The DA wants Trump's nuts mounted on a plaque above his mantlepiece. Trump can fold, but he can't flip.^^^ Are they flipping before Trump throws them under the bus?
The DA wants Trump's nuts mounted on a plaque above his mantlepiece. Trump can fold, but he can't flip.
Everyone else will flip. Even Giuliani will eventually, pathetically try to flip.
Why shouldn’t he. His idol and role model Putin does.We are just going to stay in power': What ex-Trump attorney told prosecutors
And don't forget the long list of people who worked to help him achieve this. People who should've known better but didn't care. People who were suddenly elevated to positions of authority (which, for the most part, they did not deserve) and hungry to retain some power broke rules or safeguards every step of the way.Bear in mind that Trump checks the following boxes:
1. No background in public life whatsoever - not even a law degree. He literally has no instincts about government and how it works.
2. Background in business and corporate life where coups and takeovers happen frequently.
3. Not the brightest guy in the world.
4. Even dumber as he becomes more and more senile.
5. Manifestly a sufferer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He believes that the world revolves around him and everything he wants should be his, no matter how implausible and unfeasible.
That's exactly the combination that you require to produce a moron who thinks he can turn the world's largest democracy into some bizarre personal fiefdom where the normal democratic rules no longer count for anything.