As anyone who has ever read a post of mine will know I am no fan of the stable genius. Based on what are now findings of the court based upon admissible evidence it is clear that he was attempting to defraud banks and insurers etc but I do not see that they will prove a lot of damages. Lening institutions would not rely upon a borrowers statements aline and would do their own due diligence and obtain their own appraisals etc. What is unclear to me is whether he was misleading the appraisers which is very different. For example it was shown that he lied about the number of floors in Trump tower and the square footage of certain properties and I belive the zoning on Mar a Lago all of which would gave substantially inflated values. Not sure who if anyone relied upon this statements although that my go to damages it does not vitiate the fraud if the misstatements were intended to be relied upon.
In any event as I have said many times before he us an invented persona with very little to do with factual realty, much like his TV show.