drive economic growth & provide you with the goods and services you demand and need to survive
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