York University says it’s investigating pranksters disrupting students and staff for ‘social media attention’


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
How far is too far when it comes to pulling a prank?
According to one university in the GTA, disrupting a class full of students eager to learn and a teacher ready and willing to teach is where it draws the line.
York University is currently investigating after a slew of pranks were caught on camera and posted online this week, with some videos going viral.
The most recent incident is of an apparent student trying to get his beauty sleep in the middle of a lecture.
The problem? He decided the best place to rest his head was on the floor and basically at the foot of his teacher.

“I’m just trying to sleep real quick,” he told the instructor, who asked him not to disrupt the classroom just seconds before he laid down.
The video has garnered over 400,000 views as of publication.
The comment section was flooded with disapproval towards the prankster as well as other students who laughed in the moment.
“The problem also is students who laugh, I heard a bunch of people laughing. When people don’t get the reaction you want eventually they will stop,” one user said.
A day prior to this incident, another student interrupted a lecture to announce that after a few months of being in school he’s dropping out to pursue a career as a rapper.

Much like the last incident, the instructor shared some words with the prankster.

“The course syllabus says there will be no aggressive behaviour tolerated in this class. I don’t appreciate you disrupting my class. And if you don’t come down here and shut up I’ll call security, do you understand?,” the teacher said.

York University told Now Toronto that it is aware of instances of individuals disrupting classes, “apparently in an attempt to get social media attention.”

The school goes on to say that this behaviour is unacceptable because it “disturbs important classroom learning, harasses students and faculty members, and can cause deep distress if people are already feeling anxious or unsafe.”

“York has offered support to affected community members and increased security patrols where large classroom lectures are taking place. We are taking this very seriously and are currently investigating these incidents and identifying the perpetrators,” York University Advisor and Deputy Spokesperson Yanni Dagonas said in a statement on Thursday.

Other students have also taken to social media to call out these individuals.

“York is not a real place. This generation is doomed” TikTok user Eesham (@baebyy.e) said in a video that has accumulated over 260,000 views as of publication.

“This is my second lecture that somebody comes to and yells at the top of their lungs for some laughs,” she continued.

“College students and university students like myself are paying thousands of dollars to get an education to get a career going and these pranksters and YouTubers want to disrupt our learning? That’s ridiculous,” TikTok user Erika (333.erikaa) shared.

Sleeping and rapping during class? York University says it’s investigating pranksters disrupting students and staff for ‘social media attention’ - NOW Toronto


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
How far is too far when it comes to pulling a prank?
According to one university in the GTA, disrupting a class full of students eager to learn and a teacher ready and willing to teach is where it draws the line.
York University is currently investigating after a slew of pranks were caught on camera and posted online this week, with some videos going viral.
The most recent incident is of an apparent student trying to get his beauty sleep in the middle of a lecture.
The problem? He decided the best place to rest his head was on the floor and basically at the foot of his teacher.

“I’m just trying to sleep real quick,” he told the instructor, who asked him not to disrupt the classroom just seconds before he laid down.
The video has garnered over 400,000 views as of publication.
The comment section was flooded with disapproval towards the prankster as well as other students who laughed in the moment.
“The problem also is students who laugh, I heard a bunch of people laughing. When people don’t get the reaction you want eventually they will stop,” one user said.

A day prior to this incident, another student interrupted a lecture to announce that after a few months of being in school he’s dropping out to pursue a career as a rapper.

Much like the last incident, the instructor shared some words with the prankster.

“The course syllabus says there will be no aggressive behaviour tolerated in this class. I don’t appreciate you disrupting my class. And if you don’t come down here and shut up I’ll call security, do you understand?,” the teacher said.

York University told Now Toronto that it is aware of instances of individuals disrupting classes, “apparently in an attempt to get social media attention.”

The school goes on to say that this behaviour is unacceptable because it “disturbs important classroom learning, harasses students and faculty members, and can cause deep distress if people are already feeling anxious or unsafe.”

“York has offered support to affected community members and increased security patrols where large classroom lectures are taking place. We are taking this very seriously and are currently investigating these incidents and identifying the perpetrators,” York University Advisor and Deputy Spokesperson Yanni Dagonas said in a statement on Thursday.

Other students have also taken to social media to call out these individuals.

“York is not a real place. This generation is doomed” TikTok user Eesham (@baebyy.e) said in a video that has accumulated over 260,000 views as of publication.

“This is my second lecture that somebody comes to and yells at the top of their lungs for some laughs,” she continued.

“College students and university students like myself are paying thousands of dollars to get an education to get a career going and these pranksters and YouTubers want to disrupt our learning? That’s ridiculous,” TikTok user Erika (333.erikaa) shared.

Sleeping and rapping during class? York University says it’s investigating pranksters disrupting students and staff for ‘social media attention’ - NOW Toronto
Is it a tradition to do pranks at York And for that matter at many universities. The largest problem with these pranks Are they low skill pranks Perhaps causing majors Disturbances.

I had several classes that the 1st 5 minutes We're loud fo a little bit I've joking around. Engineering is even more open to Joking around.

I think they should might be the social media issue. What is an all bit of a joke between students and teacher is now Online forever. The teacher even if he doesn't really cares to make a statement against it.

It could also be that the teachers no longer know their students.

College is a stressful. That needs release. These kids have had 3 years of no social life. We are getting off easy.

Suggestion.. Tie pranks to charity events make it official pick days of the month And rules for pranking class.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Is it a tradition to do pranks at York And for that matter at many universities. The largest problem with these pranks Are they low skill pranks Perhaps causing majors Disturbances.

I had several classes that the 1st 5 minutes We're loud fo a little bit I've joking around. Engineering is even more open to Joking around.

I think they should might be the social media issue. What is an all bit of a joke between students and teacher is now Online forever. The teacher even if he doesn't really cares to make a statement against it.

It could also be that the teachers no longer know their students.

College is a stressful. That needs release. These kids have had 3 years of no social life. We are getting off easy.

Suggestion.. Tie pranks to charity events make it official pick days of the month And rules for pranking class.

simple reduce the homework load to help relieve stress


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Should social media platforms start taking down these disruptive “prank” posts? Maybe ban members who keep doing it?


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Then you have to make the university longer.
British Universities are mostly lecture based that don't over load students with homework


Jun 17, 2023
British Universities are mostly lecture based that don't over load students with homework
The whole point of University (and what separates it from College) is that you have to demonstrate the ability to do independent research. The Bachelor's degree shows that you can teach yourself. The Master's degree shows that you can generate original knowledge by solving a problem set by your supervisor. The Doctorate shows that you can generate original knowledge by solving a problem you set for yourself.

If you can't handle homework, become a bus driver.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
The whole point of University (and what separates it from College) is that you have to demonstrate the ability to do independent research. The Bachelor's degree shows that you can teach yourself. The Master's degree shows that you can generate original knowledge by solving a problem set by your supervisor. The Doctorate shows that you can generate original knowledge by solving a problem you set for yourself.

If you can't handle homework, become a bus driver.
What you are describing is robot behavior.

Compare that the U.K universities

Another thing that varies between the US and the UK higher education systems is the typical teaching style. Degree studies in the UK tend to be heavily lecture based, with some smaller group tutorials mixed in.

UK universities put a focus on self-directed study, meaning depending on which subject you study, you may have relatively few ‘contact hours’ with your tutors, when you are attending lectures or seminars.

Inversely, US students tend to have much busier schedules. They usually have more assignments to complete and more classes to attend. Those classes will also often include a lot of active discussion between the students and the professor.



Jun 17, 2023
What you are describing is robot behavior.
No; it's the diametric opposite of robotic. Sitting down and working through the material on your own is the only way to truly understand a complex concept.

UK universities put a focus on self-directed study, meaning depending on which subject you study, you may have relatively few ‘contact hours’ with your tutors, when you are attending lectures or seminars.
That's the senior research project found in most Bachelor degrees and the Thesis which is the core of the Master's and Doctorate.
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