https://simonesamuels.medium.com/no-black-people-cant-be-racist-eb6fddd18603 Samuels
The first two and it took seconds on google. I won't bother with the rest because I've heard the claim so many times, if you think nobody is saying that blacks can't be racist you are either lying or you just are not being exposed to what is going on. This is far from a new concept.
Granted they do this thing were they define racism is a way that nobody else does and even then it's wrong. If you look at power, all the actual systemic racism is in favor of black people and other non white groups, hiring prioritizes, quotas, special programs, etc.
You get this ironically extremely racist idea that the black caucus, Kamala Harris, a bunch of black goveners and mayors, Clarance Thomas, business types never mind huge movers and shakers in the entertainment industry that drive culture, and even Tyson who told Pluto to eat a fat dick can't be racist because they don't have power but some homeless white dude struggling with epic levels of mental illness and additions has power because he is white and thus can be racist.
However no matter how many quotes are provided, you will deny, move the goalposts, do whatever you can to keep your view of reality.