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Israel at war


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
No the west is not in decline. But yes, the third world is definitely on the rise. Temporary economic downturns, government policy etc are not indicative of decline in long term growth or potential because by arguing so, you wouldn't be accounting for corrective actions by said governments. That is very Peter Zeihan-ish infact.
Except Peter is the one saying they are toast.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Hamas attacked Israel in this case, so clearly they are the ones in the wrong. Israel in this case is retaliating and in the process, what else are they supposed to do other than attack targets in Gaza? That is where the attacks are coming from! So in this case Israel is not behaving like terrorists. Are Israel's military actions violations of human rights? Sure. But it does not amount to terrorism.
Hamas said they were responding to increasing settler attacks, ongoing colonization and were set off by 1000 settlers backed by the army storming the Al Aqsa. They did the same thing in 2021 and Israel allowed it to happen again this year knowing it would likely set off Hamas again. Yes, Hamas attacked but Israel is also responsible, with Haaretz arguing that this round of violence was entirely Netanyahu's fault.

You can criticize the Israeli government as being colonialist. But that is very different from calling them terrorists. Which one is it? Terrorists where they purposefully and gleefully target civilians? Or an expansionist regime that takes what is not theirs? I think it is the latter.
Absolutely, you can be colonialist without practicing targeting civilians, or terrorism. But you can also be both. Please do some basic research on the Great March of Return in 2018, where 200 Palestinian protesters were killed and 36,000 injured over a year. That was deliberate targeting of civilians, or terrorism.

No I did not. I specifically called Sikhs brothers. And in my previous post that you are responding to, I said Khalistanis are Sikhs. Sikhs are not Khalistanis and in many other previous threads I have said that calling Sikhs Khalistanis is like saying all Muslims are terrorists.

I do not know, whey you LIE in your posts. You don't misinterpret. You outright lie. This is very dishonest and scummy behaviour.
You accused one poster of being Pakistani and have called out all Sikhs, not just Khalistanis. Since then you've been more targeted, but I expect that's not because your views have changed.

My criticism was on your comparison of Zionism to Nazism. One is a movement that sought to commit genocide against Jews. The other is a movement that seeks to establish a Jewish state. Comparing them is asinine to say the least. And am sure there are Jews who are not very nationalistic, but am sure even they would call BS on your statement calling Zionism and Nazism as being the same.
What comparison from me of Zionism to Nazism are you talking about?
I don't think I ever did such a thing.
Some say its scummy to lie and make false accusations.

Hamas being democratically elected is irrelevant. They targeted and massacred civilians in Israel, which makes them a terrorist group. I mean which legitimate government attacks civilians in another country? I feel like the Palestinians have no good people to elect so the Hamas gets elected. And they use their democratically elected status to commit terrorist crimes.
Look at the numbers on both sides.
Tell me that honestly whether you think Hamas is killing more civilians.
Tell me honestly that you don't think the Great March of Return was terrorism.

I suspect the number of civilians killed by Israeli snipers during the Great March of Return alone is more than Hamas had killed before this latest round of violence.

Both sides need to stop attacking and targeting civilians.
Both sides should be held to the law.
Then end apartheid and decolonize the country.
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
I think it can. China can do anything. lol.
They are already trying and failing. The One Child policy severly affected things. And despite efforts to incentivize multi children families the population aren't doing it. You can't make people want to get married and have kids.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You call it storming, but that is not what another poster said it was. Even so, how do you justify this current round of attacks, invasions, targeted killing of civilians and mass murder?
Identifying causes is not 'justifying'.
Are you going to justify the occupation and apartheid?
Are you going to justify settlers storming Huwara in Feb?

Wasn't that a protest that got out of control? Targeted killing of civilians is what the Hamas did when they attacked the concert. Did Israel suddenly attack unsuspecting Palestinians and mass murder them? I think not.
No, it was a protest every Friday for a year where Israel used snipers hiding behind the prison walls and totally safe, to shoot protesters.
Every Friday for a year.
Suddenly? No, very slowly and methodically with MSF noting the army was using exploding bullets and 'kneecapping' as IDF policy.

Being Pakistani is nationality. I suspect one poster of being Pakistani because he makes typical arguments made in online Pakistani forums, combined with him quoting Pakistani sources and the emotional tone of his posting. Maybe I am wrong, may be I am right, who knows. But that said, I have never called out all Sikhs. I repeatedly keep telling YOU not to equate Khalistanis to Sikhs. But you keep on lying.

I did not call zionists 'Nazis'. I did note that there are several racial supremacy movements, like Hindu Nationalism, white supremacists, zionists and Nazis. But that isn't calling zionists 'Nazis', its just saying they are all movements based on racial supremacy. That's like saying that Russia, the US and Canada are all democracies and then you claiming I said Russia is just as much a democracy as Canada. Or that being a murderer is the same as someone who was charged with assault because they are both violent crimes. Nice try.

Someone on this thread said its scummy to make false accusations.
I wish you'd listen to them.

Or at least figure a way to deescalate this discussion.
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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2002
north york
Pure unadulterated evil. Hamas were notorious from doing barbaric activities even years ago, they dragged bodies behind motorcycles. They're right when they call them ISIS, same style of savagery.

Hamas kills 40 babies and children — beheading some of them — at Israeli kibbutz: report

Hamas terrorists slaughtered at least 40 babies and young children — decapitating some of them — at a kibbutz near the Gaza border, shaken Israeli officials and reporters at the scene said Tuesday.

“It’s hard to even explain exactly just the mass casualties that happened right here,” visibly distraught i24 News correspondent Nicole Zedek said during a broadcast from Kibbutz Kfar Aza near Sderot about a quarter-mile from the Gaza Strip.

“Babies with their heads cut off, that’s what [the soldiers] said. Gunned down. Families gunned down, completely gunned down in their beds,” Zedek said of the “sheer horror.

“This is nothing that anyone would have even imagined,” she said.

Top CNN reporter Nic Robertson, dressed in a military helmet and flak jacket, said, “There were so many murdered members of this Kibbutz.

“Men, women, children, hands bound, shot, executed, heads cut,” he said.

French journalist Margot Haddat added in a translated tweet, “It’s so macabre that no one wanted to reveal it until they had 100 percent confirmation.

It is a horror, a massacre. For those asking for the source. They are multiple: Israeli army, internal intelligence service and atrocious images which reached me and which I was able to cross-check,” she said. “But the best source remains this: courageous journalists from the foreign press who were able to see / agreed to see with their own eyes the bodies in Kfar Aza.”

Kfar Aza was one of several Israeli kibbutzim attacked by Hamas over the weekend when extremist militants crossed from Gaza into southern Israel and unleashed a barrage of violence that gave way to an all-out war between the two sides.

Around 70 Hamas terrorists are believed to have carried out the atrocities at Kfar Aza with guns, grenades and knives, i24 News said.

“It’s not a war,” said Gen. Itai Veruv, head of the IDF’s Depth Command, to reporters. “It’s not a battlefield. You see the babies, the mothers, the fathers in their bedrooms, in their protection rooms, and how the terrorists kill them. It’s not a war. … It’s a massacre.

“They killed babies in front of their parents, and then killed the parents. They killed parents, and we found babies between the dogs and the family killed before him. They cut heads of the people.

“It is something that I never saw in my life,” the military leader said. “It’s something that we used to imagine from our grandfathers, grandmothers in the pogrom in Europe and other places. It’s not something that happens in new history.”

Reservists from the Israel Defense Forces were still clearing what remained of the community Tuesday, just a few hours after fighting in the area calmed down, Zedek said.

The soldiers were struggling to remove all the bodies since many of the homes still contain grenades and other potential booby traps, she said.

The outlet said the bodies of about 40 babies and children had been recovered — so far.

The stench of bodies hung over the scene as the IDF slowly picked through the remains.

“They say they’ve never experienced anything like this,” Zedek said of the soldiers.

The streets of the once-vibrant kibbutz were littered with debris and “baby cribs thrown aside,” she said, while an abandoned children’s soccer net on one lawn served as a painful reminder of the families who lived there.

“You hear the boom before you are told to hit the ground,” she said, explaining how sudden air assaults can wipe out families while gesturing off-camera to where bodies were being covered by sheets.



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2002
north york
This is not?
They were told to leave days ago by the Israelis, but as usual Hamas blocked them and uses civilians as human shields. They've been doing it for years. Who knows this is probably a hamas rocket that fell backwards. Then they take pictures and blame everyone else but themselves.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
I'm not sure about Hamas' strategy here. They attack Israel knowing they would retaliate (heavily) and Palestinians will be killed. They knew this would happen.
Do Palestinians condone Hamas' actions?

I'm not taking sides, I just want to understand the strategy.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
I'm not sure about Hamas' strategy here. They attack Israel knowing they would retaliate (heavily) and Palestinians will be killed. They knew this would happen.
Do Palestinians condone Hamas' actions?

I'm not taking sides, I just want to understand the strategy.
Some Palestinians condone it while others don’t. I believe there are divisions within the Garza community on this but Hamas are the ones in control.
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Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
The only thing I can think of is that they probably hope the conflict escalates and becomes a larger regional one, forcing some type of international intervention and solution, that results in a Palestinian statehood.
I believe they were also concerned about Arab Nations such as Saudi Arabia aligning more closely with Israel as it would shift the balance of power in the region.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Pure unadulterated evil. Hamas were notorious from doing barbaric activities even years ago, they dragged bodies behind motorcycles. They're right when they call them ISIS, same style of savagery.

Hamas kills 40 babies and children — beheading some of them — at Israeli kibbutz: report
The reporter, Nicole Zedeck has already issued a clarification saying the number of dead is unknown and there is no evidence of beheading.
Kids and babies being killed by either side is horrific.

Its happening on both sides.
Both sides should be taken to the Hague.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
But there is no need to identify a cause. The cause is apparent that there is a conflict for the last 7+ decades. The reaction should be criticism of Hamas for this attack.

I would say the same thing if Israel did something. No reason to dive into causes. We know the causes already. Nothing new. We can just criticize the party that is wrong.
You want to criticize the party that is wrong without identifying the cause?
Then you'll end up criticizing the wrong party.
Oh right, you don't identify the occupation as a possible cause.

Yes but by saying they are all based on racial supremacy, you are saying they are the same. I am interpreting you correctly. I am disagreeing with that assertion here, as I did over there in that thread. Zionism is not a racial supremacist ideology like Nazism. Therefore they are not the same. You cannot equate them and put them on similar footing. So in the presence of proof, again, why are you lying? What is with you and lying anyway? That is not an honourable way to conduct a discussion.
No, its not saying they are all the same, they all believe they are racially better and then apply that belief much, much differently.
Its like arguing that forms of booze are the same as they are ways of distilling drinkable alcohol.

I can equate the same racial supremacy base ideology then differentiate how they interpret and implement that ideology.
You're just arguing because you back one form of racial supremacy.
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